General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

Dota 2 API jest obecnie niedostępne. Wyniki twoich nowych meczów pojawią się gdy API zacznie działać.
5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
pls be patient very noob ...

    Sent her a message. The long and agonizing wait for a reply begins.


      Hey she looks mighty fine doge ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


        Good luck dog


          BTW how the hell do u manage tinkers mana?


            Buy tons of mangoes

            pls be patient very noob ...

              Soul ring, drop your mana items to lessen your mana pool before replenishing, mana items

              pls be patient very noob ...

                Ikr joel ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                  You get used to the feeling of mana percentage used, just like how you play storm, you dipshit


                    I don't think you even calculate or predict your mana usage on storm apoo


                      I wish you the greatest of lucks with her doge.

                      pls be patient very noob ...

                        Thx m8. You better get on with sending out greetings rn as well


                          How to git vhs?

                          pls be patient very noob ...

                            Odkzhdjaahdeejxjekshfjsidhdjsixudjffsk time to do my laundry, brb boise


                              Alright i did it. I sent Christmas greetings to everyone in my friend list.


                                Is it me or is 4k suddenly like 2k only better?


                                  merry christmas kids


                                    Merry Christmas in adv(depends in where u live) bois


                                      Merry Christmas guys!

                                      Président® Salted Butter

                                        Merry Christmas

                                        Président® Salted Butter

                                          I HAVE BEEN ADVERTISING DOTABUFF FOR FREE ON BOTH MY ACCOUNTS, WHERE IS MY DotaBuff Plus!? SwiftRage

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                          Président® Salted Butter


                                            I wish they ported this hero to dota 2, but reworked his drill into a single target skill (the activation still stuns heroes it passes through but without the damage reduction), his 2nd into an aoe nuke that reduces armor and magic resist, and his ult into a taunt that lasts 3/4/5 seconds and gets 50/75/100% damage reduction for the durarion and deals all the absorbed damage to himself and to enemies in an aoe at the end of the duration


                                              3 hours to go for Christmas Eve
                                              It has always been like that, you dimwit

                                              Président® Salted Butter

                                                4k plys liek 2k cus cookie
                                                Banned free cookies this forum


                                                  waow Skim Merry Christmas as well you cheeky monkey!


                                                    Well if all 3ks are like the od we played with then honestly I don't think climbing is all that good for me

                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                    pls be patient very noob ...

                                                      Ahahahahaaahahahaaaaahahaaaaaahahahahahh i got snubbed. Tiem to dei

                                                      Président® Salted Butter

                                                        Come on doge, u has a grill right?
                                                        Just don't make the same mistake renshin did and kill the seatards' bluestar dream


                                                          To many 4k in matches play like 1k cause cookies . Calibrate my I'd to 4k ? That idea cookies want to help calibrated from 2k Mmr to 4k Mmr . Help but when u give your I'd , he do 4k n want charge money ! Now around 4k to many noob cause him ... he calibrated for what ? Want help ? Want money ? Or for fun ? People 2k help he went I talk about this but a real player 4k so annoying . 2k become 4k now . That idea cookies like a people buyer I'd ....


                                                            Ye doge don't lose hope

                                                            pls be patient very noob ...

                                                              I spoke too soon

                                                              Président® Salted Butter

                                                                G R A B H E R B Y T H E P U S S Y


                                                                  Dota watafak? Seriously?

                                                                  Président® Salted Butter

                                                                    Gameleap owns everyone now


                                                                      Gotta get dem sweet ka-chingzzz.


                                                                        All hail gameleap


                                                                          Yas doge YAAAAAAAASSS!! Get that ass for me my main fucking man this is so hype


                                                                            Meanwhile renshin is still missing

                                                                            Président® Salted Butter

                                                                              He shall be remembered as the guy who carried us in our meme games


                                                                                Renshin still visits the forum. Though I think he won't be able to be as active as he once was (RIP challenging Magnus for first comments) and I'm pretty sure he won't be available for games.

                                                                                pls be patient very noob ...

                                                                                  Me: merry christmas m 🎅🎅🎅
                                                                                  Her: merry christmas too dog and to everyone in your family
                                                                                  When will she loosen up


                                                                                    This is a good start man. Dont push it too far, u said it urself, u gotta make her feel like she needs u more than u need her. So just work ur way there man. Baby steps.


                                                                                      You can do it doge just BELlEBE

                                                                                      pls be patient very noob ...

                                                                                        Gddgjcfhvdfhjgfcc i know raj but i couldnt get her to see me as a "confidant" tier friend at the very least. its been weeks but i couldnt get past that

                                                                                        pls be patient very noob ...

                                                                                          I know enough shes been partly confiding with the other guy whos my friend but is married, and probably spilling it with some of our female coworkers. It almost makes me feel like im too unreliable for that shiet


                                                                                            She is probably just not coming out of her shell cuz of retard mcbuttface with the sticky notes ya know.


                                                                                              Tell ur friend who is married to like give u an inside ticket.


                                                                                                Cambridge to Boston
                                                                                                Lives in a world shes lost in
                                                                                                Victim of compromaaaiiiaaaaiiiaase
                                                                                                He's starin at her aberdeen heart
                                                                                                London eyes
                                                                                                Glasgow bones
                                                                                                Shes a whistle in the catacombs
                                                                                                A paradox
                                                                                                He's in love with the statue in a marble block
                                                                                                He's in love with the girl that time forgot
                                                                                                She just shuts her ears
                                                                                                Shes falling too far, with salt in her scaaaaaars
                                                                                                Wont let him taste her tears
                                                                                                Shes falling too far
                                                                                                The girl that time forgot

                                                                                                pls be patient very noob ...

                                                                                                  She knows enough I write better than the stickynotes retard(update, i think the guy behind the sticky notes is not the noisy pseudo-alpha tard but the super awkward silent INTP idiot), also she has partially(like half of what my friend has) spilled a bit on me but still holding back and is more like asking me to act as her meatshield from the noisy pseudo-alpha.

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