General Discussion

General DiscussionBoston major predictions

Boston major predictions in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Not sure if the fall compendium was that popular. I got it but the quests were harder, it was harder to level up, not as good of a deal as summer one.

    How bout some predictions though? It was really hard for me to predict teams and players cus I haven't followed much since the TI reshuffle. So I most picked EG and DC guys for individual awards and wings for team awards. Wings to win it all. Arteezy to have most farm and stuff.

    For heroes I feel a tiny bit more confident but this meta is so open it was hard. I put void as most picked. He was 3rd most picked at TI behind a mirana and drow tie, but those two got nerfed a bit and void is really strong place right now, carry or offlane. I put IO most banned cus he's usually top 3 and other bans like drow and beastmaster fluctuate. Most kills in a game was hard, I wanted to put tinker but I don't think anyone will run him, then I wanted PA but went with slark instead. Highest win percent is always really hard to guess too cus you gotta get minimum 5 games in so I went with riki, just cus he's a more situational pick but still popular and does well.

    The farming ones are always really hard to guess too. Cus Am is typically the best early/mid farmer but if it goes super late naga and alch seem to farm better. But naga is so unpopular. Not sure whether to put naga, am or alch as most cs one game and which for most gpm and average farm, but it'll be one of those three.

    I'll post screenie of everything if I have time at home later.

    Shikanoko Noko

      idk. you can call your future to make sure who will win. kappa


        Predictions are always interesting, but they are very hard and they dont reward much, so thats why all the hype is now gonne.
        I would be happy if I manage to win at least 2.500 points.
        And if I get Winner corectly for another 2.500, I put Virtus Pro to be the winner, bcs they are very strong team now and they have Ramzes.
        Also , you can get guaranteed points if you put 1000+ GPM and 36+ Assists, bcs that happens every tournament.
        I also think IO will be most banned hero, again.
        I put Warlock as most picked, bcs I think he is currently very strong and played by all team and it hasnt been nerfed-yet.
        As for the players prediction goes, just put your favorites and hope they do well.
        ITs predictions after all, cant get it all right, but you can be at least close if you really think about it.