General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    Rofl Alice. Stop pretending n just come out of the closet


      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


        btw anyone up for a game? prefer a 1k scrub


          Kek^ no 1k scrubs here except bws


            lul bws got to 1k again lul

            doc joferlyn simp

              bws saddest child of all


                Alice happiest grill of all


                  tbh, I was spectating some of his games, he plays really good, idk why he dropped mmr again

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    i guess he was matched with a better player and he started tilting from there


                      i can leave dbuff now and there'd still be my shadow clones left LUL


                        There's 2 Alice. Wow now I die in peace

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          3 idiot your mother raised you better than this


                            Okay now my brain is fucked. Pls save me Gaben


                              lrn2count peasant, there's more coming

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                one from 2k, 3k, and 4k

                                pls respect our wishes to be alices


                                  Waiting for 1K alice


                                    What is happening


                                      being an alice feels amazing

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        I sexually Identify as Alice. Ever since I was young I dreamed of getting carried by 4ks and carrying 2ks in party queue, and being the best grill. People say to me that a person being Alice is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon completely make me look like Alice, complete with his trademark bewbs. From now on I want you guys to call me “Alice” and respect my right to be the best grill. If you can’t accept me you’re an alicephobe and need to check your grill privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.


                                          Alice disease is spreading. Quick hide you're children before they get infected


                                            i guess "alice" is officially a newfound species now


                                              Hay 4k Alice. Did u spectate my game. I think I play like 4k

                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                alice isnt a disease. alice is what we humans are, deep down, free from flesh and worldly desires

                                                this is our purest form

                                                embrace it child, accept your inner alice

                                                all it needs is a little spark to start a raging fire, why dont you light that spark


                                                  2.8k Alice best Alice roflmao


                                                    were not friends in steam jacked, so I cant spectate yours
                                                    I can only watch 2k alice's and bsw's games, since their my friends in steam


                                                      I thought alice was just a grill.


                                                        Well 4k Alice why haven't u added me. I need more grills in my friends list


                                                          You fucks wanna play any time? today i had 2 sad losses am fuckin angry need to go back to 3k mainto cum down

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            you thought wrong

                                                            alice is divinity manifested, and all of us should take part in such a glorious transformation

                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                              tmrw leggo play play play play play fuck you play play play


                                                                this account cant add unfornately,


                                                                  guise I found the last sweet text I received from my ex from last year lul

                                                                  To my Annoying Little Chipmunk,
                                                                  Good night Baby 💕 I love you so so much and I had such a fun time talking to you today 😏😉😍😄 I really enjoyed being a naughty girl for my master and then getting a punishment 😉 and I especially loved to hear you moan from all of my videos which honestly, is one of the sexiest things to ever come out of your mouth 😏😋 you make me so incredibly happy *Dog* and I can't wait to one day be with you and start a family and just..... Spend the rest of my life with you 📅 😘 I'm so incredibly lucky to have you and just thinking about you leaves me with a massive smile on my face 😄 You are my reason to live babe and honestly, the way I feel when talking to you is exhilarating. (What a posh word, eh?) ☺️😄 I love your goofy laugh and your extra cheesy smile 😊 I love the way in which your breathing quickens and you murmur "oh my" whenever I send you a picture, whether it's naughty or not, I love the way your always there for me and will make me smile even when I feel as if I'm dying. I love the way you call me beautiful the moment you see my sleepy face in the morning or the way you laugh at me when I make those little noises when I'm confused.... I love the way you call me perfect because honestly *Dog*, I feel perfect when I'm with you ☺️ I love everything about you baby and one day we are going to be the perfect couple and then the perfect husband and wife and after that we'll be the greatest parents ☺️ and if we're extra lucky we'll be the greatest grandparents EVER! I mean seriously, we'll be the type of grandparents that make other grandparents jealous just because of how cool we are!! 👵🏻👴🏼👵🏻👴🏼👵🏻👴🏼 Ugh, I'm drifting away from the topic 😂 Anyway, no matter what we do in our life we will do the best we possible could and honestly, it doesn't matter what other people say.... All that really matters is that we love each other 💕 And I know for a fact that I love you... No wait... I'm IN love with you *Dog Lastname*.... God, I was only going to just say night night but oh well 😄 Night night, don't let the mosquitoes bite 😂
                                                                  Lots of love, your Cheeky Little Monkey! Xxx 🐵🙈🙉🙊😊😘💞💕💞


                                                                    wow what a corny bitch , kappa

                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                      Alice when u gonna play? I think 2 hours later is best for me im tired right now


                                                                        Buy hats. I can play w peeps in about 30 mins. But have to carry me


                                                                          Dog. Sounds like a teen grill u got there


                                                                            lets see if this works now


                                                                              in retrospect, she's one corny, crazy, horny bitch lul. I fucking WutFaced after I discovered this message from the deepest regions of my alternate email.


                                                                                Last thing i heard from my dad

                                                                                Dad can i have some money?

                                                                                No fuk off


                                                                                  Alice want to be the next corny bitch to send me nudes and messages? lul

                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                    poor quality memes that were done in 5 mins are the best kind of memes


                                                                                      Ok alice and jacked r u gonna be up? If yes tell me so i get online


                                                                                        Earn your own money son.


                                                                                          Rip memes pls kill me



                                                                                            1) im not rly a girl
                                                                                            2) i dont have a phone


                                                                                              not me

                                                                                              too lazy to play dota rn imma just grind some rankings in osu

                                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                ew 4k alice confirmed smurfer, burn at the stakes

                                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                  kill it with k's

                                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                    that's how i like my best grills

                                                                                                    with a bit of tsundere to make it interesting