General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp with Visage

Help with Visage in General Discussion

    Every Visage guide i see Puts an emphasis on soul assumption early yet i find that
    1. The minute 6-12 skirmishes rarely build up more than a couple charges and
    2. His Mana pool even at 100% cant manage more than a couple SA casts & a grave chill before you are down to nothing.

    Its why i prefer to build tank and Orchid for a more supporting sustain/nuker role but what am i Missing? I find SA mostly useless before minute 15

    Freya 69

      Lane presence.


        Max the other 2 skills before soul assumption

        The Medic Guy

          what did i just watch


            Soul assumption has the highest damage among all non-ultimate skills ingame so you cannot just ignore it. Even only 3 charges at lvl 1 deals 195 damage istelf and building up 3 charges are not a problem.

            I checked your item build and you skipped must buy items for this hero. Since hero itself is not the one dealing damage, you have to buy medallion, then upgrade it to solar crest later on to increase your familiars damage ALOT. And you should not buy power treads. Because visage is the least mobile hero ingame. Your movement speed sucks, and you dont have to option to tp towers early game because you're kind of useless without your familiars and you cannot tp them to you like sylla bear does. So you have to buy tranquil boots to solve your health regen problem +its fast + it allows you to keep up with your fast familiars + its cheap. And imo u should always start with ring of basilius because your right click animation sucks so any bonus damage you get helps you alot and the most important thing about this item is, you diassemble it to ring of protection and sage mask and you upgrade those two to your must buy core items. Sage mask to medallion and ring of protection to tranquil.

            I cannot help you with skill build because this hero doesnt have 1 skill build unlike other heroes so my skill build changes every single game because its very situational.

            Btw i only play mid so my advice will not help you if you're playing support


              u need to play around this spell correctly to get more charges; its pretty simple.
              dont throw it away with 2-3 charges, wait for more; it actually costs a lot of mana.
              orchid is quite a bad item for visage tbh. in the very vast majority of your games, u shall concider medallion into aghs/ac/hex, with an optional atos.


                IDK i have not had a problem of getting charges. Often you can get max charges by yourself once you have familiars. It's quite sad that the spell is just damage and has no other effects, but it"s huge amount of it.
                Orchid is not a good choice unless you get bloodthorn right after.


                  it takes like 1.4 seconds to get max charges with lvl 1 familiar and medallion
                  i tried mana boots the other day it wasnt bad but usually i just go tranquils orchid or something


                    soul assumption is an insanely strong spell. the range and damage is unsurpassed early game. don't skip it - figure out what you are doing wrong to not get more charges.

                    its almost a guaranteed first blood.

                    even if you think it is weak early game, you want it maxed for when you have level 7 because your bird damage (plus medallion) will give you full charges straightaway.

                    whilst we are on the visage topic, how can I go mid without getting flamed pre-gong?


                      People used to insta report me when the game started and they did not bother commending me after i win the game for my team so i played lots of undeserved low prio. But now they cannot report you until the game ends and u wont get reported at the end coz they will see what you're actually capable of. Suprisingly people acts less suprised if i first pick mid visage these days i actually dont know why. They just ask if im confident with playing mid with the hero, then i tell them that i have 181 win 85 lose with mid visage and they just let you go mid.

                      Btw i totally disagree with not buying orchid for visage. Orchid is your only way to kill some heroes and its one of the rare items that actually gives your familiars bonus damage (%30 damage ampflify + crit if u get bloodthorn) and visage is intelligence hero so you will get extra +25 damage. There is not a single game i didnt buy orchid for visage. you just cannot skip it especially against heroes like timbersaw - phantom assassin - slark - jugger - mirana - drow and you see them every single game these days.. If you get aghs instead of orchid or bloodthorn against timbersaw, you will give him more health regen + armor by attacking him, and he will just hook any tree to outrun you if you manage to lower his hp. And bloodthorn is your only way to kill PA especially with hex. Slark + jugger will purge your grave chill which is your only way to catch and kill them. Mirana outruns you with jump and even worse, she kites your familiars and kills them with that bonus speed from leap. And this drow+agh meta makes your extra familiar effortless extra gold for her since 3 hit is all it takes to get easy 300 gold. So buy orchid before aghanim everytime


                        great replies. - I find the easist 1b is to catch a hero out of position, grave and then just ez right click. Any lane buddy who can land a stun or a slow is good as well.

                        As for item builds, I am not a 5k player or playing at that level. I buy courier in 80% of my games regardless of hero role and tend to pick heros that can do everything since again - 80% of the time i am playing support or a secondary role buying wards, dust, scouting, etc. This usually involves supporting items like crimson and shivas.

                        Maybe I'll do a few bot games to work on positioning and mana mgmt


                          Just add the white glint:

                          Aka the 3k visages games spammer and just ask him to teach you, hes a nice guy

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                            Been handling my mana better last few games and definitely rushing medallion/tranquils

                            Last game was heartbreaking with a no-blink axe, abandon drow and echo Sabre Lina. I am definitely foregoing Gravekeepers cloak in lieu of better positioning and bird micro to help with getting ganged on.
                            Several people in all chat have said they have 500 games and have never seen a visage before so they had no idea how to counter/play with

                            Thanks for the help. #MakeVisageGreatAgain


                              why did you get tarrasque & shiva & domi

                              Several people in all chat have said they have 500 games and have never seen a visage before so they had no idea how to counter/play with

                              best part about visage

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                Hotd i bought because we had gotten Mega'd, i had BB and i can dominate ranged megas to help with defending.
                                Shivas because we were turtling in base at that point and needed to do anything to help keep other team at bay

                                Axe had no blink, lina bought Echo Sabre and Drow abandoned. Id love to hear what might have been a better item instead of the heart. I was kind of lost at that point since we couldnt break high ground and the team was crumbling


                                  its gg no matter what you buy but i'd go for carry visage since your team had no carry

                                  meteor hammer

                                    why did 菊花之茶 just link a game where he bought double vlads and a 39 minute drum @_@


                                      Double vlads good for defending megas


                                        You max soul assumption and you should get a stick quiet early. It is all the mana you will need. I mostly get Medallion, Wand, Tranqs and in theory its all the items you really need on Visage.

                                        Cloak does not make you a tank at all, Visage still has 10% base resist, 0 base armor and non-existant agi gain. The charges quickly disappear and might even be non existant against some heroes.

                                        at level 8 you want 2:4:1:1 as skillbuild

                                        If you want to learn gameplay you should watch highranked visage players

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