General Discussion

General DiscussionBack and forth game on Nyx (4,6k avg)

Back and forth game on Nyx (4,6k avg) in General Discussion

    Can some 5k+ Nyx player analyse this game and tell me what I could've done more? I felt like I didn't play too bad, but it didn't work out in the end.
    Gonna give away a treasure of your choice for anyone who can bring up more than superficial analysis.


      if u buy qb as nyx, upgrade it to talon.
      dont go for blink right after midas, in ur games u either rush blink, or get it much later when going for a midas build.
      force staff is 3rd best item for the next slot after aghs. 1st and 2nd are euls and lens. learn to use euls on this hero, its insanely good even tho it requires a bit of practice.
      get more points in carapaces early on, u dont need lvl4 manaburn at that point unless u got 12 min aghs for some reason. get first manaburn earlier tho, even if you sacrifice impale; u normally need lvl1 manaburn at lvl6-7.
      start ur aghs with point booster, and not the other shit u bought.

      none of these is the reason u lost tho, this hero is way more skill reliant than it is item reliant, and its not just about not making mistakes, but knowing how to position urself, and what ur hero's limits are.

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        Ok thanks for your insight, I'm gonna try to adjust to it. This was not really what I was looking for, but it is still worthy of a treasure. I'll add you.


          nah no need


            Damn, what if I wanted to ask you more stupid questions about Nyx rather than just giving you the treasure


              you can ask them for free


                Nice, let's do that through steam though. I added you




                    what's the point of euls except landing impales?

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      what's the point of euls except landing impales?

                      right now that's the only way to lift ur mom up


                        dude if u lose a game like this its not 100% ur fault or ur style or ur nyx style.

                        4k games 80% depends on draft look at their heroes mirana legion and mk almost 6 slot and u had only wk to deal with them wk dead = ur team lose . in 4k games pick at least 2 right click core if u picked weaver or something like that i think u had more chance to win this game btw its just my idea i really belive on what to pick .

                        sorry about bad english .


                          welcome to the land of high skill cap items :D
                          you can do aything wi euls, and in case of nyx it makes you kinda immortal.

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                            For example, you can euls the ranged creep, if you're missing like 50 damage, but your BAT is too slow, gaining the bonus gold can be detrimental for your opponents. The options are limitless as triple already said


                              HAHA ALENARI HAHA


                                Can someone tell me why I lost this game? It seems like I can't carry my fucking teammates to victory, even when I'm doing good...


                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                  your team probably should have ended the game 20-30 min


                                    Maybe, QOP was just useless as fuck. Lost the lane, fed in midgame. Probably boosted...


                                      I've played Nyx a few times and I'm terrible at it, but I find that Nyx is pretty dependant on what enemies you're against. Games where I'm against a Leshrac or Silencer or some other Squishy high-int hero feel pretty easy but then when I'm against a team of Agi or strength heroes the game feels a lot harder. Maybe I'm Just terrible and not adapting my playstyle enough, but I feel like my team composition matters less than the enemy's team.

                                      One hint though, playing against a Mirana with Aghs is pretty nice. You can pop Spiked Carapace in Vendetta right before you attack her. You get the bonus vendetta hit and then her passive starfall automatically triggers and is reflected giving her a free nuke and stunning her to set up your Impale. Its a common trick against radiance carriers and other heroes with AOE damage but its particularly nice against Mirana since you're guaranteed that huge nuke.