General Discussion

General Discussiondevil may cry 3

devil may cry 3 in General Discussion

    Lady: (narrating) You've heard of it, haven't you? The Legend of Sparda? When I was young, my father would tell me stories about it. Long ago, in ancient times, a demon rebelled against his own kind for the sake of the human race. With his sword, he shut the portal to the demonic realm, and sealed the evil entities off of our human world. But since he was a demon himself, his power was also trapped on the other side. I've never believed it. I always thought it was just a child's fairy tale. But I discovered that this so-called legend wasn't a myth at all. Sparda existed. How do I know? Well... I met the sons of Sparda... Both of them. Although the same blood of their father flowed through their veins, the two battled each other fiercely like arch-enemies. It seemed as if they derived some sort of twisted pleasure from this brotherly fighting. But in the end... only one was left standing.
    Mission 1[edit]
    (Phone ringing, Dante walks from backdoor after taking a bath. He kicks the chair wich was on the floor, making it fly and fall right, sits on it, kicks the table and grabs the phone) Dante: Sorry, not open for business yet.
    (He turns off the phone.)
    Dante: I haven't even picked a name for this joint and i'm already getting calls.
    (The scene cuts to the outside of his shop, showing an bald, creepy man, named Arkham. He enters the shop.) Dante: You a costumer too? (The man keeps quiet. Dante sighs.) Well, if you want to use the bathroom, help yourself. The toilet's in the back.
    (The man goes through the left, putting his hand on an pool table.)
    Arkham: Is your name Dante... Son of Sparda?
    Dante: Where did you heard that?
    Arkham: From your Brother...(The camera goes to Dante's necklace) He sent this invitation for you. Please... accept it.
    (Arkham pulls up the table, throwing all things up, while Dante kicks it and stands on the fallen table, when his pistol falls and he grabs it, pointing the gun to the front)
    Dante: Invitation Huh? (Caught his pizza box while on the air)

    Mission 2[edit]
    Dante: Damn it! You guys totally wrecked my shop! And I haven't even named it yet! You're gonna pay for that!
    (Throws Rebellion to the air and stylishly throws on his red long coat. After that, he sneezes and the shop collapses)
    Dante: I hope you all have enough to cover all of this!
    (After that Dante fights with several demons, ends with he defeats a Wraith. Soon after, a huge tower jutting out of the ground. There's someone holds a long katana wears blue coat standing on top)

    Dante: It's been nearly a year since we last met. Where does the time go?
    (Dante looks up at the person on top of the tower, whom looks back at him with calm expression. The mysterious white-haired person holds the katana in his hands)
    Dante: No doubt you've got some fun planned for me. Right, Vergil? (Dante shouts at the person)
    Mission 3[edit]
    Cerberus: You are not human, are you?
    Dante: Who knows. I'm not even sure myself.
    Cerberus: Regardless, you have proven your strength. I acknowledge your ability. Take my soul and go forth. You have my blessing.
    (Cerberus shatters and his soul flies into Dante's hand, turning into ice nunchaku. Dante practices his moves.)
    Dante: Too easy!
    (Lady drives in Temen-ni-Gru and rides on Dante. He backflips and lands behind her.)
    Dante: Are you going to the party? What's the matter? Did you get an invitation?
    (Lady shoots a rocket at Dante, but he hops on it, makes a short ride and a big hole in the ceiling. Lady charges on bike and jumps through the hole.)
    Dante: It just keeps getting better and better!
    Mission 4[edit]
    Jester: ... I prefer a sword to be my partner. May I have this dance, m'lady?
    (Dante swings his sword at Jester, hitting the power generator, and the door opens)
    Jester: Bingo! That is what the something is. Remember that, kid! Write it down on your hand if you don't trust your head!
    Dante: I see... thanks! You still piss me off, though.
    Mission 5[edit]
    Rudra: Look Brother! It's been ages, but we finally have company!
    Agni: I see that!
    Rudra: We must entertain our guest!
    Agni: You're right! We have to be gracious hosts!
    Rudra: What should we do?
    Agni: How do I know? We need to come up with something!
    Dante: (sigh)
    Rudra: Brother, our guest is sighing.
    Agni: SIGH? What is SIGH?
    Rudra: Well a SIGH is when...
    Dante: Enough already! How long are you two gonna keep carrying on like this? In case you didn't get the hint, I'll spell it out. Your GUEST wants to go through. Got it!
    Rudra: Our job here is to guard this door!
    Agni: That's right! We cannot let you pass!
    Mission 6[edit]
    Mission 7[edit]
    Vergil: You showed up.
    Dante: You sure know how to throw a party! No food, no drinks, and the only babe just left.
    Vergil: My sincerest apology brother. I was so eager to see you, I couldn't concentrate on preparations for the bash.
    Dante: Whatever, at any rate, it's been a whole year since we last met. How about a kiss from your little brother? Or better yet how about a kiss from THIS!
    (Points Ivory towards Vergil.)

    Dante: So, this is what they call a heartwarming family reunion, eh?
    Vergil: You got that right...
    (Readies Yamato.)

    Vergil: Why do you refuse to gain power? The power of our father, Sparda.
    Dante: Father? I don't have a father. I just don't like you, that's all.
    (The two started to deadlock against each other on swords, and eventually Rebellion is clashed away -- Vergil stabbed Yamato relentlessly into Dante's chest.)

    Vergil: Foolishness, Dante, foolishness. Might controls everything, and without strength, you cannot protect anything. Let alone yourself.
    Arkham: Do you finally have it?
    Vergil: Yes. Now the spell Sparda cast will be broken.
    Dante: eerrrAAAARRRRGGGGHHH! (throws Vergil aside)
    Vergil: I see a devil inside you has awakened as well.
    Arkham: Wait! We should leave. For the moment, we have all that we need.
    Mission 8[edit]
    Mission 9[edit]
    Dante: Hey! What's your name?
    Lady: I don't have a name!
    Dante: Really? Then what should I call you?
    Lady: I don't care. Whatever you want.
    Dante: Whatever, Lady. (leap to the castle entrance) I'll leave this to you. Cuz' I don't wanna miss the party. (enters castle)
    Lady: Who counted on you anyway?
    Nevan: Hmmm! Welcome, sir! Is this your first time here?
    Dante: Yeah... it is. You'll be nice to me, won't you?
    Nevan: Of course I will! I'll treat you so nicely, You'll never want to leave!
    Dante: (drawing Rebellion) Now, that's what I'm talking about!
    Nevan: (seductive laugh) Well then, come on, sugar.
    (after the battle)
    Nevan: Aaangh..! (falls into Dante's arms) My, you're SWEET!
    (she leans up to bite him, he shoots her in the stomach)
    Dante You'd think so, wouldn't you?
    Nevan: (sighs) All right, I'll help you. (stroking and caressing Dante's chin) Your father was a handsome devil... but you're no slouch yourself.
    Mission 10[edit]
    Vergil: does that women really bother you?

    Arkham: what are you talking about?

    Mission 11[edit]
    (Beowulf breaks through the room's roof)
    Beowulf: SPARDA!
    Dante: Aw, you poor thing. Didn't your mother teach you how to use a door?
    Beowulf: That odor, I know it.
    Dante: Huh? Give me a break. I'll tell you what, I'll try and wear some cologne next time, okay?
    Beowulf: It's the stench of betrayal. The stench of the accursed Sparda! I shall annihilate every last blood relation of Sparda!
    Dante: Ho-ho-ho, a son cleaning up his dad's mess. Where have I heard this story before?
    Beowulf: The odious one whose heart pumps the blood of Sparda! Though my sight is gone, I remember your scent. I shall hunt you down to eternity if I must, until I rid this earth of your foul smell!!
    Dante: Why do I have to take the heat for my father? Come on man, cut me some slack.
    Mission 12[edit]
    Beowulf: (to Vergil) I found you, seed of Sparda. I told you I remembered your rancid scent. No matter where you run to, you can never hide from me...
    (Beowulf lunges, Vergil jumps over his head, his sword flashing)
    Beowulf: Y-you... you are not the one I faced before! But this smell... there are two of them! That excrement Sparda had two sons-! (his head falls into three pieces when Vergil sheathes Yamato)
    Mission 13[edit]
    Mission 14[edit]
    Mission 15[edit]
    Arkham: He plucks the threads that make us dance, finger and toe. We surrender, in joy, to the lowest of the foul and rank. We submerge through darkness, rancid filth. Hour by hour we move downward, ever closer to hell. In a slow, steady, gait. Now, let the world resonate. Sloth, Gluttony, Greed, Envy, Lust, Wrath, and Pride. A bell of chaos that tolls human desires. After two thousand long years, the once-sealed gate to the demonic world will open. Destruction! Carnage and Despair! Let your instincts drive you. Entrap this world in fear! As its very name, Temen-Ni-Gru, strikes terror into the hearts of mankind. And I, will become the ultimate ruler of this wasteland, engulfed with pandemonium. The demonic power that Sparda once imprisoned... will be mine!
    Mission 16[edit]
    Dante: I've told you you can't do it, don't you get it? This is not a human's job!
    Lady: You are the one who doesn't get it! It's not something you can reason with. This has nothing to do with me being a human or you being a demon! I'm driven by my inability to forgive him! My soul is screaming, demanding me to kill him! It's enough motivation to keep me going. Besides, this is my family matter. You should stay out.
    Dante: Okay Lady, I get the picture but I can't just sit back and watch either. I'm pretty pissed off too, you know. (kicks her gun across the floor to her and takes out Ebony & Ivory) Now get out of my way or there will be some consequences.
    Lady: Fair enough. I didn't plan to let any demons live anyway, not even one.
    Dante: I'll take care of him. (moves closer as if to kiss her, but sighs in amusement and backs off on seeing her reaction)
    Lady: Why do you care so much?
    Dante: This whole business started with my father sealing the entrance between the two worlds. And now, my brother is trying to break the spell and turn this place into demonville. This is my family matter too. Quite frankly, at first, I didn't give a damn. But because of you, I know what's important now. I know what I need to do. (prepares to leave)
    Lady: Wait...
    Dante: Trust me! I promise, I'll make things right for you. It's what my soul is telling me to do.
    Lady: Use this. (hands him Kalina Ann)
    Dante: How much is it gonna cost me?
    Lady: You can give me your name.
    Dante: Dante.
    Lady: (As Dante starts to walk away) Dante... Please, free my father.
    Dante: I will, Lady.
    Mission 17[edit]
    Mission 18[edit]
    Dante: Well then, let's wrap up this crazy party, shall we? Gotta clean up the mess father left behind.
    Mission 19[edit]
    Arkham: Welcome! What do you think after looking at your father's image?
    Dante: It's like staring into a backed-up toilet! Why do you always stick your nose in other families' business. Come on, dude, don't you have any hobbies?
    (Arkham and Dante start laughing)

    Arkham: You can still talk big after seeing THIS? I feel it... the power... I feel the devil's power overflowing in my body, the power of SPARDA!
    Dante: Dude, my father wasn't so hideous. (Admiring his own reflection in his sword's blade) Can't you tell by looking at me? Anyway, that shape suits you better. Let us begin the main event!
    Arkham: Ha-ha-ha, no matter how strong you are, you are nothing but a half-breed.
    Arkham: What's this!? Damn you!
    Vergil: I have come to retrieve my power... You can't handle it.
    Dante: Look at you, making a big dramatic entrance and stealing my spotlight!
    Vergil: Well... you don't possibly believe that he deserves to be our main event, now do you?
    Dante: Now that you mention it, you're right.
    Arkham: Do you truly believe that you can defeat me? Defeat the power of your father, the great Sparda?!
    Vergil: You should come to realize you cannot control the power of Sparda...
    Dante: You're wasting your time, buddy! I think he needs to learn the hard way.
    Vergil: (holding Dante's Ebony gun) I'll try it your way for once.
    Dante: Remember what we used to say?
    Arkham: DON'T DO IT!
    Arkham: I have the true power of Sparda!
    Vergil: Not very classy for someone's dying words.
    Mission 20[edit]
    Arkham: Ugh... how could I...? I shall become a God! No one here can stop me!
    (Lady appears)
    Lady: What a surprise... here I was, looking for you, and lo and behold, you come to me.
    Arkham: Mary....
    Lady: Don't ever call me that again. My mother was the only one who could say my name.
    Arkham: Mary... please... Wait, do you really want to shoot me? Can you shoot me? Your own father?
    Arkham: What have I done wrong!? Even the heroic Sparda sacrificed a woman so that he could become a legend! I wished to be a GOD! And I sacrificed one miserable human being for that reason, that is all... Is that really so awful? I have some unfinished business to take care of... Help me, Mary.
    Lady: Mary died a long time ago. My name is Lady. Goodbye, father.
    Arkham: NO-!
    (blam blam blam blam)
    Lady: (laughs, then cries) Here I thought I wasn't gonna cry...
    Vergil: Give that to me.
    Dante: No way, you got your own.
    Vergil: Well I want yours too.
    Dante: What are you gonna do with all that power, huh? No matter how hard you try, you're never gonna be like father!
    Vergil: You're wasting time!
    Dante: We are the sons of Sparda, and within each of us flows his blood, but more importantly, his SOUL! And now, my soul is saying that it wants to stop you!
    Vergil: (evil laugh) Unfortunately, our souls are at odds, brother. I need more power!
    Dante: And we're supposed to be twins...
    Vergil: Twins, right...
    Vergil: Am I... being defeated?
    Dante: Is that all you got? Come on! Get up! You can do better than that.
    Vergil: The portal to the human world is closing, Dante, because the amulets have been separated.
    Dante: Lets finish this, Vergil. I have to stop you, even if it means killing you.
    (They charge at each other with their swords for the final showdown, but Dante wins.)
    Vergil: No one can have this, Dante... it's mine, it belongs to a son of Sparda. Leave me and go, if you don't want to be trapped into the demon world... I'm staying. This place was our father's home.
    Lady: Are you crying?
    Dante: It's only the rain.
    Lady: But the rain already stopped.
    Dante: Devils never cry.
    Lady: I see. Maybe somewhere out there even a devil may cry when he loses a loved one. Don't you think?
    Dante: Maybe.
    Lady: By the way... (Lady shoots a demon behind Dante's back) Looks like we're gonna be busy for a while.
    Dante: Well, bring it on! I love this! This is what I live for! (swings Ebony & Ivory) I'm absolutely crazy about it!!
    Lady: (narrating) What happened next? Nothing, really. We took care about all remaining devils and that was it. I still have a job to do that's far from done, which is to eliminate every last demon. I need ensure that monsters like my father never come about again. And he promised to help me hunt down the demons, even if he's part one himself. But now I realize that there are humans as evil as any devil as well as kind and compassionate demons in this universe. At least I've found one so-called "devil" who is able to shed tears for those he cares about. That's enough for me to believe in him.
    Dante: (kicks his chair to normal position and sits on it, crossing his legs on the desk) Now I can start my business.
    Lady: Oh, speaking of a kind devil, he finally decided on the name for his shop. It took him quite a while to pick one. Wanna know the name?
    L&D: "Devil May Cry."
    Vergil: It would be fun to fight with the Prince of Darkness. If my father did it, I should be able to do it too!

    < blank >


      General Discussion
      General Discussion
      devil may cry 3
      Mekarazium 11 minutes ago
      Lady: (narrating) You've heard of it, haven't you? The Legend of Sparda? When I was young, my father would tell me stories about it. Long ago, in ancient times, a demon rebelled against his own kind for the sake of the human race. With his sword, he shut the portal to the demonic realm, and sealed the evil entities off of our human world. But since he was a demon himself, his power was also trapped on the other side. I've never believed it. I always thought it was just a child's fairy tale. But I discovered that this so-called legend wasn't a myth at all. Sparda existed. How do I know? Well... I met the sons of Sparda... Both of them. Although the same blood of their father flowed through their veins, the two battled each other fiercely like arch-enemies. It seemed as if they derived some sort of twisted pleasure from this brotherly fighting. But in the end... only one was left standing.
      Mission 1[edit]
      (Phone ringing, Dante walks from backdoor after taking a bath. He kicks the chair wich was on the floor, making it fly and fall right, sits on it, kicks the table and grabs the phone) Dante: Sorry, not open for business yet.
      (He turns off the phone.)
      Dante: I haven't even picked a name for this joint and i'm already getting calls.
      (The scene cuts to the outside of his shop, showing an bald, creepy man, named Arkham. He enters the shop.) Dante: You a costumer too? (The man keeps quiet. Dante sighs.) Well, if you want to use the bathroom, help yourself. The toilet's in the back.
      (The man goes through the left, putting his hand on an pool table.)
      Arkham: Is your name Dante... Son of Sparda?
      Dante: Where did you heard that?
      Arkham: From your Brother...(The camera goes to Dante's necklace) He sent this invitation for you. Please... accept it.
      (Arkham pulls up the table, throwing all things up, while Dante kicks it and stands on the fallen table, when his pistol falls and he grabs it, pointing the gun to the front)
      Dante: Invitation Huh? (Caught his pizza box while on the air)
      Mission 2[edit]
      Dante: Damn it! You guys totally wrecked my shop! And I haven't even named it yet! You're gonna pay for that!
      (Throws Rebellion to the air and stylishly throws on his red long coat. After that, he sneezes and the shop collapses)
      Dante: I hope you all have enough to cover all of this!
      (After that Dante fights with several demons, ends with he defeats a Wraith. Soon after, a huge tower jutting out of the ground. There's someone holds a long katana wears blue coat standing on top)
      Dante: It's been nearly a year since we last met. Where does the time go?
      (Dante looks up at the person on top of the tower, whom looks back at him with calm expression. The mysterious white-haired person holds the katana in his hands)
      Dante: No doubt you've got some fun planned for me. Right, Vergil? (Dante shouts at the person)
      Mission 3[edit]
      Cerberus: You are not human, are you?
      Dante: Who knows. I'm not even sure myself.
      Cerberus: Regardless, you have proven your strength. I acknowledge your ability. Take my soul and go forth. You have my blessing.
      (Cerberus shatters and his soul flies into Dante's hand, turning into ice nunchaku. Dante practices his moves.)
      Dante: Too easy!
      (Lady drives in Temen-ni-Gru and rides on Dante. He backflips and lands behind her.)
      Dante: Are you going to the party? What's the matter? Did you get an invitation?
      (Lady shoots a rocket at Dante, but he hops on it, makes a short ride and a big hole in the ceiling. Lady charges on bike and jumps through the hole.)
      Dante: It just keeps getting better and better!
      Mission 4[edit]
      Jester: ... I prefer a sword to be my partner. May I have this dance, m'lady?
      (Dante swings his sword at Jester, hitting the power generator, and the door opens)
      Jester: Bingo! That is what the something is. Remember that, kid! Write it down on your hand if you don't trust your head!
      Dante: I see... thanks! You still piss me off, though.
      Mission 5[edit]
      Rudra: Look Brother! It's been ages, but we finally have company!
      Agni: I see that!
      Rudra: We must entertain our guest!
      Agni: You're right! We have to be gracious hosts!
      Rudra: What should we do?
      Agni: How do I know? We need to come up with something!
      Dante: (sigh)
      Rudra: Brother, our guest is sighing.
      Agni: SIGH? What is SIGH?
      Rudra: Well a SIGH is when...
      Dante: Enough already! How long are you two gonna keep carrying on like this? In case you didn't get the hint, I'll spell it out. Your GUEST wants to go through. Got it!
      Rudra: Our job here is to guard this door!
      Agni: That's right! We cannot let you pass!
      Mission 6[edit]
      Mission 7[edit]
      Vergil: You showed up.
      Dante: You sure know how to throw a party! No food, no drinks, and the only babe just left.
      Vergil: My sincerest apology brother. I was so eager to see you, I couldn't concentrate on preparations for the bash.
      Dante: Whatever, at any rate, it's been a whole year since we last met. How about a kiss from your little brother? Or better yet how about a kiss from THIS!
      (Points Ivory towards Vergil.)
      Dante: So, this is what they call a heartwarming family reunion, eh?
      Vergil: You got that right...
      (Readies Yamato.)
      Vergil: Why do you refuse to gain power? The power of our father, Sparda.
      Dante: Father? I don't have a father. I just don't like you, that's all.
      (The two started to deadlock against each other on swords, and eventually Rebellion is clashed away -- Vergil stabbed Yamato relentlessly into Dante's chest.)
      Vergil: Foolishness, Dante, foolishness. Might controls everything, and without strength, you cannot protect anything. Let alone yourself.
      Arkham: Do you finally have it?
      Vergil: Yes. Now the spell Sparda cast will be broken.
      Dante: eerrrAAAARRRRGGGGHHH! (throws Vergil aside)
      Vergil: I see a devil inside you has awakened as well.
      Arkham: Wait! We should leave. For the moment, we have all that we need.
      Mission 8[edit]
      Mission 9[edit]
      Dante: Hey! What's your name?
      Lady: I don't have a name!
      Dante: Really? Then what should I call you?
      Lady: I don't care. Whatever you want.
      Dante: Whatever, Lady. (leap to the castle entrance) I'll leave this to you. Cuz' I don't wanna miss the party. (enters castle)
      Lady: Who counted on you anyway?
      Nevan: Hmmm! Welcome, sir! Is this your first time here?
      Dante: Yeah... it is. You'll be nice to me, won't you?
      Nevan: Of course I will! I'll treat you so nicely, You'll never want to leave!
      Dante: (drawing Rebellion) Now, that's what I'm talking about!
      Nevan: (seductive laugh) Well then, come on, sugar.
      (after the battle)
      Nevan: Aaangh..! (falls into Dante's arms) My, you're SWEET!
      (she leans up to bite him, he shoots her in the stomach)
      Dante You'd think so, wouldn't you?
      Nevan: (sighs) All right, I'll help you. (stroking and caressing Dante's chin) Your father was a handsome devil... but you're no slouch yourself.
      Mission 10[edit]
      Vergil: does that women really bother you?
      Arkham: what are you talking about?
      Mission 11[edit]
      (Beowulf breaks through the room's roof)
      Beowulf: SPARDA!
      Dante: Aw, you poor thing. Didn't your mother teach you how to use a door?
      Beowulf: That odor, I know it.
      Dante: Huh? Give me a break. I'll tell you what, I'll try and wear some cologne next time, okay?
      Beowulf: It's the stench of betrayal. The stench of the accursed Sparda! I shall annihilate every last blood relation of Sparda!
      Dante: Ho-ho-ho, a son cleaning up his dad's mess. Where have I heard this story before?
      Beowulf: The odious one whose heart pumps the blood of Sparda! Though my sight is gone, I remember your scent. I shall hunt you down to eternity if I must, until I rid this earth of your foul smell!!
      Dante: Why do I have to take the heat for my father? Come on man, cut me some slack.
      Mission 12[edit]
      Beowulf: (to Vergil) I found you, seed of Sparda. I told you I remembered your rancid scent. No matter where you run to, you can never hide from me...
      (Beowulf lunges, Vergil jumps over his head, his sword flashing)
      Beowulf: Y-you... you are not the one I faced before! But this smell... there are two of them! That excrement Sparda had two sons-! (his head falls into three pieces when Vergil sheathes Yamato)
      Mission 13[edit]
      Mission 14[edit]
      Mission 15[edit]
      Arkham: He plucks the threads that make us dance, finger and toe. We surrender, in joy, to the lowest of the foul and rank. We submerge through darkness, rancid filth. Hour by hour we move downward, ever closer to hell. In a slow, steady, gait. Now, let the world resonate. Sloth, Gluttony, Greed, Envy, Lust, Wrath, and Pride. A bell of chaos that tolls human desires. After two thousand long years, the once-sealed gate to the demonic world will open. Destruction! Carnage and Despair! Let your instincts drive you. Entrap this world in fear! As its very name, Temen-Ni-Gru, strikes terror into the hearts of mankind. And I, will become the ultimate ruler of this wasteland, engulfed with pandemonium. The demonic power that Sparda once imprisoned... will be mine!
      Mission 16[edit]
      Dante: I've told you you can't do it, don't you get it? This is not a human's job!
      Lady: You are the one who doesn't get it! It's not something you can reason with. This has nothing to do with me being a human or you being a demon! I'm driven by my inability to forgive him! My soul is screaming, demanding me to kill him! It's enough motivation to keep me going. Besides, this is my family matter. You should stay out.
      Dante: Okay Lady, I get the picture but I can't just sit back and watch either. I'm pretty pissed off too, you know. (kicks her gun across the floor to her and takes out Ebony & Ivory) Now get out of my way or there will be some consequences.
      Lady: Fair enough. I didn't plan to let any demons live anyway, not even one.
      Dante: I'll take care of him. (moves closer as if to kiss her, but sighs in amusement and backs off on seeing her reaction)
      Lady: Why do you care so much?
      Dante: This whole business started with my father sealing the entrance between the two worlds. And now, my brother is trying to break the spell and turn this place into demonville. This is my family matter too. Quite frankly, at first, I didn't give a damn. But because of you, I know what's important now. I know what I need to do. (prepares to leave)
      Lady: Wait...
      Dante: Trust me! I promise, I'll make things right for you. It's what my soul is telling me to do.
      Lady: Use this. (hands him Kalina Ann)
      Dante: How much is it gonna cost me?
      Lady: You can give me your name.
      Dante: Dante.
      Lady: (As Dante starts to walk away) Dante... Please, free my father.
      Dante: I will, Lady.
      Mission 17[edit]
      Mission 18[edit]
      Dante: Well then, let's wrap up this crazy party, shall we? Gotta clean up the mess father left behind.
      Mission 19[edit]
      Arkham: Welcome! What do you think after looking at your father's image?
      Dante: It's like staring into a backed-up toilet! Why do you always stick your nose in other families' business. Come on, dude, don't you have any hobbies?
      (Arkham and Dante start laughing)
      Arkham: You can still talk big after seeing THIS? I feel it... the power... I feel the devil's power overflowing in my body, the power of SPARDA!
      Dante: Dude, my father wasn't so hideous. (Admiring his own reflection in his sword's blade) Can't you tell by looking at me? Anyway, that shape suits you better. Let us begin the main event!
      Arkham: Ha-ha-ha, no matter how strong you are, you are nothing but a half-breed.
      Arkham: What's this!? Damn you!
      Vergil: I have come to retrieve my power... You can't handle it.
      Dante: Look at you, making a big dramatic entrance and stealing my spotlight!
      Vergil: Well... you don't possibly believe that he deserves to be our main event, now do you?
      Dante: Now that you mention it, you're right.
      Arkham: Do you truly believe that you can defeat me? Defeat the power of your father, the great Sparda?!
      Vergil: You should come to realize you cannot control the power of Sparda...
      Dante: You're wasting your time, buddy! I think he needs to learn the hard way.
      Vergil: (holding Dante's Ebony gun) I'll try it your way for once.
      Dante: Remember what we used to say?
      Arkham: DON'T DO IT!
      V&D: JACKPOT!
      Arkham: I have the true power of Sparda!
      Vergil: Not very classy for someone's dying words.
      Mission 20[edit]
      Arkham: Ugh... how could I...? I shall become a God! No one here can stop me!
      (Lady appears)
      Lady: What a surprise... here I was, looking for you, and lo and behold, you come to me.
      Arkham: Mary....
      Lady: Don't ever call me that again. My mother was the only one who could say my name.
      Arkham: Mary... please... Wait, do you really want to shoot me? Can you shoot me? Your own father?
      Arkham: What have I done wrong!? Even the heroic Sparda sacrificed a woman so that he could become a legend! I wished to be a GOD! And I sacrificed one miserable human being for that reason, that is all... Is that really so awful? I have some unfinished business to take care of... Help me, Mary.
      Lady: Mary died a long time ago. My name is Lady. Goodbye, father.
      Arkham: NO-!
      (blam blam blam blam)
      Lady: (laughs, then cries) Here I thought I wasn't gonna cry...
      Vergil: Give that to me.
      Dante: No way, you got your own.
      Vergil: Well I want yours too.
      Dante: What are you gonna do with all that power, huh? No matter how hard you try, you're never gonna be like father!
      Vergil: You're wasting time!
      Dante: We are the sons of Sparda, and within each of us flows his blood, but more importantly, his SOUL! And now, my soul is saying that it wants to stop you!
      Vergil: (evil laugh) Unfortunately, our souls are at odds, brother. I need more power!
      Dante: And we're supposed to be twins...
      Vergil: Twins, right...
      Vergil: Am I... being defeated?
      Dante: Is that all you got? Come on! Get up! You can do better than that.
      Vergil: The portal to the human world is closing, Dante, because the amulets have been separated.
      Dante: Lets finish this, Vergil. I have to stop you, even if it means killing you.
      (They charge at each other with their swords for the final showdown, but Dante wins.)
      Vergil: No one can have this, Dante... it's mine, it belongs to a son of Sparda. Leave me and go, if you don't want to be trapped into the demon world... I'm staying. This place was our father's home.
      Lady: Are you crying?
      Dante: It's only the rain.
      Lady: But the rain already stopped.
      Dante: Devils never cry.
      Lady: I see. Maybe somewhere out there even a devil may cry when he loses a loved one. Don't you think?
      Dante: Maybe.
      Lady: By the way... (Lady shoots a demon behind Dante's back) Looks like we're gonna be busy for a while.
      Dante: Well, bring it on! I love this! This is what I live for! (swings Ebony & Ivory) I'm absolutely crazy about it!!
      Lady: (narrating) What happened next? Nothing, really. We took care about all remaining devils and that was it. I still have a job to do that's far from done, which is to eliminate every last demon. I need ensure that monsters like my father never come about again. And he promised to help me hunt down the demons, even if he's part one himself. But now I realize that there are humans as evil as any devil as well as kind and compassionate demons in this universe. At least I've found one so-called "devil" who is able to shed tears for those he cares about. That's enough for me to believe in him.
      Dante: (kicks his chair to normal position and sits on it, crossing his legs on the desk) Now I can start my business.
      Lady: Oh, speaking of a kind devil, he finally decided on the name for his shop. It took him quite a while to pick one. Wanna know the name?
      L&D: "Devil May Cry."
      Vergil: It would be fun to fight with the Prince of Darkness. If my father did it, I should be able to do it too!

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