General Discussion

General DiscussionWeaver's talents considerations

Weaver's talents considerations in General Discussion

    Um, hello.

    What's that thing with Weaver's level 10 talent...? +30 Shukuchi dmg heavily outclasses +6 strength in terms of popularity. His first three talents are all about choices between survivability and damage dealing. As we know, Weaver's particularly squishy if you actually manage to hit him, especially before he gets his Linken's, so I wonder why are people going for this shukuchi damage that often... because it's not like you wreck faces all the time and sometimes you need to tank up a bit to avoid being removed from the map by a single nuke.

    I ain't a Weaver player myself so haven't tested different builds, that's why I ask.


      Cus it helps you farm?


        talents depend on game. I usually go for 6 strength. but I think you can get that 6 strength even from a mere belt of strength. so why not go for +30 shukuchi dmg.

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          Helps with farm and snowballing
          In the early game you can dive heroes easily with germinate and the extra damage really helps
          The extra strength might help when you have to play defensively, but if you have to play weaver so defensively you'll probably lose the game anyway


            Actually you gave me an idea of spamming weaver

            Potato Marshal

              You rarely ever see anybody go for the non-primary stat talents over the other talent.

              Not Saske

                +30 damage shukuchi ofc

                and why weaver need to tank