General Discussion

General Discussion@ mid or feed

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@ mid or feed in General Discussion
casual gamer

    is there a specific reason you go dominator on tree (sapping xp while pushing a lane out without showing on minimap?)

    or is it just because dom is the best item in the game

    do you prefer to be active in the offlane, or sniper courier early? skill build decision making?

    i have 5 reports to use

      With dominator I can contribute to my team while getting xp, combined with lvl 4 armor and if my team counter ganks succeeds we get more overall xp and gold which is the point of the early game. The purge creep can be good versus certain heroes and the bigger tankyier creeps are good too because they can right click hard. It really depends on what spawns and what heroes I am up against.

      I will only join fights if enemies are doing some suicide push to get towers, We will always win those fights and we snowball from there. Because I am not ganking, the enemy will think they are ahead and think they can fight but in reality they can't do shit.

      I will always Harrass the enemy safe lane, if I die a few times I will just jungle back to the game. This is to secure offlane xp and to keep their supports busy. Courier snipe happens at like 0 mins and 1:30-2:30 which is treant's prime harassing time. U can go like tp first item and snipe it if u want, that can be a thing but usually u go for rune so yes for minute 0 snipes. Usually at higher mmr people will buy dusts for the rune so I started buying tps or even skilling leech seed and not going for the rune steal for btr harassing power. I also started going tp first to Harrass then tp back to the base shrines then come back to tilt them even more. When I feel that they can kill me or they alrdy killed me I will power farm jungle for high lvl armor and hotd.

      Your team will cry every time u do this but do it anyways.

      casual gamer

        cool, thanks


          yo watch my game and tell me what i did wrong i keep losing with tree now fuck this hero silencer is better

          i have 5 reports to use

            Lul because ur teammates are shit


              no but seriously
              well it was a 5.2 avg game and me + kotl was highest


                idk the question is rather why would u not build dominator on some heroes


                  everytime i build domi on jugg i lose cos i forget to control the healing ward :facepalm:

                  casual gamer

                    how does a 6.4k pro player pick fuckign windrunner in ranked lmao

                    casual gamer

                      just won a ranked game because i was active and won offlane + safelane instead of camping mid's bottle, thanks