General Discussion

General Discussionyou can no longer see non-friend's recent matches

you can no longer see non-friend's recent matches in General Discussion
meteor hammer

    hey can someone tell the me dodging cd so i dont get a 24h ban? i just dodged what wouldve been my fifth dire game in a row


      resets at 12pm gmt+8 so, just adjust your time

      meteor hammer


        2k indog monkey

          Fuck this I'm going back to spamming void AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH AHAHA

          Dire Wolf

            "but prefer not to because they have found it more likely to win if they just pick a handful of heroes. It is not that I can't play omni, cm ,lich, centaur, slardar, dusa or spectre, it is just that I'd prefer to pick lc, bs or sven. Just like you have your preferences, I have mine. And with your winrate and MMR, I honestly do not see you as a better player, even if your matches played on heroes are way more evenly dispersed than in my case."

            So you just agreed with me, playing a limited pool results in higher win percentage, higher mmr. And here's where I take a massive dump on your entire argument.

            I spammed troll is 6.83, boosted my mmr like 400 pts off it. It was only time I was vhs, around 3800 mmr. Which coincidentally is your mmr range. I know I wasn't a better player, I was spamming a good hero and taking advantage. So absolutely we should be able to identify spammers cus most spammers are exploiting the system to their advantage. If troll had a counter in 6.83 my opponents should absolutely be able to recognize I am a spammer and pick it pre game time.

            You say pros have to out pick their opponents, that is true but it's also true most mids and carry pros have a hero pool of 2-3 really good ones and 3-5 comfortable ones. Opponents know this and ban those heroes or counter pick them. They study and know what enemies want to play. No one has time to study and know what the average jo blow plays so showing recent match history is a viable alternative.

            Dire Wolf

              "saying that spammers are bad at the game is like saying software engineers are bad at life, because they haven't also mastered medicine, basketball, ten languages and law"

              are you actually retarded or just like to post inane shit? real life isn't a competition, it's not a zero sum game where I can only win by counter picking your profession.


                spamming heroes isn't the same as spamming most powerful meta heroes.

                which explains why you didn't increase in skill when you were spamming troll.

                Dire Wolf

                  my first game in 3 weeks and i get that fggot, anyone supporting no match history needs to uninstall you are basically cheaters