General Discussion

General Discussioncursed

cursed in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I don't know what's going on. I'm 33% win rate this month and something like 6-22 last 28 games. I realize many of those games are my fault but something super weird is going on. Half the games I get the most toxic players feeding right off the bat. It's insane. We have lousy picks, terrible attitudes, always one feeder. I tried rolling supports a few matches, didn't make a difference.

    I think I lost a few in a row, tilted and got a bunch of reports. I had my gameplay update that said I got 4 reports in 10 games and now my behavior score is 7200. Idk if it's coincidence but that's when all this shit started getting real. Literally the most toxic players every game game. Could it be cus of that? Idk how to get out of the funk either, maybe I should spam something but I don't know what. Usually I lose two in a row and give up on that hero.

    Examples, I mean look at this luna. He tried to pick luna and carry after medusa pick, types in caps shit like HC I GO BOT all game, comes into my lane and wrecks my exp, feeds vs bs kunkka op setup (well I did too), 83 cs on a luna.

    Or this fucking team, I started something like 6-0-4, jug has battlefury and all the space in the world as does lc but they decide we must break high ground right fucking now and keep diving into axe, sven and pudge, gg. Oh and jug goes off and builds deso and aghs. Any competent 2k carry could win that game I'm sure.

    Or this one, hello luna satanic rush no bkb vs tinker, ns feeding mid all game.

    I have the worst fucking luck it seems, just dunno what to do except maybe quit. But always in the past a bad string of games like going 5-10, you'd bounce back and get some good ones. It's been almost a month and no bounce back.

    It's really hard not to suck on a carry too when you get shit like this, CM doesn't zone out solo veno at all and then leaves lane so veno has level 2-3 wards and we can't kill em. I think I had 35 cs min 10 but wtf can I do?

    Or here last pick bs jungle no support vs a razor


      Do what I did, make another acc, I think some acc's are just cursed for some odd reason like this one,
      this is my new acc:

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        tbh either it's just really bad luck or there is actually a shadow pool that you get into somehow.

        i was literally losing 100% of games, every game full of toxic pieces of shit useless and now i played like 40 games in a row and most games are pretty normal and i had 75% winrate.


          Well think about it, u get into toxic games but the other team likely to be toxic towards each other as well. Mayb just bad luck + u tilting along with the toxicity


            ^losing 400 straight is not badluck


              Git gud.


                If u cant win those matches that you supposed to lose. U cant climb

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                Super Speed Snail

                  If I were you, I'm just gonna forget all of that and playing unranked fot some lul build.

                  Like... shotgun WD with maledict, urn, and dagon.

                  Orbiter riki with radiance. You know, trying to get a kill with riki and radiance without using atk or skill.

                  Huricane enchantress. Ok, not really weird but still giving me giggles.

                  Courier hunter NP with extensive network of ward just to hunt couriers.

                  Triple daedalus dagger spammer PA with octarina. Ever heard dagger dispenser that usually does crit?

                  Killing someone with a courier, mana items, and dagon? Never did it, just seeing it on youtube.

                  People mentioning blinking medalion suicider techies. Worth to try I guess.

                  What i mean is, you always be able to have fun if you chose to be. You arent breaking any law when you decide go daedalus on CM, do it if it will make you laugh.


                    The radiance riki is funny is hell.Dont forget to buy blink too

                    Dr. Banana

                      So am I but you don't see me complaining about it.

                      I actually did a few minutes ago but I was asking how to convince my team to end early and I wasn't really blaming them much.

                      Dire Wolf

                        The issue is it really isn't balanced, other teams carries don't build the most retarded shit ever, other teams mids always win the lane etc. statistically this shouldn't be happening. Everyone says oh it'll balance out other side is just as toxic and bad but they aren't. Shadow pool might be real


                          Ok I got some offtopic questions, what is behavior score, where to check it and whats the point of this score, does it impact on the game?


                            Each account has invisible number called behavior score. It can be found by using console in dota 2 by entering these console commands in order shown below:
                            Developer 1
                            Your behavior score will be shown at the very end of debug report.
                            If your behavior score is low, you will be matched with toxic retards


                              Holy crap, didnt know about it. Gona check it, thanks for answers. <Hangs a beer>.


                                This is all bullshit, if you're better than bracket you're in, you will smash these fuckers down no exceptions.

                                My behavior score is below 6000 atm, and I still have an easy time when I play in my bracket and when I actually focus/want to win.

                                Even if you get matched with bad mannered players, it doesn't mean they are bad players, they're just toxic(and so are you, if you're there, admit it)

                                Just try not to poke them, trigger them(preferebly, MUTE them) and you'll be just fine.

                                One more thing:

                                I know 3.3k is a hell of a bracket if you aint' much better than your enemies, but keep this in mind:

                                Every low 4k guy would be able to get out of 3.3k relativly easy. So it's just you, as Austin said, get good.


                                  Also, if you want to balance or increase the chance of winning, don't pick shit like Medusa/Riki/Spectre/Sven/WindRanger

                                  These aren't bad at all, but playing in 3.3k(if you want to get out of it) will be easier if you stick to mid or a jungle.

                                  Basically, even tho he's terrible atm, he'll still do wonders in low; Shadow Fiend. Another great carry who can min in low 3k is also Slark. Jungle with Sven, learn how to get as many last hits as you can with him.

                                  But don't go with him lane, it's a bad idea in 3k. Mid ain't a worse place to be as Sven in 3.3k aswell.

                                  Spectre, Medusa and Riki:

                                  Ignore these guys. Riki is a decent roamer/offlaner, but he needs a team to win, or he needs to snowball out of his mind.

                                  Spectre/Medusa is literally hit or miss. You pray that your team-mates will do semi-decent 'till you get fat, so then yo uhave to carry them(if you don't fail i the process, you might win.)


                                    How much behaviour score is good?


                                      9k is what you should aim/maintain


                                        8.1k I got reported by bots lol


                                          They spam on India server late night and you can get a match. It's boring and guaranteed report. Iahd 2-3 matches every time after match I had report of 3 people reported lol

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            "This is all bullshit, if you're better than bracket you're in, you will smash these fuckers down no exceptions."

                                            That's the thing I'm not significantly better. But you shouldn't have to be to win about half your games. I've been as low as 2900, as high as 3800, snuck into vhs a few times. I realize I'm around a 3500 player. I don't even care that much about mmr, but I do care about not going like 10-30 in 40 games cus it's not fun. I've had bigger losing streaks in a row before but always follow them up win with streaks. I've never lost at a clip like this over this period of time, it's nuts. Nothing about my playstyle has really changed so I don't get it. I guess I need new heroes to spam, but my teammates have been more toxic lately than ever before and I think my behavior score has something to do with it.

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                                              tried briefly changing servers?

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