General Discussion

General DiscussionAllow us to DIFFUSE ORACLE'S ULTIMATE very annoying during team fight...

Allow us to DIFFUSE ORACLE'S ULTIMATE very annoying during team fight anyone with dagon cant easily kill it or high dps in General Discussion



      Summoning Daddy


        Summoning Jacked


          Just buy refresher. And refresh your Dagon for 2 blyat. Should be enough to watch him explode

          2k indog monkey

            banned free fortunes end this forum

            doc joferlyn simp

              what do you mean by diffuse? dispel?


                Kek remember when oracle ulti made the person invi too. Balance os frog


                  I think you should just treat it as the equivalent of WC3 Paladin's Divine Shield - ie its 6-8 seconds where you can't do any damage to the hero. Just focus on killing the other heroes instead and then turn on the false promised target after the spell finishes.

                  Personally I think it should have the invisibility back and the cooldown reduced back to what it was in 6.83 so that it's actually useful for Oracle to use outside of team fights. Did you know he was the only pos 5 support who had invisibility? All the other heroes with invisibility are either carries like Riki, TA, or offlaner/supports like Bounty Hunter, Nyx. But nope, Icefrog had to take it away and turn Oracle from a really good support to a very meh one which it took casters ages to realise but eventually they realised how shit he had become once he was allowing into captains mode and failed spectacularly almost everytime he was picked outside of a few specific circumstances like if paired with Huskar.


                    Number of ppl who think this is a serious thread. Lol


                      seems like a diox thread

                      The Medic Guy

                        yeah and its CD only 20sec

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          would reduce oracle to omniknight tier in professional play. could be higher but unlike omni his ulti only affects one target. could be lower but he has a strong laning presence. nevertheless him being countered by one item weill likely drop him from pro matches

                          a nerf this magnitude will require a buff of equal impact. osfrog wont suddenly nerf a hero to oblivion, not when the hero himself is wrecking hard. people might play with skillbuild. add another effect/mechanic to purifying flames or his root, if they are gonna try and add more damage his dmg output early game would be ridiculous

                          will remain successful in pubs, winrate might get reduced in 5k + 4k since in 5k they will know how to get rid of false promise and 4k since people also have a good understanding of the game and read patchnotes. i see him succeeding in 3k since they have a decent understanding of the game but perhaps cant exploit diffusing to the full potential. 2ks will severely mishandle him and reduce their impact drastically. 5/7 of the time they wont have mana

                          i still think that allowing oracle's ulti to get diffused is a good solution tbh. the hero was made to do that, you just gotta learn how to play around it. kill him first before he gets false promise off? maybe silences/stuns? oracle is good enough as he is

                          meanwhile ogre diving people under their tier 1's and getting a double kill 4 mins into the game

                          edit: i got jebaited i must commit sepukku sorry for bad england

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                            @Haffy Jebaited


                              Lmao. More like u got jebaited retard