General Discussion

General DiscussionDPS bounty hunter

DPS bounty hunter in General Discussion

    im pretty sure ice frog wanted to bring back DPS bounty hunter with his skill tree. +40 attack speed, +100 damage, -5s jinada cooldown. So bh now has one of the better attack speed upgrades a shit ton of extra damage and a passive guarenteed crit every single second. and you get a +15% xp gain so you can get to this faster. skadi stacking with deso gives you a decent solution to your squishyness. I three shot a 2k hp invoker and I was only five slotted so you can do crazy amounts of damage.


      Ye try getting enough farm for that build without roaming for track kills. Even for that kinda dps the attack speed doesnt synergize, the dmg that late is nice cuz bh will usually have none. Imo, to get gold on bh u have to be active with track, and u aint killing anyone without the proper early game items like mek and vlads (more mid game tho) and shit. This leads u down the more utility build, but i like the option of late game being able to get some dmg cuz otherwise bh is a walking mek and tp canceler. With the rlly low jinada cd he can slow a lot and hurt more than a feather. But building like that from the start is almost inpossible cuz the hero cant farm.


        Yo actually late game bh is also ur primary scouter rlly important. But now on scouting missions he can maybe get a support kill and stuff. Late game u just want everyone to be as much of a core as possible, so it is nice.


          Support into core later in the game like pretty much every single support in 7.00


            I played two dps bounty games and yeah you do have to be active in the early game for it to work. I went for phase deso and would have gone vlads if someone else didnt build it and then went into battlefury. Its maybe not the best item but it gives good mana and health regen so you can stay out there ganking and also gives you the farming capability if you need it. Then skadi to tank up and from that point whatever other damage items were good.


              I like to sit in the offlane and be anoying until im level four and then go gank mid.


                How tf did u get kills with a deso? I guess in ns ive seen it work with me and against me (cuz i suk donkey cock at this game), but against good opponents, theyll just turn and stun and kill u. I wud go something like arcanes > mek > greaves > vlads/ ghost scepter/ glimmer/ force/ pipe/ medallion > any upgrades (hurrican pike/eblade) > hex. U have a lot of agi gain as bh u dont need to build dmg, the jinada cd reduction is abt slowing not killing. And bf is a 5000 gold item how tf did you farm it to even begin with. And after deso that late? Wtf even going for a purely meme route i wud go phase > medallion > deso > linkens > divine rapier


                  And upgrade to solar crest


                    Imo bh cant harass a duel lane he just gets harassed, if u wanna do some dmg go lvl 1 and camp the enemy mid, especially against heroes like sf and invker who r weak lvl 1. Just go find the weakest lane and pressure the fuck out of it.


                      with just deso you have like a 400 damage crit so you do still do a lot of damage. It might have been because I had more of a roaming mid in those games.( first game a pudge second a mirana). I just get four and then I'm constantly ganking. If theres no one I can kill then I just run around collecting bounty runes and harrasing people but theres usually at least one gank you can set up


                        Meanwhile Sven has useless talents.


                          thats cause sven was in the meta and a strong hero. bounty has been out of the meta for half a year and often just felt weak.


                            Off topic of rightclicker bountybit what about chow aghs upgrade is it good ?


                              Wtf why is mirana roaming as a mid. She shud be farming her aghs wtf is ns man. If she is support then she is hard roaming.


                                ok she wasnt like hard roaming just ganking lanes a lot. the game was almost constant skirmishing cause we got ahead early by ganking the weak invoker. thats what bh thrives in so it worked out well


                                  400 dmg crit is not right when u first buy it. Deso gives 50 dmg and reduces 7 armor. Jinada is a 225% crit at max level. No way that reaches 400 dmg without something else.


                                    I mean at least u won. Everything can work in ns but u have to play like ull get punished cuz eventually on the climb u will


                                      I'm a dirty bh spammer around 4.6k, so not a 6k player, so take this with a grain of salt. If you want to play a dps pick another hero guys. Typically you'll be outclassed by any typical core by the time you reach lvl20 let alone 25 as a bh. If you start as a core, you aren't utilizing bh's kit suited for a support. If you buy DPS items instead of utility you aren't utilizing the bh's kit suited for running around and scouting. I would still probably take the +damage and jinada bonuses because they are, in fact, ridiculous.

                                      your takeaway - Threat these bonuses as bonuses and not as the keystones to play around.

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                        maybe not that might be deso bf but still you have a 300 damage crit maybe a little less which is still good damage. to note I had deso at like 19 in the mirana game.


                                          @filthy i dont know havnt played a utility bh yet.

                                          @fokita yeah its probably safer to go for the utility build actually almost certainly because dps build relies on snowballing or delaying till 25. but I just wanted to see how good dps bounty was (which is pretty frickin good) but to be honest I spent pretty much the entire game just running around finding enemy heroes. I played it alot like I would have played a utility bounty outside of the actual fighting.


                                            Even at 25 bh gets cucked by real carries. It works in 1k games cuz people cant farm and track gives more gold so u will always have more gold.


                                              Bh aghs is ok. I wud buy it but rlly only if no other utility item is better and one usually is. I wid rate a gr8 alch upgrade, and a decent one to buy urself.


                                                Yeah I know he wont stand up to most hard carries late. There was an am in the second game and one on one I couldnt take him but in a team fight if the carry isnt paying attention to you a lot of them will melt quickly to 1300 damage jinada hits


                                                  I just tried dps bounty hunter and it actually seemed pretty strong as position 4 I soloed the enemy position one Luna in her jungle without her jolting ofcourse . Still ended up losing game though. I may replace Riki with bounty now the only problem with dps bounty is you can't really do tracks late game in the team fight becuase then you can't get in there and hit people , i think I messed up last two team fights tracking everyone then I ended up not hitting anyone and my team was worse than usual so I am thinking it woulda won most games anyways .

                                                  Potato Marshal

                                                    Are you guys getting phase for dps bh? I can't imagine being able to sustain his high mana costs without arcanes. You'd have to at least get urn or basilius with phase, maybe even getting a few clarities mid game might be viable.


                                                      Honestly I was actually thinking maybe going bottle to solve his mana problems if you play him as a four. Generally your going to be running all over the map and most people dont bother collecting bounty runes during the laning stage. You could also use a shrine to regen if you really need to.

                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                        ahh low mmr, lovley way to make stupid ideas

                                                        bounty is a support(pos 4) now, not pos 1-3

                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                          I didnt play him as a pos 1-3. I played him as a four. If my teamates were in the area I wasnt taking their farm.


                                                            5 batlefury is the build


                                                              i'm a pos 4 but i farmed away from my team


                                                              you can't describe a core and put the word '' pos 4'' on it, that's not how it works

                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                it was like in between ganks and my midlaner went back to fountain and I took 1 wave to catch up on xp and get a little extra gold while he wasnt there.


                                                                  Cookie its a meme build ok calm down