bcuz party mmr is still matchmaking, and party mmr is generally worth more than solo mmr.
getting 6k party generally requires a 7k player to achieve.
the real question is all the insecure solo players who think party mmr is irrelevant.
the only thing "wrong' with party mmr is you could be carried. but generally unless it's a girl and the party doesn't mind losing mmr to play with gRiLL you will be quickly uninvited from the party if you play poorly so even this argument doesn't hold much weight. this is ofc assuming a tryhard stack, obvs people like singsing for example don't give a fuck.
Party mmr is 4fun who dafuq tryhards on party rank???
If u wanna tryhard start a team and play team ranked
In fact, team ranked is quite garbage since your MMR gets reset when you change one player.
its a joke because it doesnt measure anything and it wont make u improve whether ur the highest mmr or lowest mmr
ive played party ranked for a year, and it didnt improve me at anything even tho i was playing my games seriously
thats cuz even if u make one million mistakes, our highest mmr player still carried the game
and i got used to this, when i started playing solo ranked again seriously this august, i had a hard time raising it up, in fact it even went down at one point
so i actually did all the trouble of getting better, and in just 3 1/2 months, ive increased my mmr from high 2700 to 3270, which is almost on par with what i got in pt mmr for over a year playing it (calibrated at 2600 and farthest i got was 3222 lul)
tbh when i got to 3200 pt, i didnt even play like a 3ker, i played like a low 2k shitstain would have, so my pt mmr just kept on going up and down
so yeah in my experience its completely irrelevant; it just measures your highest mmr player's skill to win games, not the "team" as a whole
If u are lower solo mmr, ur party mmr will be higher. Because of getting carried. If u r typically the highest in ur party, it will be lower than ur solo because of being dragged down by noobs in ur party. Also. It is completely meaningless number because dynamics are so rotten because the number should only
Make sense in a static team (ie only team mmr really makes sense). How can I use a rating that I attained with one party, to play in a completely different party? Party ranked games are completely shit for that reason as a way to measure skill
Tldr who try hards in party ranked man lul
"i got like 5k party mmr' BUT significantly/slightly lower solo.."
i guess i fall into this category but i really cant bring myself to play solo ranked, its just not as fun.
I only respect solo MMR, whenever I see a 5K party MMR player, I don't think anything of it.
I know a girl who's so fucking bad, but she's 4.5 cause she stacks with amazing ass players, even Miracle.
The solo MMR grind is a fucking journey.
^^and thats the problem with party mmr cuz some people get carried
honestly i think party and solo shouldnt be seperate, especially since if you duo queue then 6/10 players in the game are playing solo anyway, if you got boosted or are boosting you ruin the game for the other 6.
i dont think bad of people who play party ranked for fun because obv playing with friends for the luls and giggles is fun but i want to punch people who have 4k+ party and think theyre as good as people who have 4k+ solo
these people are just glorified 3k players, nothing more than that
nah they should be separated
do u want this game to be like cs go where global elites have such a huge skill gap between them
i got to 5k party mmr...
my solo is only low 5k.
i play party because i simply don't like playing solo.
i played ~50 solo games just because all my friends were spamming me to go play.
80% winrate in those 50 games.
im sure playing 5k party games where most players are 5-6k every game doesn't help you improve at all.
u guys are right
Would you improve compared to solo though? I doubt it, there's a reason no good players have ever been noticed for being godly at party mmr. In my experience people with high party mmr compared to their solo just run tryhard dual lanes and shit, never are they actually good as an equivalent player with solo mmr.
It's not that it doesn't help. It's just that there's some much variance unless u are all very close in individual rating. It is unreliable and therefore meaningless.
an example of what jacked said:
i was struggling a lot whenever i played with 4kers; the best game impact i could do was to not feed and hope for them to carry me. this gives me +25
then i played with my high 1k to low 2k classmates; i would roflshitstomp everyone even when im countered as long as im trying hard because people have zero knowledge on what theyre doing; this gives me +25
so then i can easily reach 4k pt mmr by queueing with my 1k-2k classmates until 3500 (when i cant queue with them anymore) then queue with low to mid 4kers and just play "support" and not feed
u can do it "legitimately" by constantly queueing with people who have the same skill level as you, but why not just queue for solo ranked then?
because you get to play with friends instead of randoms?
if you check my friends this week you would find every one of them has higher party mmr than solo, so you could say they're maybe even "holding me back"(not really, im shit) but i'd rather do that than take my chances with USE randoms.
^ yeah, and that's completely fine
no one said that's bad and shouldn't be done
what we all think is bad tho is that when someone says he's 5k material when he's 5k party and like, say 3k solo
that's just baad
imo 5 stacks tryhard is a cool way to improve your gameplay,but when you actually go as 2 or 3 stack = ez -700 pt mmr(Been there done that),not that i give a shit about party mmr but come on mannn 5190 to 4400 asasjgkhgh fucking core wannabe causing me to go bloodstone and kill myself
what if im 5k solo and 5k party but i believe my solo is lower than it should be because every fucking party game is 5-7k players. and i then go and try some solo at 80% winrate.
does that make me a dirty party queue player still or maybe valve matchmaking system is garbage where you need to play 200 games to get your mmr calibrated properly.
Party q dont mean shit sampekinpah has 6k party and miracle has 6k party nobody cares it's just a general bracket like if youre 5k and u play in 2k party avg it's just gonna be a shitty game for you but a 5k with 3.5k party is fine others are probably from different mmrs anyways it's not like 3k avg party means everyone is gonna have same skill lvl except the guy with 5k solo
my last 4 games were all 6.5k avg solo mmr but 5k avg party mmr, 2 of them had pros (got Greedy twice)
im sure party mmr means nOTHINg
My solo mmr is 4600, however my party mmr is 3700, and i just can't seem to get my party mmr up, it's really annoying.
I share the same feeling about party mmr(4,7k solo and 3,2k party here), most of the times the party mmr is higher than solo and players aren't really deserving to play at a higher mmr. No offense to those who stack as 5 or 2, but i also think there should not be 2 different numbers for mmr but simply one.
For me they are playing at higher mmr than solo because :
-There might just be a better communication between the 2 players which helps alot throughout a game.
-"Tryhard/combo" picks in offlane. Let's not lie we all did that abaddon/sk or axe/ds lane with a friend.
-One player carried the other one.
On the other side there are also those things i consider being the worst :
-The safelane+mid(jungle?) party mmr that doesnt want to dual, generally one player in the party is higher solo and the other one lower which leads to a bad core...
-The lower mmr in solo generally tends to pick support role and can ruin a contested safelane. Note that this also happens the other way.
This last part part with the lower mmr generally ruining games would actually really be what drives me mad with stacks. I generally dont care when a stack of 2 players are failing a dual lane(egoist i know but let's be honest, who never failed a lane in party? It could just be an error of communication between both). And at the same time i do not queue to play carry/support for a player that doesnt understand the game like me(im not saying that im the best). Because the gap is real when there is a difference of 1k between carry and support and everyone can feel it. We all had that carry who is out of position and die where you wouldnt have. Same thing with the lvl1 crystal maiden running alone against that dual offlane min 1 and feeds fb.
Cheers, have a good day
I recently just find myself not really enjoying solo ranked at all. People are always so toxic about the game and since captains mode isn't an option above 2k mmr I seem to only win 50/50 in solo. Party on the other hand I have 2 friends I play with. Just having friends on the team makes it more enjoyable and enhances communication to where it's a huge advantage against the enemy team. (I only ever 2 stack so the majority of the people are queueing solo).
Bragging about party mmr lul. Easier to climb in party than solo. Have to work with 9 other idiots in order to win
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some people are just 'look at me im super decent, i got like 5k party mmr' BUT significantly/slightly lower solo..