General Discussion

General DiscussionLycan 7.00 items

Lycan 7.00 items in General Discussion
Bill Cutting

    Hey guys,

    Please advise on item order for Lucan now.

    I do:

    Echo sabre
    Bkb or skull basher or deso depending on game

    I see some people say armlet is good?

    I'm just looking for core items that cannot be ignored.

    Helm better than vlads now with the hp regen?

    Bill Cutting

      Fucking auto predict man,


      Bill Cutting

        I buy assault cuirass after helm


          medallion is must buy item for me

          Bill Cutting

            is medallion really necessary with echo sabre?

            I know u are visage player so can see the bias 😜


              Is echo sabre really necessary with desolator?

              Bill Cutting

                Deso gives no passive? So not really relevant here man

                Bill Cutting

                  Also do u guys play him in lane or jungle?


                    If Armlet is legit on DK due to his passive +12 hp regen, so is on new Lycan as well. BTW, Echo Sabre is complete waste of money on Lycan compared to Necronomicon.
                    PT - Dominator - Necronomicon 3 - Armlet - Assault - Desolator (BKB or Basher can be built depending on the enemy)


                      ^ agree except necromnomicon, it is also a waste. armlet seems K, though I haven's tried it.


                        "Deso gives no passive?"
                        "Deso gives no passive?"
                        "Deso gives no passive?"
                        "Deso gives no passive?"

                        Bill Cutting

                          ^ passive mana regen

                          What do u do for mana if you don't do echo or medallion?


                            About invoker, if going quas exort, do you still go 4-0-4 by level 8 or do you go 3-1-4? When do you have enough quas? The dual forge spirits was the point I stopped skilling quas from 6.86 onwards, now where do I start/ stop?


                              Necronomicon 3 is fucking corest of core on lycan. U get more units for feral impulse dmg, an attack speed aura for ur units, more units for howl, mana burn, all for like 3k gold. I feel like with the BAT reduction on wolves and ac giving more aura attack speed i wud prioritize it over armlet and echo and shit. Vlads/helm and a necro 1 or 2 cover his early game, he doesnt need double hit, and he likes armlet, but im not sure abt it, cuz i feel like necro just has a bigger impact. Bkb before ac against stuns but obviously not against slows. Rest is sotuational, tho abyssal usually cuz u dont have disable, tho with help u cud bring a centaur at max movespeed lol.

                              4pos pudge/grim only

                                always necrobook and solar crest and cuirass


                                  I wud buy medallion if u plan to rosh. For me lycan doesnt have any lockdown and there isnt a point of solar cresting someone if u get stunned and u can hit them, so i prioritize bkb and abyssal, but its still a gr8 item in the right games

                                  The Medic Guy