General Discussion

General DiscussionThe fight between two retarded person

The fight between two retarded person in General Discussion

    By playing dota i know somethings that are worth for real life lesson. The reason why people is very poor(1-2k mmr) is they always whine and tilt whenever they fail and always blame people whenever fail and never look back to themself and want to do everything in themself. But normal people is the one who did great but still whining because its very hard to get there(3-4 k mmr)they still blame people but they wanted to do team work and sacrifice for their team/work. Rich people is one who good at presenting their work and work hard for their life and teams (5-9k). And for those who buy their acc in dota is the same like rich parents who inherit their money to their lazy children and the lazy children just show off and waste their money and dont work. This is also shows why indonesia and pinoys is not a developed country. They are lazy. Im sorry for saying this but its the truth and its not all of you just most of you guys that are pinoy and indonesian. But there is always one group that always work hard and have a good team work and shit(almost perfect) and that are the pro teams.
    This thread can be a K thread but i dont care because i just want to share this useless shit XD


      All of these assumptions are baseless and structured from a child's understanding of practicalities.

      casual gamer

        but how do i get vhs?


          RATED K

            I'm sum it up for you guys
            Attitude is impactful


              But.... predikt my mmr?


                Its actually true though. Im a indog and you can say shit about me. This country is full of shit. Full of corruption and criminals. Its like somebody that says what is white upside and dark inside. Smting like that. I just want to share my feeling in this shitting life and country


                  Well you are letting your emotions rule you. That is in no way an acceptable reason to degrade anyone from anywhere.

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    You are just racist, in my work I have met people from Bangladesh,Myanmar and Indonesia - They are not lazy by birth, on my opinion they didn't have a hard working attitude is because their country is so poor and education level is pretty low and they don't even have much job opportunities in their country - we should pity and show love to them and not to condemned them


                      And yeah i am still a kid inside with a teenager body(16 year old) its just my perspective of this world you adult may see the world in a different way though

                      1-IceTea 🌟

                        They are not that hard working because even you work hard in there your opportunity is so low,so they just give up and be even more relex(lazy), is not their fault


                          Icetea i say most of it. There are a shit ton of people in indonesia that are a great people but they moved to other country because indonesia is a bad country. If you wanna see an example if a great people who tried to change this shitty place search ahok in google and you will know how bad is this place. Tbh there are some high level education here and the alumni moved to canada hongkong america etc


                            I'm 16 and I can say I am ashamed to have you as my biological peer. How can one be so blind and insensitive?


                              I don't know about Indonesia but the the affairs in the Philippines are starting to look up. Yes we are still experiencing brain drain, but slowly we are improving as a nation. Our GDP growth rate is among the highest in South East Asia. Recently social problems such as drugs and corrupt officials are being rooted out.

                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                I will never get tired of this shit, and will always love Dota :laugh: loool


                                  No offence, but from what i heard is muslims(indonesia majority religion) believe in life is already been set before you born so you just go with it. If you fail you cant do anything with it. This is just from what i heard and no offence ok? (Im wrong sry)

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                    ^Agree with you, pity them
                                    Let's not talk about religious here

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                      So please keep your retarded and insulting collection of "words" and push them up your asshole.


                                        Nice. You openly and blatantly spread slanderous opinions under the premise of free speech and "no offence". Wow you are as thick-skinned as a rhino.


                                          @vaporwave good for you we indonesian is getting worse . Maybe you pinoys will get better and i support that. Why did you say im blind and insensitive. I just say its from my perspective. And yeah dota have gone really really big to be able to compare this with real life :P


                                            I don't give a fuck about your perspective. The fact that you are rude just because of your "perspective" means you don't take the feelings of others into account before considering a decision. That is what makes you blind and insensitive.


                                              Ty i just wanted to share my exp and feeling living in 2 different place and still got the same dark society. Im really open up and say random shit like that. Icetea ok lets not talk about the religion. Some people wanted to forget the real world and just life in virtual world. We who already reaching the real world( where you finished your uni and work) start to see how cruel this world is


                                                Please research before opening your mouth. Bullshit might spill out.


                                                  I don't get why I am triggered by this kid so much, holy shit.


                                                    @vaporwave you just dont really read my comment do you? I say most of this people and you can feel you are not them. I have friends across the globe who are really good at kind, forgiving. Maybe what you say is correct and i just need to take others feeling better. Im sry to other who feel offended though


                                                      Also, a LOT of poor people are poor because of lack of opportunity
                                                      Indonesia is trash right now but I do have some hope in our country
                                                      The difference is, the ones that babyrage about it forever and blames the goverment and not do anything will stay there, while the ones that actually goes along with it and tries to find a way to get out of poverty, might do it, althought not every single one of them would, life is not fair after all
                                                      But then again, as a religious person, it's not about what you achieve in life, it's about your dedication


                                                        @vaporwave this attitude is really bad. Once i heard someone who got triggered by some nonsense bullshit by a kid is also a kid. Why cant you just leave this thread and commented on other. This is free right im not asking you to read this and take to your feelings. Just keep calm and live your own life.


                                                          This is also shows why indonesia and pinoys is not a developed country. They are lazy. Im sorry for saying this but its the truth and its not all of you just most of you guys that are pinoy and indonesian.

                                                          How can you say that this is the "truth". You really are dense.


                                                            Yes it is cruel
                                                            But if you just get along with it while keep trying your best (same case with DOTA2 where you get toxic noob teammates and you just keep the positive vibes and still do your best) you might survive it
                                                            While immature fucks who babyrage and do nothing will fall sooner or later


                                                              @bws that is what im saying, stop talking and do your thing. If you really hate 1-2k stop whining and gidgud. Same with real life. Thanks to clear this yup bws


                                                                How can you say my attitude is bad? I am just defending my country and in what I believe in. As you said, this is your free right. Therefore commenting on this is also my free right. Or did someone magically give you magical superiority privileges over others?


                                                                  Your free right should not allow you to stomp on others' dignity just because it is your "right". Go and learn manners, geez.



                                                                    U misunderstood something there about muslims.
                                                                    If we fail,doesn't mean we just give up.We do it like other normal people,trying again lol


                                                                      Guess i always offened a guy then. Yeah maybe im wrong about your country but what i said about my country is true. I just use pinoys because a lot of people hated pinoy in dota.

                                                                      The Medic Guy

                                                                        om telolet om


                                                                          You just brought the wrong info to the table
                                                                          I can see your point, but I have to agree with Haffy, you can't just fully blame the dogshitness of Indonesia and pinoyland to laziness 100%
                                                                          Corruption has nothing to do with laziness, but integrity
                                                                          Infrastructure problems isn't always caused by laziness


                                                                            @ashrel ty for clearing that up for me. Guess i need to study more about your religion then. Sry for the muslim part and ill keep the comment but i will fix it


                                                                              What kind of Indonesian are you. Publicly defaming your country for the shit it has. Have you no loyalty? A sense of responsibility to your motherland? You fucking disgust me, and I feel sorry for your country for having such an ungrateful whiny bitch.


                                                                                Laziness can cause corruption because they are lazy to search for money and search for bad alternative. Same with acc booster and buyers


                                                                                  Not hating religions 100% (come on I'm a Christian after all) but people who work in the goverment SHOULD NOT bring up their religion in politics (which happens alot here tbh)
                                                                                  It's one of the reasons that the country is stagnating, dense fucks who can only think about their own religions running the country


                                                                                    Actually lack of integrity is what causes corruption, not laziness. If you are lazy but have integrity you would not be corrupt in any case.


                                                                                      I don't like your attitude toward the country man
                                                                                      If you know something that you belong with has problems, you fix it
                                                                                      Not abandon it and search for better ones
                                                                                      Just like having a relationship with your gf/bf
                                                                                      Just like your relationship with your parents
                                                                                      Just like THE SKILL YOU RELY ON IN DOTA2 TO CARRY YOUR TEAM


                                                                                        Tbh that kind of thing(corruption, laziness etc) r everywhere


                                                                                          Alright at least we can take the positive side of what he's trying to say guys


                                                                                            As usual, if 1 guy give an opinion there is always who support what opinion and one who oppose the opinion.


                                                                                              All I am reading is bullshit, with no considerations for other people.


                                                                                                Bryant what is the good he is trying to say?


                                                                                                  Fcking edgy kid

                                                                                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                                                    Rich people are realistic and material(not all but I've seen a lot), poor people are mostly the kindest and carefree people you can find.
                                                                                                    Using wealth status to describe attitudes in skill bracket is far from accurate, from my point of view.
                                                                                                    Some people just learn faster and smarter, or they're humble enough to keep improving.
                                                                                                    Well some are just delusional(I guess?) Believing "MMR is just a number" bullshit and got stuck in their bracket.

                                                                                                    I rarely read news nowadays. They say it's biased, media distraction and lots of truth remain secret. And I can't bear to read all the sadness but just go sigh and do nothing. But we poor asses, what can we do for the world?
                                                                                                    Meanwhile there are rich tycoon abusing the laws to get profit, they just wanna be rich and high themselves, don't mind the world burning itself.

                                                                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                                                                      Why do non-Dota threads always get the most replies?


                                                                                                        You base your opinion on your own assumptions and judgement, stop spreading negativity u racist tard