General Discussion

General DiscussionChaos Knight

Chaos Knight in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I have only played one game. But damn, helm of the dominator is so perfect on him.

    Attack speed on illusions now, 6 all stats, it's a great item. The hp regen just lets you keep armlet going that much longer. I used to skip armlet a lot cus the hp recovery sucked. But now you can go value pt in crit for some hp, proc is still really low, but that's why the attack speed helps a lot, plus his level 10 attack speed.

    So build is treads, dominator, armlet, echo sabre, manta, heart/ac. I still think echo is too good to pass up, lots of stats and you will lack mana regen. I would always take attack speed over int unless you're doing some weird support ck, and I'd almost always take the str over move speed cus with manta and rift good luck escaping him anyway.

    The level 20 is a weird one, gold seems like the plan but 12 stats is a ton of stats. It's hard to put a price tag on that but just say it's worth 2100g, an ult orb. Really it's worth a lot more cus it doesn't take a slot and it's 12 not 10 stats. That would take you 17.5 mins to recoup that kind of value from 120 gpm. If you hit level 20 at say 30 mins which is pretty early, you have to expect the game to go at least 50 mins to make it worthwhile and even then you're getting 6 slotted and having 12 stats not in a slot is pretty big.

    What do you guys think about that one? The 25 one is easier, if enemies have a shit ton of bkbs you need to rift through get that, otherwise get cd one. Straightforward.

    Items I'm not sure if heart or ac is better now. Attack speed plus stacking armor debuffs with rift and ac makes ac really good now. And you'll have enough regen off dominator and crit now. Eventually I'd sell the dominator or echo sabre for satanic and heart/ac anyway and super late game would want treads, manta, armlet, heart, ac, satanic. Aghs seems dumb unless going support ck. Even with the cd reduction level 25 it's only at 88 seconds, less than 50% uptime so you can't spam it. You're saving it for big fights and hopefully 2 mins between is enough as is.


      Im pretty sure he will be much better as pos 4 aghs rush.

      Dire Wolf

        He probably is great as a 3-4 but I don't like playing that.


          Stats talent over gpm talent. Gpm talent wud hav been viable if it came at lvl 15

          Dire Wolf

            120 at 15 would be op tho, maybe if it was 90.


              Nah. You still go gold at 20 when playing roam support ck. Get value items up till that point (mostly aghs). Then if the game goes 35min, transition into a core with the bonus gold.

              Dire Wolf

                Ok carry ck what do you do? Dominator do you agree?


                  New dominator is shit.. Get a casual morbid mask instead.. Transits into satanic n is just good enough to get the extra heal per hit.. As ck base damage is way too high.. You might even get vlads.. But vlads is less cost effective.. Keep mask.. Farm items.. Turn mask in to satanic.. Easy..


                    Aghs is still bugged, I'm going to make a Reddit post about it. You don't get 100% illusions, you get nerfed ones - due to the copied target not carrying over items (ergo they dont get stats, atspeed, hp etc)

                    Dire Wolf

                      You don't need lifesteal, the hp regen and aura on dominator is what's up. Morbid mask is about useless on CK. Late game satanic is nice cus str and dmg, it's not so much about the lifesteal.