General Discussion

General Discussionhelp me to improev pls

help me to improev pls in General Discussion
Not Saske

    guys pls tell me what i do wrong in my last 2 games, is it me or my team?
    what can i do better?
    i know it just lp games, but i think it is the best place to see how i perform, is it?


      You farmed very slow in your Clinkz game, and your item build sucked in the Juggernaut match.


        Its me or my team?

        - Its you, your team and the enemy team.

        What can I do better?

        - Watch the replay of that games, find your mistakes.
        If you dont find you own mistakes learn, watch pro games ask for a coach.

        And no, Low priority is not the best place for see your perform, the best place?
        The Replay.


          is it me or my team?

          maybe it's maybelline

          what can i do better?

          get higher quality mascaras

          i know it just lp games, but i think it is the best place to see how i perform, is it?


          real answers:
          1. yes
          2. you're a core player and you have goddamn 380 avg gpm, learn to godamn farm. i have 900-1000 avg in your mmr
          3. it doesn't matter


            when i just starrtes dota after 100 games i got 2500 mmr , so kinda means i wasnt that that bad and could play on that level , im rly sorry for you guys who have flat 1k and cant improve ..i belive you dont have capacity just stop play better start other game ( proly u gona suck that too) and try to improve( imposible)


              yourjugger item build very wrong


                its a 1ks jugg build. he is just missing refresher. legit build imo

                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                  Anything in 1k is legit
                  But actual item builds will give you quite some edge, it carried me out of 1k after all


                    That void build gave me cancer


                      At the jugg game you probably didnt take enough objectives or weren't efficient enough at it, game drags longer and eventually they outcarried you because jugg is not that good late game
                      3 of your items you made on jugg are irrelevant and useless as fuck, what passive are you going to break with SE? Deso seems good on paper but it's actually not (it only gives damage, skadi gives hp, damage, slow which synergizes with 3 of your active skills, diffusal is also universal, butterly gives mobility, damage, and tankiness, for examples), aghanim is just plain garbage (with 4200 gold you could've fucking bought a diffusal, or almost finish your manta or skadi)
                      Where is the abyssal? Luna or void can clear your illusions easily with their cleave (ayy void BF xd) so some extra lockdown to burst them down can be gamewinning since nobody saves for buyback in 1k


                        You farmed ultra slow on that clinkz game, you know if your lane partner is retarded and contests CS you can hit the jungle or roam around to find kills, which translates into objectives (tower taken), which opens up more space for you to farm
                        Be creative
                        Being a carry is not just about HITTING CS IN LANE and if you didn't get CS in the lane you lose