General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you use backpack?

How do you use backpack? in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    So what's the thing you use the backpack in general for? I often carry handful of consumables if I don't have innate mana/health regen ability so I always have a few salves and clarities on the hero unless I'm rushing a particular item. Can also be useful for teammates recovering from ganks/needing mana while farming. I also try to make sure a TP is in my inventory most of the time but sometimes when I am making an item like AC which has good parts for farming (hyperstone) I'll put the TP in the backpack if it has less than ~20 seconds of cooldown time so I can farm slightly faster (don't do this often though, it is risky even if tp is not on cooldown because you need 6 seconds to use it).

    Sometimes I will put boots into backpack in case I have to carry an aegis, or am beyond six slotted and have to hit really hard with an extra item (this is risky though, and mostly viable with a butterfly or manta/sny in your inventory).

    Dominator is pretty handy to keep in your backpack since you might need to re-dominate a creep but it's very rare you use it twice in its cooldown, and often you won't need the passives (if you already don't have a slot for it, it's likely you really do not need the item's stats, obviously).

    And last but not least, it's nice to carry support stuff such as wards and smokes so they never really take a slot until you need them.

    Ten temat był edytowany

      since the changes to salve/clarity, I find myself carrying some salve/clarity to use while farming, just put them in the backpack and when you need it you pop it up. Creeps don't cancel them anymore so it's a very good strat, I think.


        Just carry a rapier for war


          You can play your 9slot tinker


            I carry gem, bloodstone, and aegis in backpack. Very good on timber Kappa

            The Medic Guy

              for consumable items
              especially when you are a support who 6 slotted because all trash item for survival and wards, you can use backpack for salve or clarity or dust and smoke


                smokes, wards in mid and late game


                  i keep my tp and bottle in my backpack

                  Field Medic
                    Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                      Fucking raj. U played 7.00 already? U little shit lol. I knew it


                        can you see opponent's backpack?