General Discussion

General Discussionhow to play invoker?

how to play invoker? in General Discussion

    i wanna play invoker
    but also want to win ( please help )

    Ten temat był edytowany
    mentally handicapped

      oh just my luck a fellow seeker of knowledge in the arts of invoking



        buy midas BoTs -> splitpush/farm ancients -> get 16 buy aghs -> kill people


          Figure out if the game calls for QW or QE.

          Bots Bots Bots Bots

          Watch Vurtune, Miracle, W33, Sumail.

          Also watch Grimorium. He doen't play anymore so his vids are outdated, but oh man, amazing vids.


            i dont know why anyone plays QW honestly

            imo only decent if u have drow aura


              QW brings a lot of disables to you team.

              If my team is lacking disables I always go QW, QE does amazing damage but it works better for me when someone else is initiating with a Stun or something. QW let's me be the Initiator so that my AM can blink and clean everything up. You are not playing for the kills when you go QW, you are the guy that's going to make every teamfight go your way.

              Ghost Walk, Orchid, Cold Snap = Feel like Clinkz

              There are some pretty good videos on youtube of Pro's playing QW builds, maybe you can check them out.


                lul i suck at invoker too , will helped if able to

                dead inside

                  Go for "quas wex" type invoker, its good for newbie, much easier than "quas exort" build.. search google/youtube to gain knowledge and more details.

                  dead inside

                    And remember to always have confidence, trust urself no matter how hard it is to learn all the combos or invoker gameplays. Woke up the wizardy power in ur mind and heart.

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                      i know how u feel. i want to play jug, but i also want to win ;c

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        jugg = mean so idk what you mean


                          jugg kinda sucks now

                          La Lumière



                              qw -> good for making space and effective for controlling snowball / push lineups but bad for farming and scaling

                              qe -> good for farming and scaling well in most normal games, requires some space and not good against deathball lineups