General Discussion

General DiscussionLet's talk map

Let's talk map in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    The stat things, new heroes and builds, items, all that stuff is pretty easy to understand. But these map changes are really throwing me off.

    Biggest thing is ward placement. For instance on dire offlane you use to be able to place a ward to block the large camp and give pretty good vision on the side of the trees. Now there's that hill, more trees, lane is longer, seems really hard to get any good vision over there. The jungles in general seem to have very little open space for good ward placement. Before you could drop a ward west of the radiant easy camp and that covered a ton of ground. That's gone. Same on dire side if you dropped one north of their eastern hard camp or around that top most medium camp. Now where do you put them?

    And then runes! My god no one knows what to do about these. It seems like supports should rotate over to get them. Is it too far for a mid to go get them compared to power up runes? Bottles severely nerfed because of it? And then should you contest or not contest the enemy's runes? I had a roaming pudge and nightstalker grab every single one of ours one game, then another it's like our own team wouldn't even get them. What do you guys do?

    I also don't love the new mini map, it seems hard to tell where you have vision. I think the map is going to take a while to adjust to.


      ward placements seems harder now. but that's the beauty of it. i dont think runes are that far away. worth going for it still.

      well no one knows waht to do with shrines. they just randomly use them. and they get randomly destroyed.


        Exactly dude
        Good players adapt
        Bad players stagnate
        More advantage for those who place their wards creatively and efficiently


          i doubt shrines will ever get used well in lower level pubs. Maybe in higher levels but I think they're going to be used a lot like how scan is used. you just kind of randomly use it every once and a while. and the bounty runes just seems to me that unless you're passing through the area or you really need a bottle refill it will just take to much time to go and get to be efficient for a core.


            Shrines are a good gank spot too in case your offlane gets breached and the enemy goes for the t2. You can tp to the shrine and get them


              yeah actually thinking about it radiant might have rosh advantage because their secret shop shrine is right next to rosh pit

              Dire Wolf

                I agree, core's get way more out of lane. It'll help jungle rotations but that's it. It'll help supports a lot though and offlaners who get zoned.


                  lmao. now i can tp to a shrine to help my LC getting butt fkd by a riki at 4 mins.


                    The roaming/jungling support should grab all of the runes.

                    Bottle is now an item for them with creeps not canceling the Regen.

                    For pubs I recommend the roamer lead the use of shrines too. Gank a lane/possibly get low when combined with jungling. Then tell your team to head to the shrine if they need Regen and shrine up those who need it.

                    For wards. I prioritize positions that can see the enemy bounty rune, and a ganking paths. But am not seeing objectively great positions.


                      No^ runes are for offlaner and mid. The bounty runes are huge, they give maasives Exp through out the game and since levels are so much more important now they need to be given to the ones who need levels hard. Also, shrine should be used by at least 2 people, and if a roaming sup wants to use it they need to tell
                      The mid or offlaner first.


                        the problem is going to get a bounty rune as the mid takes at least 20 sec probably more depending on which rune you go to which means youve missed a wave of lane creeps which is more gold and more exp than a bounty rune.


                          Also. I meant only in pubs the roamer leads shrine trips. As soon as a gank ends he goes to all chat and coordinates everyone going to the shrine for a single use.


                            the map ahs been designed to be leaky. whether the meta becomes it or not, the intention was to give a jungle skirmish feel to the game.

                            Dire Wolf

                              It mostly seems like they really want to open up ganks on side lanes, either on the safe laner by mids rotating, supports running under cover of trees to come in, or stop protecting the offlaners with a single ward.

                              Also I didn't really think about it but doesn't bm's hawk give unobstructed vision? So he could be a really great pickup now. So could aghs treant.


                                shrines are op. last game won a team fight because of it.


                                  warding is a pain seriously. the map is huge and ther are so many path one can use to enter the jungle. supports need more gold to keep warding the map. unfortunately at low skill games you only get solo supports and have too much trouble keeping up with the enemy and team


                                    ,,Mapmapmapmapmapmapmapmapmapmapmapmapmapmapmapmapma,, sorry cant anymore .


                                      i think the whole concept of warding has changed. think they need to be used more tactically rather than strategically now if you see what I mean.

                                      vision is provided by other sources such as mk, invis heroes roaming and hawk etc.


                                        ^ think it might be better to save for 3 wards in one area for an important engagement. rather than just having one or two like in the past.


                                          I think these new runes is a bottle buff but for supports or maybe even the offlaner (its a bit of a stretch tho). As a support taking both bounty runes is actually 4 charges not 3 from 1 rune so in a way on roaming supports bottle cud be really good. Especially taking ur 2 and smoking their jungle and taking 1 of theirs and then ganking or something.


                                            yes it might be a buff to offlaners. esp with shrine too


                                              Its buff to all heroes actually dude with bottle,
                                              Cant u see that these runes are well placed between the areas of lanes.
                                              So a person say QoP ganking top lane goes from mid and ganks top and mid way also captures a rune :)


                                                For mid its a bit out of the way unless ur one who goes into jungle for stack farming. But who knows its not tooooo far. Thing is i cant see many safe carries getting a bottle besides ones who use a lot of mana to farm, so maybe morph, slark, not rlly sure. But in offlane, the runes r a bit far away is all and a lot of the times u dont want to rotate.