General Discussion

General DiscussionFog of War Secrets

Fog of War Secrets in General Discussion

    So I recently heard that there are some skills/animation that can be seen even without a having a vision.


      Buggy shit. U can see maelstrom thru the fog and know thy are roshing.

      doc joferlyn simp

        everytime np/timbersaw cuts down trees you can see the trees get rekt thru the fog

        The Medic Guy

          yeah, you also can see riki or bounty walking around the map too while they are invis, and the fish that swimming in the river near bot rune and stairs


            If u look really closely u can see Raj jacking off to pictures of his dad and videos of him reacting to his SAT score.


              Necro's q will also hit invis units. I was in Rosh a few games back and enemy team had a BH and Slark with SB. I hit Q and noticed 2 waves went into the fog outside the pit. Immediately threw dust and we wiped them.

              Im sure this would also work if say you were blinked into a tree line and an enemy came down lane near you

              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                Lmao jacked XD


                  Uh black n teAl. That's not really anything to do with interaction with fog. It's just like how scream can detect invis units.

                  Potato Marshal

                    You can hear pudge dismembering rosh even without vision.

                    The Medic Guy

                      yeah QoP's SoP works that way too

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        you can hear pudge dismembering anyone since he shouts something like raping a child or wtvr


                          Anyone notice that lc's skill 2 can be heard in a distance in the fog of war?


                            that fricking trumpet is even louder than my mom's voice.

                            doc joferlyn simp


                              i know skills can be heard if you have vision, but didnt know that lmao


                                I'm not sure dude.But I am certain that alche's stun can be heard whenever he goes invi.


                                  also to add sandstorm can also be seen in the FoW


                                    so its not a secret anymore


                                      Lc skill can't be heard in fog. Only if u have vision


                                        Fuck u jacked 1v1 me rn invoker mid.


                                          I've been waiting for your dad to let u play so I can 1v1 u


                                            guys calm your tits as I said "I'm not sure"

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              ill take both of you in the same time put em up cmon


                                                btw?If u two really going for a 1vs1 I'd be happy to stream you guys :) and watch each other talk trash. :V


                                                  1ks 1v1 seemsgud


                                                    I remind yall that I beat a 4k mid. Makes me 4k


                                                      it's like watching a Passive AI vs Passive AI


                                                        Bots battle


                                                          I bet on daddy to win


                                                            ^looking at your dogshit Ta and am, I could probably beat you 1v1

                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                              hohohoho jacked you cheeky lil shit


                                                                BTW I can't play till June July.


                                                                  Show some respect it's almost christmas now you should just decorate your house and hang yourself.

                                                                  Not Saske

                                                                    looking at your oracle, i could probably beat you 1v1

                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                      why would you go 1v1 vs an oracle are you high


                                                                        I beat a 5k mmr in mid I ain't even shouting it with my mates that I am a 5k now.

                                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                                          but you are brave enough to be cheeky when you have sub50% winrates on your top 2 heroes, i respect that


                                                                            solid thread 9/11

                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                              nah i rate it 5/7

                                                                              Not Saske

                                                                                i will rate it 18/22
                                                                                since this thread so informative to mee

                                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                  Kek. The only
                                                                                  Bot I lose to is chaos knight bot.