General Discussion

General DiscussionJungle Runes are Fantastic for Roaming!

Jungle Runes are Fantastic for Roaming! in General Discussion
Freya 69

    Title. So yeah, just played a game as a roaming Kunkka in which I pulled and stacked for the first 2 minutes for our safe lane. I then proceeded to roam from bot to top (Radiant). Hit one bounty on the way, assisted in FB for our mid, hit the next and I was level 4 by 4 minutes without the need for any real lane time. And then I hit the runes again heading back to bot. First things first. I think the bounty on bot should have gone to our support, but meh, I took it. Second things second, I didn't need to spend ANY time in ANY lane to get farm or levels and I didn't need to jungle at all. I roamed, upped crow, bought wards and helped get kills. I can tell when I'm having a good time on a hero, and this game, I actually wasn't. Average roaming at best, screwed up about 3 pulls in the first 2 minutes and barely had level 2 by then. The reason this post exists at all, however, is because I want to let the world know how much more bearable it is to roam and support and not do outstandingly good to have anything by the 10 minute mark. Its not easier, just more tolerable when you're not doing great or your lanes kind of suck at securing kills early game. In conclusion, its better to roam if you're not laning, than it is to pull a pos 4 afk jungle game. I mean, its always kind of been that way, but its wayyyyy better now than ever is all.

    And yes, I know anyone reading this understands it without ME saying it; I just wanted to articulate the joy of roaming and actually feeling like I accomplished something in that position, which I like, never ever do. Jungle runes, good stuff. 10/10

    meteor hammer


      swm ez gamburger now i believe

      BSJ. LGD

        lul just leave the bounty runes to ur mid laner with a bottle and he can snowball out of control


          Thank you for your wonderful articulation on how roaming appealed to you on a spiritual and sexual level. We are deeply indebted to you for sharing with us this profound experience and would like to thank you with the bottom of our hearts as we now realize the ultimate truth of the universe, the theory of everything, and why God made sea otters the way He did. Truly, this is worthy of a nobel peace prize.


          Freya 69

            For America and for roaming supports everywhere. God bless Santa Claus.


              Give it a couple of weeks and people will start to remember there are runes to pick up...

              Shrines are wasted/ignored at the moment to.

              Last game I had a drow walk past a regen rune to use the shrine to top up her mana. Smh


                Bounty runes are not for mid unless you think its efficient to walk past a shrine and miss 2 creep waves to get 100 gold and top off your bottle

                meteor hammer

                  ^ wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong


                    tell me why I'm wrong.

                    meteor hammer

                      dire mid can push out wave, walk to the bot bounty and get bounty + action rune

                      and its barely any more time than walking to the rune was before


                        Or if your sf you can push the waves clear 1 camp take runes and go back.


                          all of the bounty runes are further away from mid than the 6.88 runes were. so it is much less efficient to go get a bounty rune that only gives you two bottle charges.


                            fuck runes and fuck walking out of lane. It feels such a waste. I play SF without bottle.

                            Own mid with early stat items and mana regen from RoA. Bottle doesn't helping surviving enemy ganks either.


                              SF without bottle?
                              I'd only do that on safelane SF
                              the mana sustain is too HUGE to pass


                                I buy 2 clarities

                                Story Time

                                  he is ns, guys, lets move on