General Discussion

General DiscussionWhile channeling my ult as lycan, will I be able to use eul's on myself?

While channeling my ult as lycan, will I be able to use eul's on myself? in General Discussion
Dr. Banana

    And if so, will my ult still be channeling during eul's?


      1. Lycan's ult isn't channeling, it fully disables the hero during the transformation.
      2. Nothing can interrupt the transformation. He can get stunned, tornadoed or doomed, but it will still go off 1.5 seconds after.
      3. Why the fuck would you think about getting Eul on Lycan.

      Potato Marshal

        Why do you want to eul's yourself during transformation?


          best way to test this is to login on the "demo" with lycan and try.

          Dr. Banana

            @Luxon the channel time is 1.5 seconds. Eul's keeps you up for 2.5 seconds. So, let's say I start channeling my ult and then cast eul's. So, won't I already be transformed when eul's sceptre of divinty's duration is over?

            Why the fuck would you eul's on lycan.

            I was thinking of it as some cheap getaway trick against people who can right click me to death while I am transforming.

            Dr. Banana

              @Yoshi my PC doesn't turn on and I can't fix it until the end of the month.

              Potato Marshal

                But all you're doing is wasting nearly 3k gold just to give the enemy time to position themselves to better kill you.


                  Thers is not a Single hero i can imagine which kills lycan in 1,5 Sec. And even if pa or Sven can kill you in this time game is lost anyways.


                    I guess it's more a matter of positioning in this case.

                    Anyway if you remind me to try it tonight I can do it for you and let you know, I just hope i wont forget. :)

                    Dr. Banana

                      But all you're doing is wasting nearly 3k gold just to give the enemy time to position themselves to better kill you.

                      I play at a low level so....

                      There is usually one hero that tries to kill me if he sees me on the map splitpushing. It's only an idea. It's not like I'm gonna build it every game.


                        if you are getting killed while split push consider linkens instead. its more expensive but gives so much more to lycan

                        Dr. Banana

                          OK guys I actually thought about it and eul's is in fact stupid on lycan.

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            youre just realizing that now?


                              they ruined lycan with that trash delayed transformation.

                              Dire Wolf

                                Just transform before you engage?


                                  Listen man dont worry abt fighting heroes. Ur lycan and wolves need no armor because wolves fight towers not heroes. Trust me when i say vlads necronomicon every game. Usually followed by an ac into bkb or abyssal or deso. Almost everything abt euls is wasted on the hero. If u need to break tp's then mkb or basher r better options, he doesnt need the ms, or the mana and tbe active is 175 mana which he cant afford. Just go rat.


                                    Lycan only needs ulti to kill the useless support they send in to defend their rax while they highground. Stop farming and start ratting.

                                    Dr. Banana

                                      @Dire wolf I was thinking of it as an escape tool not an initiating tool. Scroll up.

                                      @Daddy what do I do when they gank me when I rat? I know you're supposed to rat when your team is 4v5ing their team but that happens rarely. I asked the same question on reddit and they said "if you can't see all the enemies on the minimap, don't push, just farm." Like what if there is someone who is missing 50% of the time?

                                      Also, how do I deal with the 'push all lanes with powerful heroes strat'? Like the enemy has all heroes that can kill me 1v1 in the late game so they start doing some weird shit pushing strat like 1-3-1 or 2-2-1 and I slowly lose map control (which results in me losing the match).

                                      P.S. this comment was 2 questions and it was not a rant. The 1st question is in the 2nd paragraph and the 2nd question is in the 3rd paragraph.

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                                      Dr. Banana

                                        I mean for question #1 I buy wards but for ques #2 I am lost.

                                        Dr. Banana

                                          I just realized if I get eul's it's better to cast in on the person banking me and ulting then running away.


                                            so no one can attack him and be the op transformation like first his invulnerable then becomes vulnerable after he transformed.


                                              Fyi if someone is missing obviously dont rat randomly. Say ur team is gathering to push bot t2 dire tower. U as lycan run top, farm a few camps and push that lane. Basically they either respond to ur really fast push top and lose bot tower, or send someone solo to defend top, which unless its really late u can usually 1v1 with ulti. If they ignore u, u take their top tower. Also, if they committed to a fight far away from their rax, check who has tp scroll, then depending rat one of their rax. Force them to go back, then run away. As lycan u basically represent the threat of suddenly losing their base before they can say "dire barracks are destroyed" same with tiny late game too. Just go in a practice match and buy ac, necro 3, vlads, deso, then time how fast u can take t3 and rax with howl. Itll melt.


                                                Ive pushed as lycan 1 man faster than 4 enemies. They have to respect that and if they dont then boom they just lost a set of rax, or their retard support if thats all they care to send.


                                                  Or both

                                                  Dr. Banana

                                                    @daddy, yes, those are the basics of ratting. But, what if my team isn't pushing a lane and isn't creating space for me? Even if the world ended my teammates won't push. Basically in a normal game my teammates will farm, go looking for kills and i will push. However i cant do this alone because if they kill me, my team gets no benefit because they weren't pressuring other lanes.
                                                    look at my last 3 lycan matches. I got the kills. I created space for my team. I'm not calling them noobs (other than a certain spirit breaker) but they dont know how ratting, lycan or pushing works.

                                                    So basically the question of this comment was how do I rat if my team just farms and doesn't push?