General Discussion

General DiscussionYapzOr feed all the game

YapzOr feed all the game in General Discussion
    Upvote this post guys pls. "pro players" like yapzor must be punished for feed.


      He won. It was clearly part of his ultimate plan to win.


        Yapzor fed in some pro games wow i bet ur better than him. He landed some dank ass stuns in that sk game anyway, and he isnt really on the tier level of alliance, tho he is close


          kys fa­g­got


            "upvote this post"

            The Medic Guy

              yea, it is actually a tactical feed.

              you feed to make enemies networth high, then you let your almost fat carry kill the enemies and get more gold because the comeback mechanic.
              there you win.

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Is it legit?^
                I just did that using Huskar
                I don't get myself farm too much, just enough to kill.
                Then I keep jumping everyone and die kamikaze
                I get 400g he gets 200g
                Then I trashtalk afterwards like tard so they tilt lmao

                kenny: uWU

                  He is mad bec of low prio