@ fuck this garbage hud Idk I like this update, they need to nerf monkey King though because he can literally 1v5 he's fucking OP but apart from Monkey King I pretty much like everything else or do you mean you that Dota2 is fucking dogshit in general even without the update :D.
who would have thought that not behaving like a rabid dog every game raises ur mmr
I stopped feeling the need to flame on dota, I still flame on csgo though but that will change maybe aswell.
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Like 1 year ago my highest mmr I've ever reached was 4875 after I've reached that mmr I immediately dropped down to like ~4.5k then climbed back up to 4.7k and then dropped down to 4.3k, then went back to 4.5k and I quit for like 5-6 months, came back recently and started to play here and there and now I'm sitting at 4877 I'm surprised I've actually beat my highest mmr record because I thought this day would probably never come because of the 4k trash hell bracket where teammates always hold you back, anyways the only thing I did different is I completely stopped flaming teammates my report count dropped from like ~25 to 5. Although I still get games where everyone flames eachother I'm not flaming but instead say wp when they make a play or get a kill or something there are even games where I don't get to play safelane carry or mid and instead of making world war 3 over who goes mid or safe lane I instead gladly play offlane. I started to win every game and I good teammates every game aswell. The key to winning games is not to flame, ofcourse there are games that you just can't win or really get gigantic retards in your team but still slowly climbing and having more than 50% win rate is certainly possible.
My Main's dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/6264787