General Discussion

General DiscussionImba Spirit

Imba Spirit in General Discussion

    So, how do I play a good Ember Spirit?

    casual gamer

      abuse ur ult to never die

      farm damage items and kill people

      have another core that can rosh / hit buidlings


        U dont pick him unless he gets massive buffs

        Jay the Bird

          Isn't Ember in a bad spot rn meta-wise? Like, really fucking bad

          Fee Too Pee

            one of the lowest winrate hero at dota 2 atm. pretty useless


              Listen boi oracle has a dumb shit winrate but u dont hear pros calling him shit. U cant rlly judge a heroes true viability by pub winrates. Ember is similar to a naga in that his split push can win him the game. He also has rlly good aoe dmg, as compared to single target heroes. A low cd disable too. Problem is he gets rekt by storm who is getting more popular.

              remember to drink water

                Ember has a 44% winrate at 5k+, that's a pretty strong signifier that he's having a tough time in pubs


                  Daddy, Yeah, you just mentioned all the things that I already know. I'm asking how I can be better with the hero.

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                    You don't, the hero is not good right now.


                      Nonsense hero


                        Fuck if i know ur asking shittest mmr here


                          Takes so long to get battle fury. Which slows down ur Daedalus and rapier timing. If u could realistically get rapier at around 20 mins u could probably win games like that.


                            ^ What.


                              The way to win ember because he is so shit now is to go for early rapier build and fight constantly


                                U can fight constantly without rapier. He has decent DMG and good lockdown.


                                  And high mobility

                                  mentally handicapped

                                    good job tryna push down that tower

                                    mentally handicapped

                                      team wont help you, they cant reach the place where you are because they dont have a get out of jail for free card

                                      and even if they did they are probably off farming jungle creeps


                                        He sucks without rapier bro. Really sucks. By the time u get Daedalus the game is over.