General Discussion

General DiscussionAbaddon as carry

Abaddon as carry in General Discussion

    Any suggestion on build if one wants to play as abaddon carry?


      Echo,Skull Basher,Heart,Rapier,boots,MoM

      Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

        Radiance is really fucking good if you ca get it


          I'd go with what gartor says
          Not because I'm a blue epenis cucksucker, but I don't see abbadon carrying by rightclicking people to death

          1-IceTea 🌟

            That hero just won't die,rush rapier


              you need bm imo


                well radiance sounds very good. it helps farming and the longer you stay the more you damage.

                When should i not pick abddon? or can i run him in any line up?

                Can you suggest some guides or videos?


                  Blademail is good too. but even in normal skill players have learnt not to hit when enemy pops blademail.


                    Haven't played enough abbadon but for sure don't pick him against OD
                    Free intel bank or he'd just astral you to death without letting your ult pop
                    I think you should avoid picking him against lineup with alot of control


                      Treads vang radiance basher into AC and attck speed items.

                      Or get treads MoM maelstrom bm basher.

                        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                          If you want to carry by outsustaining people you can just go WK radiance

                          Feichang Gaoxing

                            Phase, vlads, sny, bm, basher, daedalus. Done.


                              mjolnir basher

                              Jonas Kahnwald

                                The question I want ask you is : In your perspective, what is a carry ?

                                In my perspective, carry is DEAL DAMAGE !

                                Of course, my Abaddon never play at Safe Lane. I think that enough for you understand. I run him as hard-support (who will gonna buy ward, courier, fly, sentries), or just support (protect my hard-carry), or offlane soo (if I need level).

                                Dotabuff :

                                The way I play him : Always max Mist Coil, second Aphotic Shield, and CARRYING Mekansm, Aura items, support items, or even tanker, Radiance.

                                Maybe you will find something interest here ? I found this gameplay on youtube for you :

                                Heroes you should avoid when play Abaddon : OD, Anti-Mage, Rubik, Invoker, Undying, Alchemist, Lina. Because they can "kite" you. Meaning your Borrowed Time become useless.

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                                Feichang Gaoxing

                                  Btw the new mist coil animation sucks


                                    He is way worse as carry than pure carrys same farmed, i would recommend you play him even you want carry, it would be good in specific scenarios.But dont play him safelane, let still pick carry safe you can transfer from offlane quite easily these days anyway


                                      lovley normal skill builds

                                      they never cease to amaze me


                                        Please dont bring abbadon carry into my games guys, pls

                                        meteor hammer


                                          its very good if you are 1500 mmr above your opponents xd

                                          that was jungle abaddon

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            I never got it

                                            why would you pick a hero with such low carry potential, that needs a fuckload of farm to actually start dealing damage, when you could pick something that doesn't only have a 40 attack speed bonus?

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                                            meteor hammer

                                              for the memes man

                                              Tommy Gor

                                                Abbadon can be a carry but in late game his skill is not good enough to scale well compare to those hard carry. The build for me would be to purchase a Tranquill Boots for Abbadon because with this boots he can tank damage well starting in early game. After that you can purchase sange and yasha, Maelstrom.


                                                  You can pick Wraith King and do everything as a carry 10000000% better.

                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    you don't carry hard, you don't have a good farming ability, your damage output is pretty bad, but you fight relatively well and can save people

                                                    like, there's exactly zero reason to play this guy as a carry compared to basically any real carry, you can farm offlane some games and get auras up and then five man and push towers (but ds/underlord are much better at this role) and that's as far as a core abaddon really should go


                                                      Aura Abaddon is the best shit. Maybe even better than Underlord because of his healing capabilities and potential Aghanim's once game goes late.


                                                        Did someone say abadon carry? I play him offlane and i dont want to buy mek or pipe cuz that helps the team lol. So i go retarded shit like SnY > AC > skadi for dank slow memes.


                                                          Underlord is a better aura carrier against right clicking heroes like morph, luna, drow, atrophy does work. Aba is better against control based lineups with shit like beastmaster and batrider where shield does work.


                                                            If were just talking about carries having lots of right click damage then go for a dazzle carry

                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                              Please delete this thread.
                                                              Anyone who plays Abaddon as a carry needs to be hanged.


                                                                Ffs stop whining some of us like to try stuff. We play to enjoy. You got a problem feel free to use report button. never been to lp anyways

                                                                Rest of you guys thank you for the suggestion. Will try when I get time to play. Btw the reason why I asked because i like to play hero that can turn into carry if the game needs


                                                                  @6treants yes off you are right. There is no doubt there are better hero who can do that. But still there's nothing wrong in trying out a carry Abaddon in few games.


                                                                    carry abaddon is worst wk

                                                                    4pos pudge/grim only


                                                                      -the hero is originally a carry -> go standard build

                                                                      -the hero is not a carry but just maybe can be one (read 'abaddon') -> mjolnir + cuirass

                                                                      Jonas Kahnwald

                                                                        Here is CARRY Abaddon

                                                                        Massive Dynamic

                                                                          It's just that his skillset screams support. I understand the desire to play an unkillable carry, but the problem is he doesn't scale well versus traditional carries and has no super amazing attack steroid (mana break, crit, bash, etc.) Abaddon is my most played hero, and he is an amazing support if you understand when to use Aphotic Shield which is one of the best spells in the game. The ability to remove hard disables is so so good. I would recommend playing the hero as a support. I know sometimes it doesn't seem as fun, but you can make game winning plays that saves other teammates from dying allowing them to kill the rest of the enemy team.

                                                                          Herald Pride

                                                                            abaddon could be semi carry, semi tanker and semi support but it's hard to do a carry because he has no damage

                                                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                              No dmg?
                                                                              buy divine no worry,try to kill me? *active ulti* tenggg


                                                                                Ooooor you can just pick ember or gyro and cleave the shit out of them with rapier before they have the chance to do anything to you

                                                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                  1 stun the ember or gyro will die,so easy but not for abbadon he divine,you still need long time to kill him,before you do you already wipe by his mate or the Lord himself

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                                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                                    actually you ult and get eulsed -> atos

                                                                                    or you pop BKB and everyone you try to click on ghosts and gets pushed away

                                                                                    and then 5 seconds later you get annihilated because you have garbage armor, mediocre hp, and no mobility


                                                                                      Bu bu but my ult heals damage.

                                                                                      That's right heal DAMAGE!!!11!!!1

                                                                                      y pro no pick meeE?/??

                                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                        Hero is so good at protecting allies and holding auras. Carry aba will always be a bad gimmick no matter what build u come up with

                                                                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                          ^SHUT UP,MY ABBADON IS CARRY,SHUT THE DOOR UP NOW OR I CRY!

                                                                                          Potato Marshal

                                                                                            Phase, radiance, octarine, ac, heart, then a situational sixth item like shivas, skadi, bkb, silver edge etc.

                                                                                            1-IceTea 🌟



                                                                                                Go for it. Live the carry aba dream. Pick him , mark safe and type "farm or feed"

                                                                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                                  U don't get it at all! Abbadon is hardlane carry! I solo lane double kill them and back to shrink to regeneration and I got Vladimir,Now I spammed skill I hit them they force to leave lane and this is the time I farm Divine! HE NO NEED SAFE LANE U PUNK!

                                                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                    kill them and back to shrink

                                                                                                    ye, sounds like you need one of those