General Discussion

General DiscussionTreads meepo

Treads meepo in General Discussion

    So basically I see every pro/high mmr player going for treads meepo. Asking advice from a high mmr meepo player do you think that travels should still be rushed at lower mmr bracket due to skill level being lower and you can rat and split push easily rather then going for treads which I guess should only be made if you have a good team which you dont get in the 2k bracket.




        U can but depends on team lineup or if u r having ultra ez time.


          Is that a no meaning that I should go for treads now sir?


            And if yes then can you please give me some advice on treads meepo as I only played travel meepo and am used to ratting and pushing etc. Like how to adapt from having 3 travels available all the time to 1 tp scroll during early game when mana starved.


              Well u can tp with main and cycle for regeneration also there are shrines now. As sir RTZ mentioned indirectly during his stream yesterday u only need travels and max agility when u can't team fight anymore if you get too far behind

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                So that u may attempt the split push strategy


                  Do you also make lances first on meepo or agha or does it depend on the game?


                    Agha is luxury now I believe can't u keep it on backpack as well? Need to check

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                        its not actually


                          it says "not eligible for this hero" i think, same goes for ogre and treant i believe, because u could sell ur aghs or some shit and keep the aghs buff

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                            Any tips on treads meepo and how should i play it differently from travels?


                              Tread swtich when using poof to farm, use strength threads while fighting. Keep the 5 man going. Aoe heal is pretty op with meepo, jugg ward, dazzle, mek carrier is good.