General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp with ember spirit

Help with ember spirit in General Discussion

    Any good 4k+ ember players here? I'm trying to add ember to my arsenal and I'm hoping to get some advanced tips to reach that goal, but basic ones won't hurt, I might have missed some simple things after all

      I also have noticed the 3% winrate increase on ember, is the remnant buff really that good?

      casual gamer

        always have a remnant active far behind you, if you cast it while getting ganked it will probably not help!

        casual gamer

          embers talents are VERY GOOD

          and very easy to hit 25 on this hero

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            use triple remnant for dmg throughout the game, embers more of a teamfight hero now. dont go bfury and shit. veil bots radi manta octarines pretty good.

            linkens/blink in between somewhere if needed.

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              the ultimate secret to mastering every hero is playing it a lot, eventually you'll learn the limits, situational skill builds etc...

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                Fee Too Pee

                  bf kinda not the way now (still viable but meh)

                  Play mage ember , octarine and searing chains spam is too good

                  and with discord u can burst magic and be slippery little duck

                  discord before travel , then mael or radi , then situational , then octarine


                    Ive seen a lot of BoT > veil > maelstrom > euls > octarine > maelstrom. His lvl 25 talent gives so much root time on chains too.


                      I dont understand radiance tho, it sounds so bad. The hero likes jumping in and out of fights, u buy radiance on a hero who stays in the middle (wk, spec, ld).

                      fear is the mind killer

                        The most important thing to do is to keep a remnent behind you and count the enemy's control abilities. When they have nothing left you can stay in until the very last second.

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                        fear is the mind killer

                          There's multiple advanced combos with the hero but first try to make maybe 10/15 games to understand the basics

                          Fee Too Pee

                            @daddy tbh radiance at every hero if you get decent timing on it , its almost never THAT BAD at every hero. give farming speed , aura evasion, damage , Damagae per second aoe and with octarine its give decent life steal.

                            ember can you know , get in with dagger give burn damage and remnant out in theory,
                            so far i only tried mljonir ember, will try radiance in future

                            i like this octarine builds more than bf build , it just..... fell very weak only spamming skill 2 to deal damage, with veil i have burst damage magic aoe which is cool to play


                              I don't think mjolnir is that good unless you get it as 6th item, ember doesn't scale with AS after all
                              Leaving maelstrom the way it is until the late game seems gucci for me


                                radiance is quite good on ember because the damage on the auras quite good now, and it lingers during sleight of fist

                                if u build him this way ur quite tanky (2.5khp+ with octarine+linkne/manta) so this build is about changing ember from the stupid splitpusher who gets 6 slotted and defends base for 50 minutes and wins into a hero that actually is useful and joins fights consistently. more importantly, it fixes his issues with being countered by heroes such as nyx assassin, storm spirit, etc - you arent the squishy gank target, instead ur a teamfight hero that they have a hard time killing off.

                                mjollnirs good too because its magic dmg and it gets amped quite a bit.

                                u should try to save 2, preferably 3 remnants an duse them for burst damage in fights. its 900 magic damage at max level, with +10% amp and +25% veil amp its a lot of damage in teamfights. heroes instantly die in the sleight-shackle-veil-triple remnant combo. with a blink u can do this on the backline and shit blows up.

                                manta if u need a silence dispeller

                                the reason ember is popular now is not for his splitpushing and stuff, though he still does that well with htis build, its because hes a good teamfighter and a super stupid spellcaster at level 25 with permashackle. you do not go battlefury and daedalus on this hero anymore. take a look at whatever eternalenvys buying on the hero and just copy him.

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