General Discussion

General DiscussionHow can i increase my XPM/GPM?

How can i increase my XPM/GPM? in General Discussion

    I need help please. If i go safelane? which carries can get a increase my XPM/GPM?

      Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

        um the carry doesnt determine the xpm gpm. the player does. you increase your pm stats by last hitting well and staying alive


          Almost every carry can easily get 800 ish gpm. Unless ur ck. it just depends on ur farming ability. Cookie says 900 gpm but we cant all be 5k players.


            U need to be a monkey. Ookaak

            EE VASYA

              @SEATARDS thanks 1k!


                LUL. RENSHIN BURNEDDDD


                  Lol renshin is a 4k player u retard this is his smurf. Im laughing so hard what a cheeky mothrfuckr. Thinks he is so clever


                    a normal skill player burned renshin so hard

                      Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                        usually killing creeps gives you gpm

                        have you tried that?

                        Optimus Drip

                          pick a hero who has a tech tree that has gpm/xpm


                            TECH TREE?

                            this is magic talent tree


                              lasthit all creeps,
                              harras offlane ,kil him
                              take t1


                                Know what to last hit
                                Know why to last hit
                                Know how to last hit
                                Know where to last hit
                                Know when to last hit


                                  I'm hitting the enemy ancient but I stopped to last hit all creeps and harass the offlaner because you told me to


                                    goodshit op

                                    Field Medic

                                      maybe alchemist or you can last hit creeps from any carry


                                        Actually Cookie made a good and comprehensive guide on how to play carry
                                        I'm too lazy to find it so I'll just summarize it
                                        Dont miss last hit (duh)
                                        Know how to control lane equilibrium
                                        Find efficient farming patterns
                                        Read the fucking map and farm where you won't get killed
                                        Know hero interactions
                                        Know which hero to target first in teamfights
                                        Cast shits faster and better
                                        Know what item to build (shoutout to those gamelosing MoM voids who consistently make 4 man chronos on teammates)

                                        clueless clown

                                          To learn way of rice field, go to highest mountain and seek advice of elder cookie. Remember to beat the drum three times before entering.

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                            someimes u can miss lasthits but remove offlane from lane or kill him thats even better....