General Discussion

General DiscussionThe Boston Major

The Boston Major in General Discussion

    So, what are your predictions guys and lads? any thoughs?
    I want to earn some compendium points so share your thoughs here :P

    Arcanine ))

      any link for Nahaaz/Merlini/etc predictions ? :(


        Nahaz hasn't made any yet. Just subscribe to his channel on YouTube. My *hope* NOT *prediction* is that EG or DC take it. If neither than my 3rd pick is OG.

        Forget me not

          Wings all the way

          The Medic Guy

            i think EG gonna win this one


              MVP Phoenix for sure guys


                Said the same thing every major, never win even once

                clueless clown

                  Eg forever


                    eg or og will win, wings are old news and virtus pro is gonna fail.


                      Virtus Pro will win I hope!
                      They have ramzes

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                        What about others preictions? which hero will be mostly picked, banned?


                          As for most pick I think morph and mostly banned underlord

                          Dire Wolf

                            Underlord is not in captain's mode.

                            Most banned I just went with IO cus IO is always like 2nd or 3rd and the others flip. Like drow and mirana were most main even at TI and IO was 2nd. Before that I think most banned was beastmaster and IO second.

                            Most picked I went with void cus he seems so meta right now and was a very high pick last time, pros like him for off and safe lanes.

                            Pretty sure wings will win unless they sabotage themselves with picks or something. They were so far ahead of everyone at TI and same roster where other teams shuffled for better or worse, they don't have chemistry yet. EG I think will be very good, as will DC (moon for moo is basically a wash I think but wee is underrated imo). OG I have to see it before I believe it. I feel like their top 3 players all left.


                              Very unpredictable... I like team NP and FL style.. We will see on the weekend :)


                                Exec giga lul


                                  I feel like a lot of teams have the potential to beat wings. As seen clearly at SUMMIT 6. Wings and EG r the clear frontrunners, with DC close behind only cuz they didn't play too many games in between so I'm not 100%, tho I'm pretty confident in them. OG has potential and showed it at SUMMIT. To be honest this one looks really exiting.