General Discussion

General DiscussionFirst pick material in 7.01?

First pick material in 7.01? in General Discussion

    Need both cores and supports

    Riguma Borusu

      probably whatever has the highest winrate in 5k+


        Cores: jug, sven, mk, timber, fv.
        Supports: ogre, lion, jakiro, wd.
        Those are off top of my head

        Riguma Borusu

          jakiro? you misspelled 'warlock'

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            who the fuck firstpicks sven


              Sven is hard to counter are you dumb? Sven is an all around good carry with no extreme weaknesses. Good inlane and good late game. I never suggest picking any carry first pick but this thread is for first pick only


                You have a 2kda with 12 Sven games. You say don't first pick Sven because you are a terrible Sven player.
                Apart from the above player not knowing much, Sven can be first picked, but I don't think you should ever first pick a carry


                  timber is a terrible first pick hero


                    i used to first pick sven all the time but i had a discussion with a 4.6ker before that sven is also a not-so-good first pick

                    especially not now that it's 7.01

                    Riguma Borusu

                      sven has lost control over his crucial item timings so he's nowhere as good as the good old ancients stacking sven where you'd basically outfarm everyone and keep outfarming people to gain advantage and then push with the team and jump into fights and wreck everyone

                      this ancient stacking nerf didn't hit luna that hard because the hero can fight with levels alone


                        I thought you can easily counter sven with any kiting heroes


                          well yes thats correct but it was hard to do it, at least in anything below 3k because no one really knows how to kite properly and a competent sven will get 4-5 slotted by 20-25 mins and break your barracks at 30 mins after winning a fight because he stunned 2-3 people and took them out in 3 swings

                          Riguma Borusu

                            yeah, good luck kiting a blink-bkb sven who has outfarmed your whole team and initiates first

                            if people know what they are doing, it's not easy at all

                            but at the point where supports get their euls, ghost scepters and when your cores have stuff like hex or can jump him with abyssal, his life becomes much harder, that's why he doesn't want to depend on running around and hitting things, instead, sven jumps to deal a ton of damage, and once his BKB wears off you're going to have some problems

                            the solution is, again, to be stronger than everyone to begin with, and to use your advantage to push as sven, but it's no longer as easy as it was in previous patches


                              Promo code :CLQ please im wondering if the faceless is for you really one of the best carries atm? Playing him safelane? Items? Thanks


                                but now that his main strength is gone (being ahead of items) he becomes much less of a threat let alone worthy of a first pick

                                as for me first pick centaur works. hero will fit into any lineup and his initiation is very good, not to mention return aura is really good in teamfights and sometimes even sieging


                                  I have not played void in patch 7.01 yet, but fv items haven't changed I don't think. Vlads, diffusal, manta, then whatever you want after that, depending on the game. But I think void is better utility now since it takes awhile for void to farm his items and this patch games end much quicker.

                                  Spec Deck


                                    Putins Price Hike

                                      omni isnt a bad fb since u cant take off his repel. usually always a support. pudge not bad either since should roam but who knows sometimes people think he is still a good mid

                                      casual gamer

                                        tree lycan visage ogre


                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                          For those who said Sven is strong and need to be kite to win.
                                          I read silently and smile as a ursa spammer :)


                                            As a 1st pick it must be versatile hero like mk mirana jugg etc. or a hero that fits in almost every lineup like ogre rubick lion. Idk about drow though. Im a ns player though


                                              luna weaver ta and mb qop are the best 1/2s atm i think, i think clinkz has a place somewhere at the top but that remains 2 be seen

                                              luna weaver ta ember are erally really good in pubs for sure though, borderline unlosable

                                              dont think svens particularly good and void is just garbage

                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                              casual gamer

                                                how is qop anything besides awful


                                                  workin for sumail quite well


                                                    Blademail xd


                                                      Qop is extremely strong mid and ganks well but I can never play a qop when the game goes late

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        @kitrak: why is void garbage? Or do you mean as pos1? I haven't had a feeling he's particularly strong since the last patches, but I am too stupid to figure out why. I actually thought 7.00 would be a buff to him.

                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                          150 sec cd, no lane pressure


                                                            Qop is good hero, not first pick material tho


                                                              your arguments that Sven is a good hero are actually about the other team drafting and positioning badly.

                                                              Not saying he is a bad hero but it isn't sensible to say he is good because people group up or that they don't farm fast enough when there are plenty of heroes that can outfarm sven with the stacking nerf.


                                                                Venge carry is going to be massive this patch, heard it here first. It was already borderline viable last version and her talents are much better than equivalent heroes (+25 attack speed, +8 all stats at 15, +50 damage).


                                                                  above is correct


                                                                    what about support aghs weaver


                                                                      @kitrak I would not first pick void as a pos 1, but first pick void for utility ( vlads, blink) is great to have on your team in many lineups.


                                                                        Void is just ass in any role, even last version it was a very risky pick because he naturally is a bit slower paced than other offlaners due to his heavy cd reliance and farm-dependency and if you didn't get shit done with every single chrono (I'm talking multiple kills+objectives) good teams would abuse you while it was cd. Now the meta is even faster paced and he didn't get any gamechanging buffs or talents.


                                                                          big boi pudge

                                                                          basement :)

                                                                            Half of the hero pool works in this patch. Just pick whatever you like. I generally just counter-pick.


                                                                              Listen to da 2k guy.


                                                                                core: nevermore, monkey king, slark
                                                                                supp: jakiro, tuskar, warlock


                                                                                  voids garbage


                                                                                    Promo code: CLQ , ur solo is like 2,6k mmr and your smart talking is just pain to watch

                                                                                    LISAN AL GAIB

                                                                                      CLQ sama pls guide into the road!! i will hear all of your advice!


                                                                                        leaving trolling kitrak aside, most of the stuff he suggests is kinda right, but it wont ever work in ur bracket. not just cz u r bad, but due to the fact that the dota itself is slightly sifferent across different mmr brackets.

                                                                                        u wont get away with spamming qop, position 4 mirana/weaver, ta etc. in ur solo queue, even though it works in 8k/comp dota.

                                                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                          I thought ta spammers always last pick, ta is one of the best pub stompters, if there is no counter imo. Especially in 7.00 you can stack ancients on both radiant and dire, you can get a 4 stack at 9 min starting from min 3. That's a mithral hammer for your deso. Good stuff.


                                                                                            u definitely can do any of that stuff in any bracket

                                                                                            im 6-0 on weaver on this patch so far when i have to pick it in my low mmr games. both him and luna kill enemy offlaners so easily and become powerhouses later on very easily.

                                                                                            luna/weaver are autowin heros in any mmr bracket if u understand how to use the hero.


                                                                                              weaver generally is good
                                                                                              pos 4 supp weaver is not rolling over pub games, though, and thats what i was talking about
                                                                                              i didnt say a single word about luna either, she works everywhere now i think, unlike qop and other shit i mentioned

                                                                                              4pos pudge/grim only

                                                                                                so about weaver, we shouldnt make any boots for him, even the basic brown boot? and should agha be considered even if you are playing carry weaver?


                                                                                                  I signed into to play on this acc to play with a friend and for the luls, other acc is 4K then all the Little shit some the these kids are saying would not be said. People jump at people when they see their mmr, trash.


                                                                                                    Can someone explain why did weaver suddenly become so good this patch

