General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    I need to practice my new farming pattern with alch. Havent do this since 6.88 shit man too lazy for this. I usually get a free 2000 gold from stacks


      Eh fx
      Pemerintahan e lek buat soal ujian cerdas
      Onok soal sing jawaban pilgan e yang bener font e lebih kecil jadi dapet nilai gratis xd
      Masalah e hari ini soal2 kaya gitu ada 10 lebih dari 40


        soal kita bocor haHAA usbn jakarta dibatalkan haHAA


          Cibai hoki banget tae eh bukannya lu pake computer ya? Temen gw ujian tulis resep nasi goreng bener tae ga di cek papernya langsung di ksh 90


            Jadi diulang ato ap


              Tetep lanjut :thinking:
              Toh tiap tahun bocor ngapain diulang LOL




                  Najis enak banget yg ngambil un. Indo mah programnya kyk tae gmn sih masa bisa bocor. Usbn brp lama sih


                    Kamis selesai
                    Fisika kimia 2 hari terahkir xd



                      1-IceTea 🌟


                        BSJ. LGD

                          kimak bocor goblok


                            played am and lost against 4k invoker smh my teammates doesnt know how to play against global presence like sb at all

                            i mean i died to it once so all i have to was to just not show myself when theyre missing and show on the other side of teh map when theyre showing up

                            also i had to take fights i didnt want to take at all

                            tho my farming is absolute garbage idk how i couldve done it better i just suck at it now i guess mb i should redo 600 lh practice

                            also can anyone tell me if my item progression is correct? dunno of manta-->linken was good or manta-->abyssal was better. how was aghs this game? im afraid of building it because sb might make go out of position (do i charge/netherstrike if am aghs pop?)


                              also enemy was filled with strong rclickers, is ac viable against them or is butterfly my main go-to item

                              if i didnt have to abandon cuz class>dota ill go manta linken abyssal butterfly/bloodthorn that makes sense right


                                bws what heroes do u ban in ur ranked games

                                Hated by life its self

                                  weaver, its too op imo

                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    ill be honest i feel like a shitlord dota-wise, i feel like my progress just stopped after i got busy with acads and grills. why cant i get both of them at the same time fuck life

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      finally won with haven satan after three ranked losses versus albert decks , then lose twice to banging and booming in a fucking row fuck me right

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        i beat sword elite 1 and i thought i was good, joke was on me though


                                          no one rly plays weaver much tho

                                          Président® Salted Butter

                                            ^ besides jacked

                                            Président® Salted Butter

                                              Also, that spiritbreaker thread just reminded me of my 9 minute godlike in 1k mmr as sb

                                              Enemy troll warlord jungling on our side pf the map was fucking hilarious


                                                rtz build linkens first item against an SB once as AM.


                                                  and lost.

                                                  i dont know why no one plays weaver.


                                                    I don't like getting linken to counter SB
                                                    I prefer not playing carelessly, since they have worse lategame I'd rather farm safely and wait for the creeps to respawn rather than risking my life to farm their jungle partially like I usually do
                                                    Should've went quick abyssal like usual
                                                    AC or butter seems kinda 50/50 but I'd rather take AC if they're way ahead and able to get MKB quickly
                                                    Bloodthorn to pop linkens and counter LS
                                                    BKB against invoker


                                                      I play weaver when I get bored of playing my top heroes
                                                      But my promise still applies
                                                      I would only get linken against LC and only LC


                                                        I ban LC
                                                        if nigga bitch is on my team he'd just eat my fucking jungle and feed duels after 20 minute of forcing me to farm on enemy jungle
                                                        if nigga bitch on enemy team my team will just feed her duels, repeatedly falling for the SB initiation, and she gets tryhard duel helping niggas like invoker


                                                          At least WK jungle or LS jungle usually can contribute with their spells although they're braindead
                                                          But LC? Niggas probably dont even know shit can debuff or castable on teammates

                                                          Président® Salted Butter

                                                            I like it when I smurf and get jungling LCs, or any jungler on my team, it gets me solo xp when I play offlane and guarantees the easiest lane of my life because 2ks can't lane for shit


                                                              I just get triggered by looking at her annoying nigga face spamming fight me jokes and feeding duels is a problem
                                                              Not to mention she counters most of my best heroes


                                                                But I'd take an ok jungler over incompetent support anytime

                                                                Président® Salted Butter

                                                                  ^ the mindset of every offlane player ever


                                                                    account buyer in 3k? hmm


                                                                    something fishy about this guy. or failed smurf?

                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                      3k/4k supports are worse than useless and having 2 makes games burdensome as fuck

                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                        holy shit i dont understand hpw people can be so bad^^


                                                                          had this guy on my team and pretty sure we lost because of him. then thank fucking god he was on the other team my next game. ez win

                                                                          Président® Salted Butter

                                                                            285 gpm and not even playing support HOLY SHIT WHAT THE IN THE EVER LIVING FUCK IS THAT?! I EVEN HAVE 80 MORE GPM WITH A 9 SUPPORTING RATE WHAT THE HELL


                                                                              Dude I had a 200 gpm retard in my game who lastpicked AM while we needed an offlaner
                                                                              Needless to say he fed after afk farming forever on a freefarming lane and gets his BF at min 30 after VG
                                                                              He bought VG and instantly went BF
                                                                              Probably failed smurf

                                                                              Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                THOSE STATS
                                                                                THAT GRAPH
                                                                                FUCKING KILL ME


                                                                                  Reverse the gpm and you'll have my gpm on bad days


                                                                                    in my game he was support omni. and let me tell you. he did absolutely nothing in my lane except just sit there afk for 10 mins and i was level 5 as a result. did not pull when i asked him to, was never in fights. didnt know how to move around the map. finally farmed his aghs super late so he could global ult (since he is never there), but never casted a global ult properly because no map awareness. didnt buy wards. i cant even guess what his real mmr is. it is so fkn bizarre, even 1ks playing support dont do this shit

                                                                                    in the small amount of games i've played, this is a first for me. rofl


                                                                                      That AM VG rusher had worse graph smh

                                                                                      Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                        I have never been more triggered just from looking at stats. How can people be so braindead


                                                                                          i mean we all met ppl who just feed and suck in some games (e.g., me. remember i went 8 18 as DP?) but those are just fuckups while trying to play like RTz.

                                                                                          this guy feels like an account buyer sort, who just afks doesnt know what to do in games. more infuriating actually


                                                                                            how the hell did he calibrate so high. his first few games were VHS but his stats were terrible af

                                                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                            Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                              Boosted during calibration? Idk


                                                                                                Acc borrower or desperate acc buyer
                                                                                                I'm sure my lion and pitlord from my last game had more impact than that guy


                                                                                                  Pitlord couldn't even take the bounty rune as quick as it shows up
                                                                                                  If he was lagging he wouldn't be able to cast firestorm perfectly on the creepwave and fucking up the equilibrium for me

                                                                                                  Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                                    1.84 kda
                                                                                                    15% winrate bh
                                                                                                    39% winrate
                                                                                                    I want
                                                                                                    To die