General Discussion

General DiscussionMy Invoker's winrate is low against Drow Ranger and Luna.

My Invoker's winrate is low against Drow Ranger and Luna. in General Discussion

    Hey guys.So recently I've been trying to increase my winrate with invoker so i analysed my lost matches and i found out i have low winrate with Invoker against following heroes:
    Juggernaut,Sven,Axe :About 40%
    Drow Ranger: 25%
    i'm really concerned about Sven and Luna and Drow Ranger.
    I just wanna know as an invoker player how do you deal with those heroes?( In terms of Skill Build:(quas wex or quas exort) and Items)
    My items are usually:Midas>Euls>dagger>Boots of Travel>Aghs>refresher and or Octarine.
    thanks in advance.


      You should absolutely dumpster Sven in late game as invoker.

      Position 1 only

        Do not play Invoker every game maybe?


          Well. Those heroes are just broken. Nothing u can do about it except pick them yourself


            As fair as the axe , go blink a little earlier and try to dodge his blink calls, not much else to counter that


              If ur going quas exort then fitting in a drums to help push against the depush of Sven and Luna is good. And consider hex in the late game to disable the fuck out of said heroes, Sven can't kill u if he is a pig.


                depush of sven and luna...
                depush... sven... luna...

                Wtf am I reading


                  Well Sven and Luna do clear waves fast. Think that's what he means. Not exactly good de pushers though.


                    Maybe you must buy linken. The problem being invoker is you always the first target and you cant initiate with invoker except 5 man turnado and that combo shit. Or maybe this patch isnt invoker patch... I have 59%wr at patch 6.86 and this patch i have 51%wr :(


                      it takes longer for invoker to come online than drow or luna to come high ground