General Discussion

General DiscussionFor those that cant left click the minimap

For those that cant left click the minimap in General Discussion

    There is an option in game in Advanced Options > Miscellaneous called Minimap Misclick Protection Time that is set by default at 0.2 sec, by tuning it down to 0, there is no more delay before you can interact with the minimap anymore.
    It solved the problem for me at least



      the M

        Thank you very much.

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Tried that. No avail. D:


            i spam escape key and both clicks on the maps works 100% ,try it.


              Lmao at the guy who wrote ,,K,,
              like,he post useful info

              TheDoctor (HTPG)

                Thank you very much
                You just solve my Micro probs