General Discussion

General DiscussionSupport is more imba than carry with their talent tree(?)

Support is more imba than carry with their talent tree(?) in General Discussion
helping noah carrying 4 a...

    HI, guys what do you think about this talent tree system?

    Moreover i started to think that supports are imba in several ways. Let's take example of lich and sven talent tree and see the talents between them and compare it from below of the picture


    look at lich lvl 20 talent is you can choose between bonus 150 damage (WTF?) or 120 gpm Which if you chose damage is kinda useful imo.
    And also comparing lich lvl 20 talent with sven lvl 25 talent is kinda not fair imo, i mean storm hammer cd is not quite useful since sven need dps. They are lots of support gets talent buffed instead of carry. What are your thoughts guys?

    Livin' Real Good

      NO SHIT.

      Obviously the supports Talent Tree's are good, if the cores had amazing talent tree's even less people would pick support.

      Ten komentarz był edytowany
      Potato Marshal

        Sven has cleave and an ability that triples damage, of course his damage talent is weaker than a supports. Most of these talents are so supports can be more than just ward bitches after 40 minutes.

        helping noah carrying 4 a...

          well , Yeah people more often pick supp because of this Since they buffed supporst alot and unfair. But in the opposite side they are going to be so many trolls too. They will just play support as carry or unorthodox gameplay, ofc this things rarely happened in 5-9 k above xD

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            Not true, 150 plus dmg on lich is fucking useless. And getting extra gpm is nice but its lvl 20 so it is kinda later into the game. Cast range on lich is nice but its not even half an aether lens. The rest r just whatever stats. Svens is bad too but imo thats a bad example, just look at lycans tree or visages tree or someshit. Even for sven the mana is a godsend, and attack speed and movement speed are very valuable on the hero


              Even to prove ur point to an extent look at something like aa's tree or jakiros tree. Pretty good for support trees

              Freya 69

                The gpm can transition Lich into a hero that can start to pick up 4-5k items if his cores, for w/e reason, are too awful to end the game by that point I guess. Piecing together a utility Bloodthorn isn't that awful by that point I guess.


                  R.I.P carry :v

                  Livin' Real Good

                    I see why you're complaining, looking at all your games, you never pick support

                    Potato Marshal

                      I like the gpm talent trees since it allows items like hex to be purchased by supports instead of just int cores like tinker and od.


                        I remember kunkka has the extra gpm talent tree?

                        Goodluck pos 4 early rapier XD


                          Nobody is talking about the time walk that is longer than the oldschool HC void time walk?


                            + aether lens


                              Voids rest of tree is kinda bad tho. Lycans talents make me really hard and so does huskar.


                                Vengeful Spirit

                                Either u make her magic missile a pain in the ass or u can carry with her (600~ dmg with the right items rofl)


                                  Ye 44% aura is dirty.

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    good god

                                    anyway, this is a very specific example, sven's talents are like that so he does not get into the 'op as fuck' category while 120 gpm or 150 damage do less for lich than the miserable 40 damage does for sven (even if it is not amped by his ultimate)

                                    Potato Marshal

                                      It's a 56% damage aura with the talent actually


                                        Thx volvo, wtf is that.


                                          Not to mention if u have drow in ur team.

                                          Like 700~ dmg?


                                            Venge pos 5 with pos 1 damage, pos 2 space creating ability, pos 3 utility, and pos 4 initiation tool


                                              The real carry venge game


                                                N O R M A L S K I L L
                                                2 0 0 L A S T H I T
                                                5 8 M I N U T E S
                                                9 M O N T H S A G O
                                                ez roast


                                                  No shit i am a 700 mmr player dude


                                                    Sf can deal the same damage as vengeful spirit. 400+ damage with pike and deso. The +2 damage is godlike. Sf + vs + drow in 2-1-2 lineup where all the lane go well. Sven will melt in front of those 3


                                                      But sven will melt those 3 if he got a 3 man storm hammer into 3 man cleave
                                                      In normal skill anything can happen and work ahahah


                                                        Bws if that is a very very big if. If you going to say ns ill just say that either drow sf or vs will carry the team hard. But im talking about vhs scenario where those 3 will not get 3 man storm hammer. The range of storm hammer is 600 and sf + drow attack range is 750 so drow can easily kite sven if he dont have blink dagger. Keep in mind that 3 of these hero will buy pike and can push sven and you apart. Also this strat cant be block by bkb. Any more question SEATARD.bws


                                                          Unless axe appears with blademail huehuehue.

                                                          Now void is officially an offlaner.


                                                            I just tried those trio in lobby, with the proper items;

                                                            Sf got 800~ dmg (soul + venge + precision)

                                                            Drow has 700~ dmg, closing to 800 (marksmanship + venge)

                                                            VS has 700~ dmg (precision + venge)


                                                            helping noah carrying 4 a...

                                                              I admit i often played carries rather than supports saying that i had never played supports is kind of an insult for me yorkey not complaining just wanted to hear what people think about this update.

                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                Come on man
                                                                Seems like I need to make my sarcasms more obvious


                                                                  But good points anyway

                                                                  helping noah carrying 4 a...

                                                                    But you know with that trio line up is not that easy cuz they are paper heroes and lack of escape mechanism.

                                                                    CK position 4 is viable now imo ,with that reality rift pierce bkb and aghanim upgrade kinda great.

                                                                    FYI im just a 3.5K scrub that just wanted to improve my skills no bash please.


                                                                      Anyone tried lich carry yet?

                                                                      CAN I HAVE NORMAL GAME PLS

                                                                        I don't think you've ever heard of a thing called a "screenshot"


                                                                          lich is a mid anyway


                                                                            CK viable support now, besides that i think all roles remain about the same.

                                                                            if you pick lich and make a MoM you are not trying to win.

                                                                            Erdal Kömürcü

                                                                              i dont think so i guess its just to keep in game supports after 30/40 th mins

                                                                              tip : you can use print screen its not forbidden


                                                                                Me? I usually log in with my phone, rarely with my laptop since i dont feel like opening my email over and over again,
                                                                                and i've disabled the print screen on my laptop soo sry no screenshot

                                                                                Potato Marshal

                                                                                  Don't build lich as a carry early on, because you're essentially useless until level 20. If you want to get the 150 damage and 30% right click slow talents, start with building items like force staff, dragon lance, and orchid. Get MoM when you reach level 20 and finish off with other late game carry int items like hurricane and bloodthorne.

                                                                                  For most of the early game, max sacrifice first and spam frost blast and sacrifice as much as possible on ranged creeps (siege if you really need the mana) whenever they're off cooldown.


                                                                                    its balanced dude.


                                                                                      Don't really think so, it's quite equal


                                                                                        Sven is far more likely to reach those levels than Lich is. Most support talents are slightly stronger than core's because they're likely to be behind on items and XP compared to cores and this helps even it out.


                                                                                          + nc ss

                                                                                          [troll] Feed Afk

                                                                                            But +65 dmg on sven is so much more useful than +150 dmg on lich as sven has cleave and is durable enough to actually hit the enemies.


                                                                                              Lol but lich as a support gets levels way faster than other supports. Anyway just play safelane cent now its rlly legit with return aura and just snowballing out of control.

                                                                                              Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                                                                                I mean even with long games supports still struggle to hit level 25 from what i've seen so it's only natural they get slight better trees (i mean even lich 20 tree isnt great 120 gpm at level 20 would be pretty far into the game so even if you had it for 20 minutes til the game ended thats only 2400 gold)