General Discussion

General Discussionwards and trees

wards and trees in General Discussion
one syllable anglo-saxon

    a lot of new wards, especially sidelane, become way better or give new information when u cut just 1-2 trees
    a few examples

    on laning phase u can kinda deal with that by eating trees with tango(even then, u share 2 with midlaner, and 1 is probably going to be spent on eating a ward, but later in the game nobody's gonna carry them just for that

    which leads me to a question - since there is backpack now and supports got gpm buffs in forms of bounty/talents, is it worth to carry a qb on supports?
    it also lets u deward instantaneously without putting yourself in a dangerous position for 4+ seconds, and cutting trees in some places will let u place a good ward that is less likely to get dewarded(example: ), aside from broading ward vision(especially in jungle(especially radiant))


      int his time of global warming volvo wants us to cut trees. with monkey king in everygame its better to carry a quelling blade on supp. and we cant complain for slots anymore. cutting trees is imp. the map is big and vision is prime to take control of map


        btw thank you for these pics


          I feel like everyone needs to carry a QB to counter the MK


            I'm sensing an increase pick rate for Timbersaw.


              It's not just mk, but a quelling blade has already entered my rotate for this exact reason. Also, a quick tree cut here or there during team fights has been big. Seems like the map is more set up for geurilla fights than open battles. Random trees here and there to provide a vision block.


                that stun after he falls from tree "D