General Discussion

General Discussion10 winning streak feelsgoodman

10 winning streak feelsgoodman in General Discussion

    Slark feelsgoodman




        I'm even winning as Invoker. You know something is about to happen if I get 2 wins in a row with Inv.

        Gabe loves me


          Good for you.


            still 3k pogchamp


              XD why u gotta spoil the mood triplenipple


                Nothing to spoil, in a few games i'll be 4k again. Not a big deal that I went from 4200 to 3700, seemsgood, because, winningstreak will rise again. : D : D

                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                  any tips on slark broh


                    SLark op this patch I ll get 6k if I don`t get bored of game. Pretty much atm dota not fun, I won 4 in a row and I feel 0 hype.

                    Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                      probably cuz ure getting carried ^


                        ^^sick 10.0 average deaths on cores in won games


                          Yeah probably, cus I play dogshit and 4ks caried me I got 0 hype.

                            Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                              Its weird 4700 average dota 2, playing vs nyx 37 minutes my team boight 0 sentry and 0 dusts vs invi hero. So me as Lc must buy stuff and feed cus I don`t have farm. Thanks 2k players in 4700 dota.


                                why are you people dissing on 4k players?
                                There are allegedly around 15,000 ( 5k players, right? That's out of 13million unique dota2 players ( That means 5k players make up approximately 0.1% of the entire playerbase.
                                Thats not 1%---that's point zero one percent, less than a percent.
                                To put it another way, more than 99.9% of players are not 5k. How do we know this? Yasp/Opendota mmr trackers.
                                Now, the best stats tracking software have a margin of error of at least 0.1%. So 5ks make up 0.1% of the planet, plus or minus zero point one percent.
                                In conclusion: there is a 50/50 chance that 5k players doesn't exist.
                                Doesn’t that mean 4k’s could be one of the top dota2 players? Really makes you think.


                                  and then you watch them play LUL


                                    defense of the awfuls 2

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                      Pick pudge= free mmr


                                        5 losing streak feelsgoodman