General Discussion

General DiscussionNever play support in <5k

Never play support in <5k in General Discussion
Johnny Rico

    Only play sup if you want to play the hero, but if you first pick and people pick and take your mid or lane, just feed the enemy or the safer choice, steal all last hits dont fucking change your role to sup, because these fuckers cant carry you, they can win solo lanes even with ez heros, or just go afk jungle for the whole game, never play supp for 4 retards.


    Ten temat był edytowany

      S*T*F*U R*E*T*A*R*D


        I agree with two of your statements, the first one and the last one.

        Johnny Rico

          and fucking merry christmas


            is your ass jealous of the amount of shit that comes out of your mouth

            Johnny Rico

              shut the f@ck you ret@rded c@nt, hotsalza you are the bane of your family you are the biggest piece of sh@t i ever saw in the history of f@cking mankind, and i saw some big pieces of sh@t, your mom cries every night because of you you bring disgrace to the human race, you pedo c@nt.


                if you are *actually* better than your current MMR, then playing core is the fastest way to earn mmr (read:fastest).

                but if your team is lacking a support, you being a little fucking Peruvian piece of shit who decides to jungle to finish your 5 core line-up just means you will lose the game.

                playing support is sometimes necessary. when i tried some solo rank and got my 75% winrate there, i always tried to take carry because that's my best position, but if that didn't work, i'd go offlane, and if that didn't work, my plan C was to support.

                losing the game because u are a stubborn peruvian dogshit is not how you earn mmr.

                by the way, people like you is why this game is cancer.

                Johnny Rico

                  shut the f@ck you ret@rded c@nt, marlan you are the bane of your family you are the biggest piece of sh@t i ever saw in the history of f@cking mankind, and i saw some big pieces of sh@t, your mom cries every night because of you you bring disgrace to the human race, you pedo c@nt.


                    Im totally stealing that HotSalza "is your ass jealous of the amount of shit that comes out of your mouth"


                      shut the f@ck you ret@rded c@nt, hook and roll you are the bane of your family you are the biggest piece of sh@t i ever saw in the history of f@cking mankind, and i saw some big pieces of sh@t, your mom cries every night because of you you bring disgrace to the human race, you pedo c@nt.

                      Johnny Rico

                        shut the f@ck you ret@rded c@nt, [TF]OVERkill you are the bane of your family you are the biggest piece of sh@t i ever saw in the history of f@cking mankind, and i saw some big pieces of sh@t, your mom cries every night because of you you bring disgrace to the human race, you pedo c@nt.


                          Also anyone who decides to feed because someone took there hero or lane is an idiot. First look look like a giant idiot, and and not showing or teaching them anything because in your teammates mind your just a D*** you sucks and is feeding. And 2nd your confirming your loss, by feeding you will never win the game where they took your hero. But if you dont do that your chances of winning got thru the roof.


                            Patch notes are absolutely true. Half my games, i am seeing allies/enemies waiting for bounty runes in the river


                              also i kinda agree with OP that even if you are good at support role you probably wont be able to get a 65+% winrate by playing support only in low skill games, the number of times you will get a peruvian shitstain mid who is a negative asset is just too high.
                              if you are better than your mmr, playing core will give you the best winrate, but in dota 3 idk what a core is now

                              Johnny Rico

                                my last 3 games i only could get my position with the pa one, but the i had 1-17 wk, and 8-14 bloodseeker that dived the enemy jungle and was fucking blaming the team for some reason. Plus they lost to a solo monkey king, mk had silver edge at 19 minutes.

                                Sniper, had to sup a dk on offlane, zeus had to sup a naga offlane.


                                  I do agree tho I see my own win rate drop the more I play supp. But I might just suck d*** at supp

                                  Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                    permaban for OP please

                                    Johnny Rico

                                      shut the f@ck you ret@rded c@nt, spunki you are the bane of your family you are the biggest piece of sh@t i ever saw in the history of f@cking mankind, and i saw some big pieces of sh@t, your mom cries every night because of you you bring disgrace to the human race, you pedo c@nt.


                                        shut the f@ck you ret@rded c@nt, spunki you are the bane of your family you are the biggest piece of sh@t i ever saw in the history of f@cking mankind, and i saw some big pieces of sh@t, your mom cries every night because of you you bring disgrace to the human race, you pedo c@nt.

                                        that's right. fuck you SPUNKI

                                        Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                          its funny how my main acc got permabanned for "spamming" (aka posting 3 very long posts) while others keep insulting left and right, either don't get punished at all or banned for a day

                                          very funny (not)


                                            over a long period i spent on the forum, i developed a habit of skipping comments of certain ppl basing on their profile pics, cz i remember they literally never post anything interesting.
                                            somehow most of these ppl are from sea, btw.


                                              Can't tell if these is a meme or serious


                                                @ triplesteal Ive got another one for you. guy thinks riki is unplayable without difusal purge

                                                Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                                  "@ triplesteal Ive got another one for you. guy thinks riki is unplayable without difusal purge" i mean its 100x worse you're 1k and played riki 8 times (lost half) please dont act like you know how the hero works... go play 20 riki games in a row come back and tell me if he's good

                                                  ☪ Burnajew ☭

                                                    Or You could play supp only for smbd you know(premade) and doesn't fail mid/safe like a pro peruvian asshole

                                                    My last 15 games on omni = 15 wins. When You have smbd you can rely on, supporting becomes fun even If it is not your 1st role

                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                      Yeah but you can't boost your SOLO MMR by matching with a partner to play support for. Core for life bb


                                                        i play roaming supp/pos.4 when i play duo stack with my friend who plays carry, hes 4.7 solo but knows how to play his role. his party is now 5.1 and mine is 4.8, and we still win >50%

                                                        and yet playing support in mid 4k solo queue is way harder to have a good winrate because of the occasional "callate necesito farma"

                                                        The Medic Guy

                                                          yeah OP so f@cking true, most <5k carry just not worth to sup, they just wasting your hard effort and your time. you wasting 40-50min try so hard to ward and deward and at the end you just lose and get blame

                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                            I basically only play support when I play in a party, I have no intention of supporting 49% winrate 3k people who believe teammates are holding them back, instead I can win 60% of the games by picking a core

                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                              Peruvians need to stay in their own damned servers. And carries that actually get supports on their lanes need to stop practically eating ass for a living, ffs.

                                                              There's a reason why no one wants to play support in solo queue. Half the time you can't rely on your carry actually knowing what they're doing or even getting good item timings. Oh my god and when Anti Mages delay Battle Fury FOR 18 MINUTE VLADS AND GETS BF AT 26 MINUTES, it's so fucking tilting. I'd be better off playing AM myself and getting my 14-18 minute Battle Fury.

                                                              The Medic Guy



                                                                  normal skillz


                                                                    Lol i know what u mean hook and roll by cancerous players (can we get the copy pasta of that dancing guy thx) as shown by this game. I think i cud have won if i wasnt a retard and listened to my retard sniper and sold euls for lotus, but i doubt it. I sold euls for hex but it was a huge mistake. I was fighting like 5v2 with me and sniper for almost the entire game cuz this trash ass storm goes afk. Even if ur shit at storm i cud understand cuz the hero is hard, but fucks sake why go afk. Even an abandon is better. Fuck this game triggered me so much.
                                                                    Also i can kill wipe these heroes as many times as i want but i aint taking any towers by myself and snoper wud always die in the fights. This game man FUCK


                                                                      Lmao good luck having an antimage who says "I know how to play the game" while he picked antimage last against 5 physical damage stunner heroes with 3 cores on his team, and made 16 min VG without boots and 25 min BF WITHOUT BOOTS ON A FREEFARMING SCENARIO
                                                                      Not to mention he didnt push any tower
                                                                      Playing support is more stressful tbh but it just felt I don't even have to try that much to win
                                                                      I just do my shit, roam accordingly, place creative wards, bam
                                                                      25 addition to my MMR


                                                                        The solution is to play core/supports like Riki n weaver


                                                                          The tricks to winning as a support in solo queue. I heard this from others, but I enjoy the advice as a 1k support main with a 70% winrate over the last 3 months.

                                                                          1. Get things done. If you are ever not doing anything, you're wasting everyone's time and aren't being a real support.

                                                                          2. Lead the team. I'm sure most of you could win bot matches using pinging alone. Just tell the bots when to push, do rosh, get back,... So do this in real matches. You have wards, so place them preemptively to get your team working towards objectives and doing the right thing at the right time. Organize smokes, coordinate shrine trips, communicate...

                                                                          3. Support those worth while. Most teams have 1 or 2 bad players. Whether it's them or the situation doesn't matter. You cant trust them to perform. If you identify these characters, don't focus your efforts on them. If you can find the best core in your game (even if they aren't half as good as you), make their game an easy win.

                                                                          My ideal game is one where I went 0/0/50 and the core I focused on went 50/0/0. The map was always lit in the exactly right places, and we were always taking some kind of objective/ accomplishing something towards winning.


                                                                            Did someone say swaggin as support?
                                                                            (It says divine rapier but thats cuz i sold all my items before we won for rapier so it wud show up in my dotabuff lol)