General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat did they do to Basher?

What did they do to Basher? in General Discussion

    The last game I played I was against a riki with basher. kept on dying because of that bash. hasn't it been 25% chance to proc ever since? I cant even hurricane pike myself out of the smoke because I kept on getting bashed (it reminded me of the double basher days back in DotA). And in 1 teamfight, I was out for 4 seconds. I swear it was 4 seconds. I counted it. It wasn't CM's frostbite either.

    2k indog monkey

      Riki was actually QO and abused the pseudo random generator


        what does QO means ? and doggo that's aint new for me at all every time i play against riki with basher he keep getting me stunned every time lel

        Riguma Borusu

          they didn't do anything to basher, but that riki attacks really fast

          also echo sabre = basically 50% bash on first strike