General Discussion

General DiscussionReview this PA game pls

Review this PA game pls in General Discussion

    Can someone say something about this game: like is build ok,if i did something wrong(of course i did im sub 2k trash) and any tips for pa ?

    Ten temat był edytowany
    Salt & Pepper

      im a 2k trash but why not Phase, vlads, deso bkb, abyssal


        sny is trash, skady is trash. Try desolator or bf. If you want yasha, get yasha but stop there, you get good value from it as it is and it doesn't seem like you needed manta that game.


          deso because lifestealer was builiding it already and he was infesting me for ganks everytime so double deso not useful,for abyssal i was choosing it between skadi and took it for slow


            its ok that game u could go skadi.
            low tower dmg


              doesn't matter that he has it, the target is not going to have the deso effect anyway, if anything, you should get it and he shouldn't need it. If he got it then you just get it too, np. Abyssal is core, skady is shit, you don't need slow, you kill people in a pew pew pew manner, you don't chase by moving, you chase by blinking and stunning, you finish them with crits, not lots and lots of autoattacks while orb walking


                well, that's the PA essence


                  No, skady is wrong. You have deso against structures too, you tank with bkb blink out if needed. If you need to fight you go in and abyssal anyway, skady is a waste of gold and slot


                    Why bother to review a won game? Are you guys all mentally unstable or something? Feels like someone wanted to get attention for his game.


                      Dude please
                      What can we review from a stomp, unless you're trying to get attention
                      btw why the fuck did you build SnY


                        because of hp and attack speed ?

                        Riguma Borusu

                          pretty sure you could've got 3 rapiers, just threw daggers and still won because they have a fucking battlefury bloodseeker and shadow blade luna (among other autistic things), though I'd say silver edge luna is pretty good against PA in general

                          sny skadi build is too stat heavy for a bursty hero like PA, it is also a stupid idea because if blood seeker ruptures you they don't do anything, you should not be moving in first place, so you get something which lets you stand and hit things

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                          1-IceTea 🌟

                            7.00 will delete PA, mod please lock this forum post.


                              S&Y = fail
                              an early deso and str8 abysal would do the job just fine and some satanic shit afterwards
                              also bkb is situational
                              also ur farm is bad

                              at least u won the game tho gl next

                              Potato Marshal

                                Quit buying shitty items, the whole point of PA is to burst them down to death before they can even react.


                                  I wud go Vlad's, deso, basher, bkb, abyssal. Tbh u cudbe also skipped bkb and gone ac for more minus armor but that sounds like a trash idea I dunno.


                                    Why bother to review a won game? Are you guys all mentally unstable or something? Feels like someone wanted to get attention for his game.



                                      Did unusual build and asked if it is any good,but as always other people need to find a reason to shit on you