General Discussion

General DiscussionIs there a difference between 2k and 3k? Here's my experiment!

Is there a difference between 2k and 3k? Here's my experiment! in General Discussion

    Hey guys so this is my friend account and i got access to his account because i want to try to see how other players are in 1.8k to 2k bracket.

    Hypothesis: MMR is just a number. 2k and 3k doesnt have difference

    Here's my game: (i am the morph)

    Notes: i am in no way a decent player. i am 3k myself and just want to try if the numbers in MMR do make a difference or not.

    Results: MMR does matter and higher MMR means faster game pace and more action. I know that 2 games are too little to judge the 2k players, but the difference is enormous.

    Common points in 2k players are:

    First 20-30 min
    -farm, farm, farm
    -no harassing or minimal fighting
    -doesn't push
    -doesnt use spell to farm/harass
    -walk around and be inefficient

    30-40 min
    -win fight and go back to farming
    -less 5v5 team fight
    -more random fights and solo kills

    positive points are:
    -less rage
    -more friendly

    bad points are:
    -silly mistakes
    -missing last hits

    comment if you agree or disagree and why or why not!
    thanks for listening.

    PS>i am in no way trying to look down at 2k players but they in all honesty i feel that their play style is similar to a bot

    The Medic Guy

      positive points are:
      -less rage
      -more friendly

      lets agree to disagree

      1k 2k 3k even 4k if he/she is carry and die because his/her own mistake, he/she will blame the support.
      if you go mid, and then you are not roaming in 6min after the game start they will just call GG fail mid.
      they just blame and rage all the time if they die


        same shit.


          Lol u funny? Im 2k and nowhere near 3k but well, i dont see a difference between us, in those 2 games ur cs is meh(45 mins 170lh) and ur teamates damage is also high, so dont think u carried them to victory

            What? Dota can reach level 3000? How much hour until?


              MMR not hour

              1-IceTea 🌟

                In my honest opinion, when I was 3K I flame alot and receive alot of them also,as the mmr go higher I receive less and I do less because I know it won't help team and only will make your team performance go down.I only flame when I think negativery commend on some of their move will make them improve game play.

                and in 4k+ I saw some game when team have 4 carry, even last one was rage and flame/cry,he will more likely go support then average 3k/2k player - people actually care more about the game when you reach higher mark

                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                  I carry 75% of my games in ns. I am one of them too anyways so bad equally.