General Discussion

General DiscussionTransitioning/diversifying from support to carry player

Transitioning/diversifying from support to carry player in General Discussion

    Hello everybody, I come here for some advice regarding some pick recommendations as I try to diversify with more carry/hard carry heroes.

    Until now I've played almost exclusively the role of hard support - role I think I fulfill fairly well and that I appreciate -, but I'd like to get into playing carries just to expand my experience and horizon in Dota 2.

    The sole carry I play sometimes is Luna, but she is kind of uncomplicated. My wish would be to be efficient/of use with another carry or hard carry on the long term, just to be able to fill the gap when needed and to diversify my skills.

    What carry or hard carry would you recommend me? I still have the support reflexes (take precautions, not too agressive, generally staying behind before teamfights, etc.) and I think that I'd have to work on them to forget them when I play as carry. Any advice in this regard would also be highly appreciated!

    Thanks in advance for your help guys


      Slark and Juggernaut

      casual gamer


        Cheap Laugh Guy


          Super Senko-san Time

            Watch others play (Youtubers like Baumi, for example) and follow their farming patterns.

            As for heroes that follow your conditions: SF and OD


              Press random, and Play what you get. You'll start to learn significantly faster than locking a position/hero in that position.


                Hmmm, really makes you think :thinking:


                  fuck all the recommendations this is all you need to learn

                  Dire Wolf

                    why would you diversify into a carry? Supports are in much greater demand.


                      Thanks for all your informative answers m8s. The option of picking SF, OD or Sniper seems to be a good transition since all of these are ranged.

                      Slark and Jug could be good too but I would have to get accustomed to play non ranged (the heroes I play, luna included, are all ranged). That may be a good way too get out of my comfort zone, maybe with some feed in the beginning, who knows...

                      Hephaestus <3 --> hahaha nice Doctor carry man, I wish all my games could play out like this (I had sometimes some carry-like score with Warlock though)

                      Dire Wolf --> I know that generally supports are in lack of supply compared to their demand, I think I will in any case continue to play as support, since it's the role with which I immediately had more feeling. As explained, the aim would be to adopt a new perspective (knowing as a carry thinks and plays always helps as a support) and be a carry when and if needed. I don't want to become an only carry


                        WOW HARD TASK MATE
                        if u played suports u realised allrdy how carry is played and what are their mistakes

                        casual gamer

                          sniper is great because good positioning is heavily rewarded, even with only OK/bad farm you will do a lot of damage with shrapnel and get rich from kills, you just have to stay alive


                            Spectre isn't necessarily the best carry, but she teaches you map awareness better than any other carry, which will benefit your supporting too.


                              Heroes that are glass canons since u as a support probably play like a pus. Don't play strength carries that were built for real men


                                Faceless void
                                Because if you don't play well you'd lose the game singlehandedly simply because of ONE spell


                                  Ranged glasscannons just like Jacked said are good for newbies imo
                                  You don't have to think about your hero's limits and know when to yolo and when to chicken out
                                  As for basic improving
                                  Learn how to last hit
                                  Learn when to last hit
                                  Learn where to last hit

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    I agree sniper is good cus you don't have to worry about combos or crazy moves, just general awareness which helps all heroes.

                                    Luna is pretty good too for similar reasons but also cus you can learn to farm efficiently.