General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to raise mmr irl?

How to raise mmr irl? in General Discussion

    Need some tips from my successful brothers in real life. My friends are all doing well, swimming in money and chicks, good social life and I'm probably like 3k mmr irl but they be like 5-6k.

    Any tips how to gitgud in life?


      l2p, fаg


        Real tips pls.


          Study det scholarship. Ez job ez life


            Finish college, get a job, spend your money wisely, find a girl, settle down?


              smoke a LOT of crack. like dont stop till blood comes out of your ears. after that you're good to go!


                But, how do u win in life? What do you guys do to make your life more fulfilling. Do you save up to buy that nice car so your friends love u (just a bad example I know, but possible)? Do u take ur boss out to dinner? Or maybe u just date a lot of girls?

                I wanna know all the dirty littles things u do to win in life and get respect.


                  work on bettering youself (school/technicall cert./marketable skill)firstly, friends and girls will follow. people coming to the same field of work as you are likely to have a lot in common, so just get yourself to where you need to be.

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    how about not playing dota for starters

                    EZ MID 9k mmr

                      git gud


                        1. Work out or run. It gives you a good routine and you will be fitter overall.

                        2. Eat healthy. You can eat junkfood 1-2 times a week, but not every day. Quit cola etc. Drink less.

                        3. Do your studies. Seriously, university is close to no efford at all, compared to worklife. Study 4 hours a day, 5-6 days a week. By 4 hours I mean 4 hours sitting at your desk studying. Not chatting with friends, not checking your smartphone, not browsing dotabuff. If you need to pee, its not studying. There is an app called "my work clock". It records your worktime. I used it as a student, and I was always done with my studies after 4 hours.

                        Rest will come by time. With 1.-2. you will start feeling better, beeing healthier and looking better, 3 will give you a higher prob. to reach a high social status. Everything makes you successful in life, wich attracks chicks. Chicks like successful and confident men.

                        Super Speed Snail

                          Why you have to care about MMR? Play for fun.

                          Waste parents money on weed, women, junk food, and virtual stuff. Do latter what you can postpone tomorrow. Plus, there in no tomorow. Future isnt our thing. Life is short. YOLO.

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                            Hory sheit..
                            I think I also started playing and raising my Dota mmr when my mmr Irl is going downhill..

                            In Dota I try not to blame teammates and focus on my weaknesses..
                            But Irl I have a big problem with teammates, mostly just ran away with their responsibility and take my money.. Third world problem when bad teammates Fuhhhhhqk you up so bad and can't make a comeback..

                            Tldr try to find great teammate sir jacked.. It will do wonders..

                            Btw I'm curious how you stuck in your mmr in Dota or real life..
                            U seem pretty knowledgeable in your things..

                            EZ MID 9k mmr

                              why would you care about irl? what are u gay?


                                every people have their goals
                                some want to become heroin addict and he become and hes fullfied
                                how to be better?
                                follow your brothers and u dont have to worry if your ok with both bros


                                  Cars are the most Important things in real live. Cars and a nice body.


                                    Good advice from above , working out /get good degree and the chicks will cum in due time . I am doing pretty well right now but I took the hard road to get here due to getting girlfriend pregnant at an early age , you can get here a lot easyier if you don't get anyone pregnant by finishing good degree working easy jobs and working out and not get anyone pregnant , although as I have shown even if you do you can be sucsessful like I have proven just gotta work your ass off that way lol.


                                      sry i dont ever hink about cars i would like some standard ok car but i never think about them like i do fucking big boobed secretary


                                        You know how it feels to dive 300 Kilometer per hour in your own car? Forget about woman niggah.

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                        lm ao


                                          I swear its not worth it.