General Discussion

General DiscussionThx for all these years together. I quit.

Thx for all these years together. I quit. in General Discussion

    I just wanna say thx to u guys and wish u good luck with doto mastering. :) Its been a pleasure but im 28 and its time to retire from this stupid Gaben shit he just introduced.

    Dota for last 10 years was difficult in its simplicity, like football. I was getting better. Maybe I didint spend so much time on this game due to my business, but i spent most of my free time I could. Now its all worthless. Damage valve dealt to this game is outrageous and its enough for me. This shiet is for me no more. I dont like this game anymore and wont spend a penny more on it. And i spent a lot on this game every month.

    Last patch was the most balanced patch in dota history, but now they change fuuckin everything !! All work ,and effort to balance the game is gone. Well it may be more entertaining for new players and kids now but not for me. Im done. Maybe ill come back from time to time to play some normals, but I guess making money seems more interesing for me now than doto :)

    Anyway its been a pleasure with u guys. I hope i will watch one of you, one day on TI17 ;)

    Goodbye :)


      Me Ti30 winner,bye.


        Bye broskie, gl with your buisness and hope to see you back to playing one day


          suicide note? LOL



            Gabba Gabba Games TTV

              Lmao is all i have to say


                DATE OF SUCIDE-12-15-2016 RIP...
                SEE YOU AGAIN.................................


                  see you in 2 weeks

                  Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                    yes last patch was the most balanced, so what?

                    dota is not being patched to achieve the final balance where every hero is as good as any other


                      The game needed a patch like this, the UI is trash but everything else is good. Pack it up son, 1 less lonely noob.

                      Thing Thing Arena 3

                        You do realise Valve doesn't owe you anything just because you '''donate''' monthly, right?


                          Its been a pleasure with those guys that were here for a long time and gave me some precious advices, like Triplesteal, Salza, Benao, Cookie etc. :)

                          Certainly not some kids that have problems with reading like Cobb salad and other normal skill/hs kids. I wrote what I think and its my opinion and most important not only mine. Most of my friends wont spend a penny more on this game. Its not that valve owe us something cos thats just stupid sentence. Its like ....

                          update football and make teams play with 2 balls, 4 more referees, add orange card. See some analogy ?

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                            I disagree with most of what you wrote but you are right that there are more important things to do in life than play computer games :-)

                            Anyway, see you next week ;-)


                              at last its ones opinion and no one is stopping anyone from doing what they want to. if he wishes to leave he is free to. GL FURTHER LEX

                                Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                                TheDoctor (HTPG)

                                  Gl with Your career man
                                  Once a while hit dota2 , who knows you might even gain some ideas from it xD


                                    I agree that this change was too sudden and no one actually wanted it. The problem isn't the bugs,(which are still annoying af) it's the complete change of concept. After other patches dota still felt like dota. This feels like a mix of dota and Heros of the storm. Many are mad because they feel like there was no reason for this. To most it feels like they got bored and pissed off their whole player base without warning. Sad


                                      Just some final quick thoughts. Wisp can be very good this patch. This map is huge.

                                      Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                        "I agree that this change was too sudden and no one actually wanted it" I'm 100% sure that alot of people are fine with the patch.. (everyone i know likes it except for the hud)

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                          See you soon nerd, you won't stay gone for long.


                                            I support taking a long break away from Dota if not quitting entirely.




                                                Gl next i guess. I disagree in a few respects but i 110% understand not playing a game you dont enjoy, no matter the reason.


                                                  You either get 5k or stay in the trench long enough to become Benao

                                                  Potato Marshal

                                                    "3 hours ago
                                                    Last Match"

                                                    Really makes you think.


                                                      ^ this

                                                      fucking kek


                                                        see u next week papalex?


                                                          Jeez how many matches how you played since quitting? :-D uninstall it brother...


                                                            Reminds me of that time as a child that I ran away from home for four minutes


                                                              I feel you brother, yes, the interface and new map is very nice, but the game feels more cartoon like than realistic or animation like. And in my opinion, this is bad. I have nothing against the interface or other improvements, but no need to buff heroes, they were almost balanced, except slark who was so op. But why no buff most of them? And for those who call him noob or say one less noob, this doesn't make you look important or pro, got it Kiddo????

                                                              La Lumière

                                                                Damn, riperino Lex. I'm gonna miss you. I agree with most of the things you said. 6.88 was pretty balanced and jumping to 7.00 was too sudden. (If only the parch notes were leaked) I haven't seen cookie and triplesteal in these threads anymore. They are silently dying #ripdota2k16

                                                                @King Penguin Lmao 100% sure? Read the cancer threads below and probs above. Many people hate this patch including me. You guys are just a bunch of kiddos that joined Dota 2 weeks ago and wanted a "new ez hud cuz 2016 is the year of future huds for us n00bz"

                                                                I should make a suicide note aswell.


                                                                  Another Old man is leaving, good bye and have fun irl

                                                                  Mikystone -63

                                                                    RIP icefrog!!!


                                                                      good bye lex, now can i take ur items ?? lol

                                                                      Fabulous Rose

                                                                        Lol you made a post about leaving then proceeded to play a ranked game


                                                                        Mikystone -63

                                                                          RIP icefrog!!!

                                                                          doc joferlyn simp
                                                                            Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                                                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                              I once leave Dota for 3 years tho.
                                                                              B-But I grind hard to crush your face now u leave?


                                                                                There is no leaving dota , I once quit dota for 6 years but one can only resist it's embrace for so long .


                                                                                  Im gonna play some game sometimes, but no more tryharding. Io seems fun for this huge map.

                                                                                  meteor hammer


                                                                                      ^killed me bro hahaha


                                                                                        NC meme dude

                                                                                        but no more tryharding



                                                                                          Nice meme

                                                                                          Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                                                                            lol so you still play but just feed?


                                                                                              nope, just playin drunk kek


                                                                                                you are not quitting for sure ;)

                                                                                                Showtime |

                                                                                                  only 234542 games in 2 days after he quited
                                                                                                  and some business in between to make a leavin, like a proper businessman


                                                                                                    He must be like.....
                                                                                                    "Fuck It...I'm not quitting"!!!


                                                                                                      lol im 29 and according to your last games and your statement = omg what a jerk lol, delete fast pls

                                                                                                      clueless clown

                                                                                                        Lmfao lex u played so many games.
                                                                                                        U havent quit for shit