General Discussion

General DiscussionMoon shard on CK

Moon shard on CK in General Discussion

    Ok I actually think this might be pretty good, it offers heaps of dps for your illusions, also this patch illusions benefit from attack speed items, maybe if you go treads, armlet, heart, manta then moon shard you'd be pretty strong.


      Sounds legit bro. But I mean, cmon bruh. Just go butterfly n rekt everything


        It's good
        But eventually you'd consume it and buy stat items anyway


          ^That's not even an argument TBH.


            really not that good, buying a crystalys will give more dps than moonshard, when combined with manta and phantasms.


              KEK bws. Get it. But when you get it, you'll eat it anyway.


                "crystalys will give more dps than moonshard"
                That is the most fucked up thing I have ever heard.
                I believe you should be stripped of your right to state an opinion from now on.


                  That statement is 25% correct. crystalys have a good buildup to bloodtorn and is very good with ck. At the same time naked crystalys give less damage than moonshard. But you better buy orchid then bloodtorn because the silence is good

                  casual gamer

                    crystalys gives 0 dps to building anyway


                      Ehh why not buy the orchid first?
                      More cost efficient and offers utility that crystalys doesn't (lul illusions doesn't benefit anything from the crystalys other than the crit chance which CK already has)


                        Luxon I disagree. I think his right to state his opinion has given me a lot of reading pleasure. Especially your reaction. 10/10

                        Riguma Borusu

                          the only reason you'd have a crystalis in your inventory as CK is that you're building a blood thorn, game is over an hour long already, you have multiple buybacks and refresher in your backpack and you've already eaten a moonshard

                          there's no reason to get it early whatsoever, when you use your ult and illusions instantly die to shit like purification because they legit have 300 EHP, and later it's better to get items that both make you tanky and hit hard

                          I mean, blood thorn is a great lategame item for many carries, especially if they have lockdown to stack with it (so people don't just purge the debuff themselves, rather force their team to commit), but early on it does not provide anything to CK, a reaver which is less than 1/2 its cost makes your illusions tankier AND makes you hit harder than bthorn. Have an armlet and complete a heart, you've spent roughtly the amount of money you'd spend on bthorn, but your illusions actually hit REALLY FUCKING HARD and aren't easy to take down.

                          Moonshard scales his damage big time since he has shit agility and all, but again, NOTHING scales your damage as CK well enough if your illusions just freaking die 3 seconds after you ult.

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                            ^cant do the math, but can someone verify that a reaver does more than bloodth?


                              It's false.