Not all opinions of 5k+ players are good, but at least there will be a general standard. That's all I want.
How about splitting the different subjects like a freakin normal forum
General Discussion
And so on
How about stop the normal skill discrimination. Retards should have the freedom to post their stupid ideas and feel good about themselves.
If the forum is splitted so many of the normal skill questions would go in FAQs and others would go in a few other subjects it's not gonna be a bother to see some posts but right now ..
Gold stars for the 7ks that lurk in this forum. Brown poop for the 1ks
They should of made blue stars 6K and up, even 5K's have ego's and aren't even that good. Okay, call me shit, I don't care.
Because they spammed a hero for 4 months to get there and I started doing it 2 weeks ago? What kind of question is that.
Anyways, different indicators would be fine too, but no-one will share their mmr, since they would get bullied. Normal Skill Players have a weak personality and a single "you have no idea" will make them cry, o little sheeps.
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Can we finally get a thread with valueable opinions where only people with a sufficient mmr (which must be shown in profile) can post? I'm talking about 5k+ since my opinions on anything as a 4,4k are honestly trash except for offlane knowledge and Void/SK, of which I can't even tell the whole story.
So why is everyone obliged to listen to Normal Skill nonsense?
I'm really getting triggered when I'm looking at an interesting thread but need to check every comments profile to make sure that it's not garbage getting spread.