General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion about Shadow Demon Skill Build

Question about Shadow Demon Skill Build in General Discussion

    Hi I am trash, but this is not another trash talking topic.

    As topic, I need some advise on SD skill build, in what situation I should max out Disruption instead of Shadow poison?

    Summoning Blue Star Support player.


      I don't think u even skill poison anymore


        Poison nerfed pros r maxing disruption and soul catcher


          soul catcher lvl 1 ez kill
          later disruption unless you need it for FB more than you need the soul catcher
          and then i guesss you max poison by 7

          i dont really know how to answer your questions and im not blue star support player
          but what i can say is that soul catcher level 1 can be totally amazing if you just need to burst your target asap like at the runes or just kill the guy. its very cheap on mana and low cooldown so its good for 1st spell imo cause you can spam it.

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            @desolated soul catcher lv 1 is not that good distuption lv 1 is better if you have mirana et


              it depends on what you need, as i said. but if you put soul catcher on the offlaner in example he cant come to lane cause he dies.

              ofc disruption save and the illusion trap is very good and all that but if you want to burst target and you potentially got some follow up, soul catcher is better for sure.

              Ten komentarz był edytowany
              I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                Catcher 1 is garbage

                I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                  If u pick sd u probably have a good disruption ally so max it by 8 with 2 poison


                    oh well if you say its garbage that must be true (no sarcasm)


                      idk i max disruptoon and veil :Dbut poison is very good still u stack 4 poisons and use veil skil and hes dead


                        You never skip poison completely. I'd suggest getting one point semi early even of you're maxing disruption and soul catcher. Poison gives vision so even at one point you can use it to scout up cliffs or check rosh pit or something.