General Discussion

General DiscussionCalibration is broken. GG VOLVO

Calibration is broken. GG VOLVO in General Discussion

    So yeah, wanna talk with you guys about something, and can you tell me if this is normal or not. So i made new account and i tried to calibrate to higher mmr 4.5k or more, and finally i got to calibrate.
    First game that i played went well, and average was 5k mmr, and me being the highest mmr in the team, with me having big kda and good hd, and on top of that above average xpm/gpm and won that first game. So i am starting next match happily hoping to see some increase in avg mmr, but i did have what to see, boom 4k avg, so i thought it maybe was some miscalculation, but still i owned that game pretty hard with Invoker. Next game, i had even smaller avg mmr and my mmr was lower. Can someone explain this shit to me, or i should just delete doto, and start playing tetris?

    Here is my dotabuff account :
    And tell me if i am retarded or this system is just a complete nonsense? And did anyone had this kind of shit being thrown in their face when they tried to calibrate to higher mmr? Cheers

    Ten temat był edytowany

      From what I've experienced in making too many accounts already, I think valve just fucking throws you to a random mmr bracket and see how you're performing in that specific bracket even though you're having good - great stats. Just finish the calibrating stage and frekaing boost your mmr. Easy


        Thanks for reply mate. I will take that into account. I have read somewhere that if you have same ip adress as on the last profile, valve can detect your main acc mmr and set it as a max on the next again. To be honest i find this bullshit though. But it is just weird from me having 5k+ mmr on 1st game and 4k mmr on 2nd, but who knows... This shit is making me crazy >.<


          jbg zato sam ja igrao sranje i dobio samo 3 gejma i dao mi cetri i po


            That ip shit is crazy.

            The weird averages are normal during calibration, it happened to my smurf that calibrated at 4.9k 9/10 wins, I even screenshot how wild the change was every fuckin game. The average changes about 150 to 50 to 25 to 200.


              Well i guess it's normal for calibration, just wanted to see other ppl opinions

              1-IceTea 🌟

                A 51% win rate with B+ you don't belong to any where higher then 3k

                Kappa I so bitter with F rate


                  Yes it's normal
                  It's nearly impossible to calibrate at 4999, just try to be consistent, calibrate around 4k, and grind yourself up to 5k

                  Riguma Borusu

                    why do people even want to calibrate at around 5k so hard?

                    I mean if you're 5k material, shouldn't you calibrate about mid 4k and then easily grind to 5k because 5k is a lot better than 4k in general?


                      It is possible to play in 4kish avg. games and calibrate 4.5k+ easily.

                      Just keep the good stats goin' and you will get 4.5k+ MMR.


                        @1IceTea what are you talking about pleb? That is nonsense you're talking about.

                        @Abraham Linkens cause i am stuck in 4-4.5k bracket for 1 year on my main acc, and i am tired of 4k scrubs who cry whole game. It's so much harder to actually climb to 5k. I just dont understand that 1st game and 2nd game there was like 1000-1400mmr gap in avg mmrs. Volvo keeps mindfucking me


                          calibration CAPS at 4999

                          and you need to get literally a perfect 10 game streak to get a 4999 calib

                          with perfect, i mean inhuman level perfect scores.

                          realistically you're gonna get around mid 4k even if you're 8k main.

                          so, sorry to brake it to you scrub: if you're stuck in 4k-4,5k

                          to get to 5k++, you gotta do the hard work and ''git gud''

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                            @Cookie thanks dude, i saw recently wagamama playing on smurf and he calibrated to like 5.6k mmr, so calibration definetely is possible above 5k, but maybe for us mortal it is really capped at 4999. Cheers bruh


                              can you link me that smurf, i haven't seen a single player calibrate 5.6k+ for hte last year or so

                              i've heard about a couple being possible from very old accounts, but no proof, do you have a link?

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                lel, i smell bs, or either that he watched an old video


                                  I don't have link right now, will find it. But i was watching him live on twitch when he was calibratind and i am 100% sure that he got like 5.6k 1month ago. I will post his dotabuff later.


                                    I think it's this profile cause he had around 6k last time when i watched him playing and ta is his most played hero, so it's definetely him.


                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                      Is it true ? that ip thing? what if someone makes a smurf in a cyber cafe?


                                        I am not sure about ip thing, but it is possible. Who knows what gaben does with his cyka doto :D


                                          He was playing int ranked and he didn't calibrate at over 5k. His smurf is now 7.1k and he even tweeted it calibrated at 5018 in 2014


                                            You're talking about his 2nd smurf account and this is his 3rd smurf account pleb :D

                                            kenny: uWU

                                              My first game is 2.6k then finish at 4k


                                                Same I calibrate at 5kmmr I perform good on that game with a standing 15/0 as a carry hoping an increase in next game suddenly it went to 4.4 i was like it wasn't enough? Or just its shitty system broken

                                                TheDoctor (HTPG)

                                                  @abraham Linkens
                                                  what you don't understand is that
                                                  even if you have 6k Material but your teamates all are 4k material
                                                  you will have a losing streak
                                                  Unless your server is nice and everyone let you win


                                                    Its not broken but it pushes you back to 4k bracket randomly even if you don't deserve there
                                                    I think it's to prevent 5k+ being infested by acc buyers and stat abusing 2k smurfs


                                                      there are bots who do nothing. just stand in mid have 150 avg gpm and caliberate at 4.5k.
                                                      play all random india server you'll know