General Discussion

General DiscussionABOUT pro supports.

ABOUT pro supports. in General Discussion

    can you give me some tips for support main pls and names of prof players as support main i really wanna improve my skills


      sonneiko is a good support player to watch

      but dodge him every time you get mathced with him in your team, thank me later


        rofl cookie

        Potato Marshal

          No offense, but if you're sub-2k, watching pro players isn't going to help you that much. Your opponents and team mates are going to be completely different. Stacking and pulling isn't going to be much use if your carry is going to stand around tanking creeps till he dies under tower.

          You're probably better off watching Purge or somebody else similar talking about basics and coaching other 1k and 2k players.


            playing support in sub 2k?

            its easy

            pick a support hero and press M on your carry. click skills whenever necessary

            high quality support

            Potato Marshal

              I just pick heroes with spammable nukes early game like lich's frost blast and jakiro's liquid fire. Just wrap around from behind, throw a nuke, then a few right clicks here and there and you've effectively zoned out the enemy's offlaner(s). If it works at 4.5k, it should work at sub-2k. Just learn not to draw too much creep aggro, know if you're at risk from getting killed by the enemy offlane, and be sure to maximize the number of right clicks whenever you throw a nuke.

              At sub-2k you can usually just put wards and dewards where the eyeball markings are most of the time.


                1-2k sups? Don't interfere with your team's last hitting, set defensive wards and don't soak exp too much, tp when ganks happen, the carries will be thankful no Kappa, they have 'high expectations' when they don't even know how to last hit.


                  I don't think he just wants success in low level ranked matches as support. He probably wants to actually improve. Advice on that is probably most welcome.


                    Remember: turn off autoattack/dont rightclick the creeps (literally) for the first 10 minutes 4Head